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Tout ce qui a été posté par mehdi62

  1. J'adore les deux femelles mais gros coup de coeur pour la femelle 1!
  2. Cool,ils évoluent super bien, vous devez vraiment être contents! J'aime de plus en plus le petit pied!
  3. ^^ nan elle sera plus claire que papa et charbonnée je pense, mais bon si la construction est top la robe ne restera qu'un détail! poste des nouvelles photos toi! Ça fait un moment que tu n'en as pas postées. Merci Val et Loes.
  4. Merci beaucoup, je l'aurais voulu plus rouge mais bon, jvais pas faire le difficile non plus hein?!
  5. Jolie portée, félicitations! Hâte de les voir grandir!
  6. Merci à tous! Manu la femelle 2 restera à la maison avec sa môman!
  7. ^^ merci à toutes les deux! Voilà des nouvelles photos des chiots à deux semaines, ça commence à ouvrir les yeux, à essayer de se lever et ça couine de plus en plus! mâle 1: mâle 2: Sur cette photo, il me fait trop penser à Ebony quand elle était petite: mâle 3: femelle 2: femelle 3:
  8. La maison sera fermée, j'espère qu'il fera beau parce que tout le monde dans le jardin jusque tard dans la nuit (feu de camps inclus! Mdr)
  9. C'est la première à avoir ouvert les yeux, ils sont completement ouverts et le mâle 1 les a à demi ouvert. Nouvelles photos jeudi pour leurs deux semaines.
  10. L'expression qu'il fait sur la troisieme, on dirait tout sa mère!
  11. Vous ne pouvez pas vous servir de ça contre lui? Pour votre plainte par exemple?
  12. Cool! Mais juste une petite question, pourquoi continues-tu à le faire saillir?
  13. edit: Un ptit mâle pour mettre sur une fille de Willow par la suite?
  14. J'adore! Bon alors vous gardez lequel/laquelle?
  15. merci Pat', c'est vrai, jusqu' à présent ce n'est que du bonheur (mis à part le fait qu'on ait perdu une ptite femelle ) Voici les ptits Franco-Danois à une semaine : mâle 1: mâle 2: mâle 3: femelle 2: femelle 3:
  16. mehdi62

    Vermifuge chiots?

    Bon, Ben jcrois qu'il me reste plus qu' à ramener leur procox pour essayer d'avoir du dronstop! lol
  17. mehdi62

    Vermifuge chiots?

