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Tout ce qui a été posté par animo-aequoanimo

  1. C'est une vraie paranoïa, cette affaire-là !
  2. Bye ma belle Do et à demian. Moi je ne peux pas me plaindre ni les animaux de la maison car on a la climatisation, autrement je ne pourrais pas vivre.
  3. animo-aequoanimo


    Non, Do, ce sont 2 choses différentes l'une de l'autre, mais le Racicot serait apparemment lui-même propriétaire d'une usine à chiot et c'est pour cela qu'il aurait pris ces huskies et c'est pourquoi des rescues disaient de ne pas lui envoyer d'argent. Il aurait refusé que La SPCA y aille en disant que ce qu'il voulait c'était un vétérinaire.
  4. Alors la morphine n'enlève pas le contrôle de l'esprit ? Je croyais que ça mettait dans les vapeurs ou déconnecté ou quelque chose comme ça mais dans ce cas, c'est tant mieux si ça peut à la fois soulager tout en permettant de conserver l'esprit clair. Même il y a une heure, c'était encore humide comme ce n'est pas possible et je suis rentrée moi-même en eau, mois pire que cet après-midi mais quand même difficilement supportable pour travailler dans de telles conditions, donc je vais continuer demain. Oui, je vais mettre du paillis pour le moment car elle a tout de même ses coins, en espérant qu'elle s'y maintienne, la petite diablesse...
  5. animo-aequoanimo


    Tout ce que je viens de te poster est disparu.... bizarrrrrrre....... Je ne voulais pas poster ces infos sur le forum public et j'ai dit les avoir effacés mais maintenant je viens de le faire parce que je venais de les poster ici. Bon, il me reste celles-ci ainsi que les info sur le puppy mill de Ste-Justine: ____________________________________________________ Bravo to Dr.Laurie Dunbar of Pierrefonds Animal Hospital who examined several of the really sick huskies today and signed the vet certificate allowing the SQ to proceed with their investigation of animal abuse. The guys who had saved these dogs had been unable to get a vet (the report indicates they had called almost a hundred different vets) to check the dogs out and sign the certificate required before the SQ could initiate an investigation into this horrible kennel. None of them 'had the time' to get involved. Dr. Dunbar made the time. She was on CTV news tonight. Bravo Dr. Dunbar !! I am proud to call you my vet. Sandra ____________________________________________________________ Though we are all part of the army of animal rescuers, the word "army" can have a negative connotation and we will be better off to avoid that word, we wouldn't want to send the wrong message. We will be known henceforth as ARPA; Association of Rescuers for the Protection of Animals. We are in the process of getting this name registered. To bring you all up to date, the SQ chose to arbitrarily brush off and close the file on my official complaint of cruelty to animals against Lamarche & Pinard. I pointed out to them that this infect building aside from the inhumane treatment to animals, had neither a heating system, nor a ventilating system where the animals inside either freeze to DEATH in the winter and melt to DEATH in the summer. "DEATH" being the operative word. I brought to the attention of Animaquebec, the SQ, and the Township of Ste-Justine-de-Newton, various media, and tried to report this to the Montreal SPCA and was told that there were no inspectors available to take the complaint and could I call back the next day, my purpose, for them to document that a veterinarian went into the puppy mill alone at midnight Wednesday, May 31st, 3 days after the demo, and that in the wee hours of Thursday/Friday at 3 a.m., a huge bonfire blazed that could be seen from miles around, which brought fire departments from two neighbouring communities, volunteer firefighters, as well as a mobile health unit vehicle. I excercised my Freedom of Information Act and called on the township to forward me a report of this fire, and upon receipt was not at all satified with their findings and called the SQ and Animaquebec, the Ste-Justine townships and expressed my concern that someone go back to the scene of the fire and look for evidence of animal remains e.g. bones. On Friday, June 16th, Mr. Potvin called to inform me that at 8:30 p.m., an SQ squad car, and a Fire Department SUV drove up to the scene of the bonfire. Could it be they were looking for more evidence??? I certainly hope so! Could we be seeing a tiny tiny light at the far far end of the long long tunnel? L&P have been very busy in the past few weeks. They have been moving dogs of small, medium and large breeds, 20-30 dogs at a time, night after night most evidently to another location, or........wherever! They have been planting trees in the front of the mill, have placed a huge bolder on the front lawn as a decoration, and added a