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Astaroth a répondu à un(e) sujet de Thomas R.1111 dans Discussions Boiga de Passiones de Morelia Spilota, de Boiga
venin des dendrophila melanota
Astaroth a répondu à un(e) sujet de l'entropiste11 dans Discussions Boiga de Passiones de Morelia Spilota, de Boiga
Source:venomdoc.com (extraits) Lumsden NG, Fry BG, Ventura S, Kini RM, Hodgson WC. (2005) "Pharmacological characterisation of a neurotoxin from the venom of Boiga dendrophila (Mangrove snake)." Toxicon 45(3):329-334. In this study, we have pharmacologically characterised boigatoxin-A, a three finger toxin isolated from the venom of the colubrid, Boiga dendrophila (Mangrove catsnake). In the chick biventer cervicis nerve-muscle preparation boigatoxin-A (1 mM) displayed poorly reversible postsynaptic blockade as evidenced by the inhibition of indirect (0.1 Hz, 0.2 ms, supramaximal V) twitches and responses to exogenous acetylcholine (1 mM) and carbachol (20 mM). Boigatoxin-A (0.3 0.5 mM) caused a concentration-dependent depression of the maximum response of cumulative concentration response curves to CCh (0.680 mM). Boigatoxin-A (1 mM) induced readily reversible inhibition of electrically evoked (0.2 Hz, 0.3 ms, 70 100 V) twitches of the prostatic segment of the rat vas deferens. This inhibition was not significantly attenuated by 8- phenyltheophylline (20 mM) or idazoxan (1 mM). Boigatoxin-A (1 mM) did not affect a,b-mATP (10 mM) or noradrenaline (25 mM) responses in unstimulated epididymal segments of the rat vas deferens. Our data suggests that this toxin has weak postsynaptic neurotoxicity in skeletal muscle and also prejunctional neurotoxic activity in the smooth muscle of the rat vas deferens to inhibit the release of neurotransmitter(s), but not via prejunctional purinergic or adrenergic receptors. This is the first report of such activity for a toxin isolated from snake venom and reinforces the largely untapped potential of colubrid venoms. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lumsden NG, Fry BG, Ventura S, Kini RM and Hodgson WC (2005) "The in vitro and in vivo pharmacological activity of Boiga dendrophila (Mangrove catsnake) venom." Autonomic & Autacoid Pharmacology 24:107-113, Summary 1. The great taxonomic and prey base diversity of colubrids (non-front-fanged snakes) suggests that their venoms may represent a literal gold mine for scientists eager to find novel pharmacological probes. 2. While pharmacological characterization is lacking for most of these venoms, this is even more so with regard to activity of colubrid venoms on the mammalian autonomic nervous system. This study characterizes the activity of venom from the colubrid, Boiga dendrophila using in vitro smooth muscle preparations and the anaesthetized rat. 3. In the prostatic segment of the rat vas deferens, cumulative additions of venom (1–150 lg ml)1) induced concentration-dependent inhibition of electrically evoked (0.2 Hz, 0.3 ms, 70–100 V) twitches. The inhibitory effect of venom (100 lg ml)1) was attenuated by 8-phenyltheophylline (8-PT) (20 lM) and 8-cyclopentyl-1, 3-dipropylxanthine (20 lM) but not idazoxan (1 lM), or a combination of ranitidine (0.2 lM) and thioperamide (10 lM). The inhibitory effect of venom (100 lg ml)1) was augmented by dipyridamole (10 lM) but abolished by pretreatment with adenosine deaminase (7.5 units/100 ll) suggesting that it contains components with adenosine A1 receptor activity, most likely adenosine. 4. In isolated segments of guinea-pig ileum, venom (10–100 lg ml)1) caused concentration dependent contractions which were inhibited by the muscarinic receptor antagonist atropine (0.1 lM) but not by the histamine receptor antagonist mepyramine (0.5 lM). 5. In the anaesthetized rat, venom (5–7.5 mg kg)1, i.v.) caused a hypotensive effect. 6. Our data suggest that the venom contains components with purinergic and muscarinic receptor activity. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lumsden NG, Fry BG, Ventura S, Kini RM, Hodgson WC. (2005) "Pharmacological characterisation of a neurotoxin from the venom of Boiga dendrophila (Mangrove snake)." Toxicon 45(3):329-334. In this study, we have pharmacologically characterised boigatoxin-A, a three finger toxin isolated from the venom of the colubrid, Boiga dendrophila (Mangrove catsnake). In the chick biventer cervicis nerve-muscle preparation boigatoxin-A (1 mM) displayed poorly reversible postsynaptic blockade as evidenced by the inhibition of indirect (0.1 Hz, 0.2 ms, supramaximal V) twitches and responses to exogenous acetylcholine (1 mM) and carbachol (20 mM). Boigatoxin-A (0.3 0.5 mM) caused a concentration-dependent depression of the maximum response of cumulative concentration response curves to CCh (0.680 mM). Boigatoxin-A (1 mM) induced readily reversible inhibition of electrically evoked (0.2 Hz, 0.3 ms, 70 100 V) twitches of the prostatic segment of the rat vas deferens. This inhibition was not significantly attenuated by 8- phenyltheophylline (20 mM) or idazoxan (1 mM). Boigatoxin-A (1 mM) did not affect a,b-mATP (10 mM) or noradrenaline (25 mM) responses in unstimulated epididymal segments of the rat vas deferens. Our data suggests that this toxin has weak postsynaptic neurotoxicity in skeletal muscle and also prejunctional neurotoxic activity in the smooth muscle of the rat vas deferens to inhibit the release of neurotransmitter(s), but not via prejunctional purinergic or adrenergic receptors. This is the first report of such activity for a toxin isolated from snake venom and reinforces the largely untapped potential of colubrid venoms. -
Boiga Cyanea
Astaroth a répondu à un(e) sujet de spy_girl dans Fiches d'élevages de Passiones de Morelia Spilota, de Boiga
J'ajouterai aussi que les risques d'un choc anaphylactique sont plus que très improbables avec cette espèce... Sa morsure est pratiquement inoffensive, sauf en cas de morsure prolongée, cas dans lequel des symptômes locaux limités peuvent apparaitre. Il me semble utile de rappeller que les chocs anaphylactiques de grade 2 ou 3 restent rares, même dans les cas d'envenimations par viperidae et elapidae, et qu'ils sont toujours consécutifs à une envenimation sévère sollicitant fortement le systême immunitaire. De plus, de telles réactions nécéssitent une sensibilisation préalable, c'est à dire un contact antérieur, et surviennent donc chez des sujets ayant déja été mordus, ou chez ceux qui manipulent des venins. (Source:JP CHIPPAUX, venin de serpent et envenimations,ird éditions) -
Q.I de cochon!
Astaroth a répondu à un sujet dans Section privée de Passiones de Morelia Spilota, de Boiga
Bonsoir à tous! Que lis-je, que vois-je... un gros con au q.i de cochon qui a des réactions de pine d'huitre? En fait, c'est de moi qu'il sagit et écrire celà, c'est bien mal me connaitre! Tout d'abord, je tiens à préciser que je n'ai insulté personne, ma réponse invitait juste ratsnake à prendre plus de renseignements, notamment dans la littérature scientifique et médicale avant de s'emballer et de qualifier les Boiga de monstres tueurs sanguinaires, c'est tout! Je remettrai après mon message la liste des divers articles de référence que j'avais posté sur lmdr. Je ne vais pas vous faire un cours de biologie, ni de venimologie ici, lisez, apprenez, écoutez...et ouvrez votre esprit!! Je suis loin d'être fou, incoscient, suicidaire ou en excès de confiance, je pense juste être quelqu'un qui parle par expérience... Pour thefirre, je serai à houten, je t'invite à venir discuter avec moi de ma connerie , de mes arnaques et de mes connaissances . ps, la photo en question était sur un autre site il y a deux ans, à l'époque, c''était une morsure d'arietans!!!! Bakken, D.J., and L. Bakken. 1988. Husbandry and reproduction in Boiga dendrophila including a case of delayed fertilization. 10th and 11th International Herpetological Symposia on Captive Propagation and Husbandry. Thurmont, MD: Zoological Consortium Inc. Barach, J.P. 1952. Some observations on the mangrove snake in captivity. Herpetologica 8: 102-103. Bulian, J. 1994. Boiga cyanea (Duméril, Bibron & Duméril, 1854) - Freilandbeobachtungen, Haltung und Zucht [Boiga cyanea (Duméril, Bibron & Duméril, 1854) - Observations in nature, hubandry, and breeding]. Sauria. 16 (4):3-9. Burger, W.I. 1975. A case of mild envenomation by the mangrove snake, Boiga dendrophilia. Snake 7: 99-100. Campbell, E.W. 1997. 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