    Merci Marine et Laurent.
  18. ^^ ouais pour l'instant lol, c'est pas pour autant que jpasse de bonnes nuits! lol je dors encore en bas et la nuit ebony est tiraillée entre venir dormir avec son pôpa ou dormir avec ses bébés. Donc elle n'arrête pas de faire des aller-retours toutes les 5-10 min!!!!
  19. World Dog Show Salzburg 18-05-2012 Dog Judge James Byrnes ( Lackyle ) Ireland. I would like to thank the Austrian Kennel Club for inviting me to judge at this show. Also my 2 ring stewards who done a super job and kept everything running so smoothly. A special thanks to all those who gave me the honour of judging their beloved dogs and for the sporting way they took my decision. The standard was quite good but a lot of dogs where carrying to much weight and need to be presented in fitter condition and hence they paid the price for, bites were very good only found 1 dog with missed- placed canine. P/Dog, 4e-1a. 1st Graded V/Promising, No 1770 Zonny Z Hanbalek Busin A very nice red / white pied who has a lovely head shape that is set off with lovely rose ear’s he had well placed dark eyes and a correct bite nice under jaw, he had a lovely clean front with nice depth to his brisket well off for bone and good tight feet, ample rib for age and was short coupled, a good back end and a nice turn of stifle with a correct tail set he moved very well and held his top line on the move and enjoyed himself which is good to see, would be nice to see him again when he has fully matured. 2nd Graded Promising, No 1771 Suurisuun Boppinghams Birula. Another red / white pied whose head was not as defined as my winner he had nice dark eyes, ear’s ok, good length to muzzle, front ok, nice amount of rib not as strong in the back end as the class winner he needs more schooling for the ring as he did not like it when I was going over him. J/Dog, 18e-2a. 1st Graded Exc, No 1779 Easy Rider Moravia Lord. A very smart black brindle who has a very clean head with good ear set and lovely dark eye’s correct bite and good length to muzzle, good depth to brisket with just the right amount of bone and lovely tight feet, nice reach to neck that flows into well placed shoulders nice rib with good tuck at loins, backend starting to muscle up well, a good turn of stifle correct tail set moved very well and held his top line on the move. 2nd Graded Exc No 1784 West Lund The Last One Standing. A red boy with nice head ears ok good dark eyes, correct bite with nice big teeth, front ok good bone and nice feet, well sprung rib and a nice tuck up at loins, strong back end and he moved with ease and held top line on the move, prefer the fitness of my winner. Inter/Dog, 10e. 1st Graded Exc, No 1792 Bullstory of Polish Bailiff. A brindle boy with a nice head shape well set ears nice dark eyes, good length to muzzle correct bite good depth to brisket nice amount of bone feet ok, nice reach of neck with good lay of shoulder, well sprung rib with nice tuck up at loins, well-muscled hind quarters and a lovely turn of stifle correct tail set moved super and held top line on the move this boy was presented in lovely fit condition and this was the deciding factor in the class. 2nd Graded Exc, No 1797 Ilumine Soul Of Eilatan. A black brindle nice head good ear set would like eye a bit darker, correct bite clean front, nice depth to brisket good bone and nice feet, ample rib strong back end good turn of stifle correct tail moved well would like to have seen him fitter Open/Dog, 32e- 2a. 1st Graded Exc, No 1822. Old Cross Guns Mac Na Diabhal . A black brindle who I have judged before, typical head with nice ear placement and lovely dark eyes lovely length to muzzle with a correct bite with nice big white teeth ,he has a lovely clean front with good bone and nice tight feet, he has a nice reach of neck that flows into well placed shoulders perfect amount of rib with nice tuck at loins he has a strong well-muscled back end and good turn of stifle and well let down at hock, nice tail set moved very well, little between my first and second the deciding factor my winner had more strength all over, When it came to the challenge for the ticket he just was not happy showing and his handler tried hard but it was not to be. Res- CACA and res CACIB. 2nd Graded Exc, No 1805. Devils And Fairies Glenfiddich. Similar in style to my winner but just lacked a bit all over but at just 2years old it will come with a bit more time. Not as strong in the head as my winner and this was one of the deciding factors he has well placed ears with nice dark eyes correct bite, lovely clean front with nice tight feet, good reach of neck rib ok nice tuck up at loins nice lay of back, back end ok with good turn of stifle and well let down at hock correct tail set he moved very well and held his top line on the move. Ch/Dog, 20e-3a. 1st Graded Exc, No 1834. Magicpower’s Allstars. Another dog I have judged before and he has matured very well since then, he is a black brindle boy who is a bang on standard dog he excels in ring presence and never stopped showing all through the class, A lovely head shape with a well-defined stop nice rose ears eyes ok, good ratio of muzzle to skull with nice fill under eyes correct bite with good strength to under jaw, he has a lovely clean through front and good bone to legs and good hard pads, he has a nice reach of neck that flows into well placed shoulders and a perfect amount of rib with a nice tuck up at loins, he is short coupled and has well-muscled hind quarters and a good turn of stifle and well let down at hocks, correct tail set and moved very well both going and coming and held top line on the move it was a pleasure to award the CACA and the CACIB and Best of Breed. 2nd Graded Exc, No 1842. Fear Of The Dark Berserker. A black brindle with a nice head and ears, with well-placed dark eyes would like a bit more strength to muzzle, correct bite clean front good bone and tight feet, good rib nice tuck up, well-muscled back end correct tail set and moved well and held top line on the move. Vet/Dog, 2e-1a. 1st Graded Exc, No 1853. West Lund Calle. A black brindle who is starting to show his age now but still has a good head with well-set ears, good eye placement nice stop correct bite, front ok good bone and tight feet nice rib strong back end moved well and held top line on the move. James Byrnes ( Judge ) "posté par James Byrnes sur BBO"
  20. mehdi62

    Vermifuge chiots?

    C'est un nouveau produit non? la Clinique où je vais ne font plus Milbemax je crois et ils m'ont filé du procox, bon j'ai encore un peu de temps avant de l'utiliser, mais je voulais juste savoir si quelqu'un connaissait, avait déjà utilisé ou avait des retours. Merci Doudie!
  21. une petite vidéo d'hier. Tout se passe bien, les chiots tètent bien ebony, plus besoin de biberonner, ils prennent bien en poids.
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