picnic table to make it all look nice. They have brought in truck loads of gravel, purpose unknown. Sad huh! that all this time and money to cover up their crimes of cruelty, abuse, and neglect of animals could not have gone to put in a much needed and most necessary heating system, a commercial ventilating system, new windows, weekly veterinary care, etc. L&P claim that they have been running this business for the past 35 years. Let us all collectively put our heads down, close our eyes, have a moment of silence as we embrace in our hearts and minds the many fur victims (prisoners of greed) at the hands of these ever so manipulative and crass individuals who have enjoyed a standard of living such that we will never know on the backs of trusting, defenseless, and helpless creatures who feel the same emotions as we do, who have a heart beating in their chests, who have blood flowing through their veins, and who have been forced to endure the pains of the damn. Mr. Potvin has reported that he hears much less barking in the puppy mill as time goes by. It is time again, for our newly named group, The Association of Rescuers for the Protection of Animals (ARPA) to rally for the cause. We are asking eveyone to wear a black t-shirt and this will be our identifying colour hence forwad in memory of the thousands of martyrs of this CANINE HELL. In their memory, we have chosen "Amazing Grace" as our theme song. I would appreciate it greatly if someone would be willing to take on the task of distributing the words to the song to each and every demonstrator at the demo. Can someone who is willing to do this get back to me a.s.a.p. The survey revealed that Saturday, July 8th at 1 p.m. is the date we have chosen as being the day that will bring the most demonstrators. We will all meet in front of LAMARCHE & PINARD at 8000 Broadway in Pointe Aux Trembles, directions are as follows: Eastbound demonstrators head for Montreal, do not take the DORION lane, veer left, once on the Island, follow the directions 20 est (Metropolitain Blvd) a raised expressway in the direction of Quebec city or Trois Rivieres. Stay in the right hand lane. You should see the (sign at some point of Lamarche & Pinard on your left), take the exit: St-Jean Baptiste. At the stop, turn left, going under the expressway, get onto the service road to LAMARCHE & PINARD and turn right onto Broadway, and park further up and walk down, not to give them an excuse to make us move. Quebec demonstrators you must all be quite familiar with the Metropolitain Blvd., it's what takes you to and from the Laurentians. Those of you coming from the Eastern Townships take Champlain Bridge, Decarie Expressway to the Metropolitain and follow the Eastbound directions. All Quebecers, please disregard any emails from anyone who tells you not to attend as this will ruin it for W5, be duty bound to come and help us show that we care. We would appreciate the use of megaphones if you have can lend them to us for the demo. It is MOST important again, that this MUST be a peaceful demonstration, there already has been far too much violence in this mill. Lets show the millers what we can accomplish through peace. I again am asking that you leave your pets at home, this is all about the victims of the puppy mill. I want to take this opportunity to thank the media for supporting us and helping us put the word out there, that we will no longer stand by and wait for those who have the power to enforce the pitiful laws to simply sit back and do nothing. I want to thank the lawyers and investigators who have joined our cause and who have spent many hours researching the laws and bylaws, turning them inside out to make the laws in the sytem better in their quest to help those WHO HAVE NO VOICE AND WHO HAVE NO CHOICE. I trust that we all have the same motivation and we will all be there for them. PLEASE CROSS POST FAR AND WIDE. Nicole Joncas Univesal Peace Ambassador Our demo of May 28th, 2006 has brought a lot of awareness to many about the neglect, and cruelties to the many dogs in the horrible puppy mill of Lamarche and Pinard in Ste-Justine-de-Newton, Quebec. On the Wednesday, May 31st, a vet went in alone at midnight. We know that he was not accompanied by either the provincial police, SPCA, nor Animaquebec. Therefore, what did he do to the animals while he was there. At 3 a.m. in the early hours of Friday, there was a huge bonfire 200 feet from the mill. Fire trucks, volunteer firemen, and a health unit mobile went flying up to extinguish the fire. We are waiting for a report from the fire department to ascertain if there were any bones found in the ashes. In the week following the demo, a huge effort on the part of Lamarch & Pinard was underway to clean up the mill. They brought in pressure hoses, truck loads of gravel, etc. They