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  1. Merci beaucoup pour votre response!! Rosier
  2. Bonjour France! a little update from le Pays-bas... We have stopped . I have a new site with a lot of cornsnake morphs and photos. I hope you like it and looking forward hearing from you:-) Merci beaucoup! Have a look at; Salute, Rosier van de Kuil
  3. Bonjour France, Merci beaucoup, pour vous lien titeprincesse! Je m'appelle Rosier van de Kuil de Excusez moi, moi francais c'est tres mauvais! I hope you will also understand English. We are dutch private breeders, the last years we are specialising in breeding color and-or pattern morphs of the corns. Nice to see there are also alot of corn fans in France. At the moment we are working on a update of our site with more photos and a better index. We noticed the links comming from this site so I thought to look it up, its nice to read all your comments, thanks! If you have any questions or remarks please let me know, here or at Hope to hear from you, will visit your forum greetings from le Pays-bas! Rosier
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