are in a huge clean-up mode. On the Saturday after the demo, two large vans loaded up over 20 dogs. Again on Monday night at 8:30 p.m. the same vans were there bringing out again over 20 dogs, bags of dog food, and wood shavings. They are obviously re-locating. A post hole digger was brought in to erect a fence that will encompass the mill. Lamarche & Pinard went public saying that there were only 75 dogs in there. They are on a mission to reduce the population any way they can. We have tried repeatedly but have been unsuccessfull to date in obtaining the most important and most incriminating piece of evidence(the TAPE) which is being hoarded by those who are hallucinating in their thoughts that W5 or CBC will do a feature story on this CANINE HELL in the fall. How many more pitiful souls must continue to suffer and die in that hell hole before those who have the tapes do the right thing and hand them over. What do they have to gain by holding on to it? All our efforts have fallen on deaf ears, and blind eyes. Mr. Potvin has reported that there is much less barking in the mill than there ever was before. WHAT IS HAPPENING TO THESE DOGS, who tremble in before violence. Please help us help them. PLEASE R.S.V.P. immediately on your choice of the date of the demo, July 8th or 9th. We would like to take this opportunity to thank each and ever demonstrator who took time out of their busy schedules and who drove for hours to be active at the demo of May 28th, to be there and make a statement that we will no longer stand by while the scum of society continue to perpetrate the most heinous of crimes against those that have no voice and who have no choice. The demo was a great success, as it brougt the terrible situation of the animals to the media. This demo was featured on; CBC News, the Montreal Gazette, The Suburban, the Hudson Gazette. Although TVA was there, we have yet to hear from them. The Hudson Gazette has done a follow-up story which is coming out today. We have sent the pictures to Peta in Washington and they are unboard. We are in the process of organizing another demo. We are counting on you, the Army of Animal Rescuers, to let us know A.S.A.P. which day would be best for you. Saturday or Sunday of July 8th or 9th, 2006. We want to spread ourselves at two different locations, one being in front of Lamarch & Pinard, and a pet store that we know buys puppies from Lamarche & Pinard. Again PLEASE, I cannot emphasize enough the importance of your pressence en mass at this upcoming demo. Yours in rescue, Nicole Joncas Universal Peace Ambassador >Dear Nicole, > >Thanks for your update on the demo. I am still looking for a lift to go to >your next one. I live in the MOntreal area so if you hear of somebody who >is going and could accomodate me.... > >We have a personal issue with that location in Ste Justine. At the time it >became vacant with the demise of Miaouf, we tried to rent it for our >shelter. The mayor told us he would not give us a permit because he did >not want any more dogs in there. The municipality also had the septic tank >filled with sand so it would not be used again for animals. There is an >environmental problem since the facility is so close to the river. If you >want to complain to the Environment Ministry, in Coteau du Lac, (450) >928-7607. They know about the place. I do not believe Lamarche & Pinard >made any improvement to the place to be environmentally safe. > >So we want to remind the mayor about that conversation we had in 2001 and >want to include the petting zoo at 979, Rang 3. We would like for you to >ask Mr. Potvin to visit that place and let us know how it is run. Cause if >there is a general problem of negligence in animal facilities in >Ste-Justine, we would like very much to tell the mayor in his face. > >Could you do that ? > >Thanks > >Catherine > >Lost and Found Pet Network >
  6. Désolée; j'ai jeté les messages, mais bref, il y avait l'article dans le journal en anglais qui relate le sauvetage par cet éleveur qui demande de l'argent pour les soins et d'un autre côté on dit qu'il ne faut absolument pas lui donner d'argent, mais une vétérinaire s'est rendue sur les lieux pour examiner les chiens et émettre les certificats requis.
  7. animo-aequoanimo


    Ok ! Je t'apporterai les conversations autour de cet article. Ça barde fort, très, très fort !!!!
  8. C'est exact et espérons qu'ils n'attendront pas une Commission kangourienne pour en prendre de la graine.
  9. Maintenant qu'ils ont fait leur job, il faut bien qu'on les élimine à leur tour.
  10. Oui, et ce serait toute une histoire et apparemment celui qui a "rescapé" les chiens l'aurait fait pour son propre élevage. On dirait que chacun tire la couverture de son côté; on ne sait même plus où est la vérité... Je posterai tous ces détails dans la soirée.
  11. Est-ce que toute ces doses de morphine ne la rendent pas amorphe, Do ? Je te comprend donc, pauvre Do, ce ne doit pas être facile de voir ta mère dans un tel état. Tu as été très courageuse. Non, Do; j'ai préparé le terrain cet avant-midi. Je l'avais déjà fait en mai mais ça s'était évidemment déjà tout couvert de mauvaises herbes et il m'a fallu travailler à ça et ensuite on est allé acheter les plants et en revenant nous avons dîné et après le ramassage du dîner, j'ai planté 3 céleris raves; 1 aubergine et ensuite, je n'en pouvais plus de me faire taper dessus par le soleil cuisant et je viens de rentrer. Je dois m'occuper de mes cages maintenant et je crois aussique je vais m'allonger un peu. Je continuerai mes plantations ce soir ou demain. Crois-tu que du paillis pourrait convenir, sinon je vais essayer de me trouver de ces petites pierres, Do, afin que la coquine ne m'abime pas tout.
  12. C'est même très beau, mais c'est comme les moineaux, les cormorans, les ratons-laveurs... quand ça pullule sur "notre" territoire, ce n'est pas bienvenu.
  13. Curieuse déduction, tout de même... il aurait pu les avoir vendus... Pourquoi ne pas l'interroger ? Ce ne serait pas plutôt lui qui aurait disparu dans la nature et se terrerait ?
  14. De justesse, quand même, mais heureusement, cela suffisait !
  15. J'espère que tu ne rentreras pas trop accablée par ton samedi, ma belle Do. Ce n'est certainement pas évident de vivre toutes ces émotions et de faire un tel trajet en une même journée. Prends le temps de te reposer et de décompresser. Ah ! Je comprend, mais s'il préfère ça à l'autre travail, c'est encore mieux dans ce cas. Ton homme va s'y faire, surtout s'il a moins de travail physique qu'avant, c'est une question de s'adapter à son nouvel horaire, et aussi s'il a eu une augmentation de salaire, ça le motivera certainement en même temps. Alors, hier, nous sommes donc allés faire le marché et, pour moi aujourd'hui, ce sera le ménage. Demain, on devrait aller acheter des plants de légumes et de fleurs. A date, mon chum m'avait acheté 4 plants de tomates. On est tjrs à la dernière minute, à cause des horaires de mon chum, justement... Je vais préparer les coins de jardin aujourd'hui. Tina a choisi les balconnières comme toilettes... je vais lui réserver certains endroits dans les boîtes à fleurs. Il faut bien pouvoir contenter cette sinon elle va m'abimer sans vergogne mes nouveaux plants de fleurs A dimanche, ma belle Do
  16. Encore une fois, j'ai dormi tout l'après-midi, Do et je suis encore très fatiguée et il se peut qu'on doive aler faire le marché ce soir car demain mon chum va à Ottawa et il va travailler dimanche au lieu de samedi et c'est pour ça qu'il faudra peut-être qu'on aille au marché ce soir. Pourquoi est-ce que ton homme a décidé de travailler à temps plein ? Il préfère ça ua temps partiel ? C'est temporaire ? J'espère que tout ira bien sur la route ma belle Do et que le trajet ne sera pas trop fatigant et j'espère aussi que ta journée ne sera pas trop difficile. A ce soir ou à dimanche
  17. Je comprend bien que ce ne sera pas drole. En plus avec l,anniversaire du décès qui coincide cette fin de semaine. Mais dans un sens c,est normal pour ta mère de vouloir etre chez-elle. Elle doit aussi savoir qu,il lui reste peu de temps et elle veut les passer chez-elle auprès des siens et ce doit aussi etre plus confortable pour elle, et en meme temps, ni elle ni ton pere ne doivent se douter que ce n,est pas facile pour tes soeurs de lui donner tous ces soins surtout que ce sont de grands soins et je suppose que tes soeurs vont te laisser te charger d,une partie des soins cette fin de semaine. Ce ne sera pas facile pour toi, cette fin de semaine, pauvre Do, et je te souhaite beaucoup de courage et beaucoup de sérénité. Cèest demain que vous partez PS: Je ne sais pas comment on place les accents sur cet ordi que au bureau : c.est un portable car le bureau qu.on m.a donné pour la réception est trop petit pour un écran ; trouvé le é par hasard mais je ne sais pas ou se trouve l.apostrophe ni le point d.interrogation...
  18. Je dis ça parce que je crois que la plupart des croyants en Dieu, "the LORD", des générations précédentes, le voient comme un *être supérieur*, comme le créateur de l'univers et de ses habitants. Alors, si ce dieux tout-puissant avait pu créer un homme et une femme et tout cet univers, comment n'aurait-il pas pu créer un lion végétarien un coup parti...
  19. Ah, bien, ce n'est pas du tout loin; ce sera parfait alors. PS: Je viens de faire parvenir le plan d'atelier au coordonnateur du projet et je t'ai fait parvenir une copie.
  20. THE FIRST VEGETARIAN Some Christians are resistant to the idea of vegetarianism, but they shouldn't be in light of their own beliefs. According to the Bible, Adam was the very first vegetarian. A careful reading of the first nine chapters of Genesis reveals that the eating of flesh was not permitted until after Noah's Flood. Using the chronology given in the biblical Hebrew text, this means that for over 1600 years of the roughly 6000 allotted for earth's history, mankind was not permitted to eat flesh. That's a big chunk of history. Some scholars have felt that this accounts for the extreme longevity recorded for those before the flood. Indeed, modern science has shown that there is a correlation between a diet of low but adequate protein and longer longevity. And that's not all. The Bible also pictures a return to a vegetarian lifestyle after it's all over. And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away. (Revelation 21:4) If nothing shall die, then all shall be vegetarians. And that includes even the animals: The wolf and the lamb shall feed together, and the lion shall eat straw like the bullock: and dust shall be the serpent's meat. They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain, saith the LORD. (Isaiah 65:25) (Ici, j'ai un peu de difficultés avec cette idée, car si c'est ce que souhaitait the LORD, le Seigneur ou Dieu, pourquoi aurait-t-il permis qu'il en soit autrement ? S'il y avait un Dieu dont la création était sienne, il me semble qu'il agirait en véritable dieu envers ses créatures. Pourquoi aurait-il fait la Nature si imparfaite, s'il est si parfait ?) So one way to look at it is that a Christian who becomes a vegetarian now is just getting started a little early. But hasn't modern science proven that all of that stuff in Genesis is just fables? Not really. In the bedrock of the planet is a microscopic phenomena called radiohalos. These halos, created by the decay of pinpricks of radioactive material in solid rock, are a real puzzle. At least the Polonium halos are, particularly the Polonium-218 ones. Polonium-218 and its precursor have such short half-lives, in a matter of minutes they're all gone, all decayed. And that's a problem. If the bedrock cooled slowly over millions of years, then the Polonium-218 would have been long gone before there was any solid rock to form a halo in. So how can these halos exist? Their presence in the rocks is therefore evidence that the bedrock crystallized within minutes rather than cooling slowly over millions of years. So modern science has discovered some things that suggests that Genesis isn't really fable after all. And there's quite a bit more on the subject that could be said. Two videos and a book touching on things like this. If you have an interest, check them out at
  21. C'est normal ma belle Do, car tu exiges de ton corps de nombreux mouvements répétitifs auquel il n'était pas habitué. C'est super ! Il y a des endroits dans certains parcs-forêts. Je sais qu'il y en a en Gatineau, c'est plutôt loin, mais j'imagine qu'il doit bien y en avoir dans les environs d'ici aussi. On peut peut-être trouver ces pistes cyclables sur internet
  22. Allo ma belle Do, Il s'agissait de quelqu'un de l'ass. manger santé bio, donc, ils sont déjà au courant de l'avm puisqu'elle était à leur expo, alors, je leur ai dit que lorsque quelque chose se concrétiserait, on l'informerait car en fait ce serait pour des gens qui leur demandent s'ils donnent des cours. Elle ne sait pas s'ils veulent prendre ces cours pour maigrir ou quoi, a-t-elle dit. Je lui ai demandé s'ils n'en donnaient pas eux-mêmes à un certain moment mais elle a dit qu'il ne le font plus. Je m'en vais toujours avec lui au travail mais c'est pour le retour que ça se complique puisque maintenant je termine tôt le matin. C'est assez normal quand même, ma belle Do, car tu es relativement seule pour passer à travers le stress et l'inquiétude. C'est plus difficile de ne compter que sur soi-même dans certains moments. Je suis certaine que la bicyclette aura un effet positif d'ici quelque temps.
  23. Bah oui, on peut en faire des salades et même du vin.
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