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Tout ce qui a été posté par Hawk1

  1. Hawk1

    Grammostola vachoni

    hi, vachoni, rosea RCF, and grossa mated in last 3 day, Nhandu 5 month ago
  2. Hawk1

    Grammostola rosea

    hi, i bought the female in 2008 april as 3.rd molted now its 12 molted and 12cm. i got the male from my friend i dont know about his previous things yep,they are beautiful, mainly the male has nice red colour by the way,it was a really peaceful mating,as you can see the pictures the female didnt even opened her fangs,and easly let the male to leave after mating.
  3. Hawk1

    Nhandu coloratovilosum

    adult female: adult male:
  4. Hawk1

    Grammostola Actaeon

    still waiting what will happen
  5. Hawk1

    Grammostola grossa

    with the younger female: with the older one:
  6. Hawk1

    Toile spermathique

    freshly molted young males, making sperm web in every 2-3week,depend on species, but with time the sequence is going out, then it can be one 1 time in a month, 1time in 2 month, and finally he finishing it. to help to adult male to have energy for making sperm web, need to give him eat as much as he want to eat. 5 month old Chromatopelma male is able to make new sperm web in max 3-4week imo,depend on when he did it last. just watch for the spider,sometimes they make it,finish they task with the web and raze it down,and you wont do that he did. Good to watch on him in every 8h if possible
  7. Hawk1

    Toile spermathique

    Hello Nob! of all,the problem that lot ppl think, Chromatopelma is huge species and matureing with 15-17cm. its not true. Chromatopelma can be big but ofc,its matureing with 10-11molt 11-12cm legspan. mine female was same size when made coccon,i bought her when she was only 3 molted. Chromatopelma males are all little (really rare bigger then 12cm) becouse what i have written: females matureing early. but anyway you can pair it with a big girl too, its depend on the male is enough brave or not, if he is, he make the female easy and can run away, if he is afraid,almost sure he will be eaten. look that,one of my friend's pair,and the mating was success: as we realized, Chromatopelma female's behaviour after mating are different in every case. i mean some making big nest for the cocoon and dont move out,max to drink, till she open the cocoon. other females moving the cocoon to different places of the box, like other terrestrial species. its interesting. but no need any extra change in humidity or temperature. if the female is drumming back to the male, she wont try eat him before mating,only if the male is lame and the female feel it. size is not important.
  8. sorry Cynthia, but its not E.pulcherrimaklaasi its a Homeomma how the mess is come from? Euathlus pulcherrimaklaasi has 2 colour form: the green beauty: and a blue form: when Homeomma is little,its really similar like E.pulcherrimaklaasi blue form,mainly as premolt,this 2 genus are near to eachother. Like Psalmopoeus and Tapinauchenius. but all Euathlus are little max 7-8cm
  9. Hy Gyuri ; Happy to see you. Very nice your first name in your language. Best.. Hi my full name is: Szeri György (György as nickname: Gyuri) and in Hungary surname is the first name you can sign me on facebook if want,there are also some pic from my birdspiders (hun name: madárpók )
  10. Hawk1

    Toile spermathique

    as you can see on the last pic, the male has been killed,eaten by the female. The male was idiot,after the pairing he didnt tried to run out from the box,but ran in to the back of it,next to the female,so hadnt chance to survive, it happened in 2sec i hadnt chance to save his ass
  11. lot of my animal has been already reserved, and also some other coming from Marbach at sunday to me, so after the börse is ended i make list for you,what i have got exactly
  12. Hawk1

    Toile spermathique

    Hello,i hope i can help i think you should have to wait for the next sperm-web before try to pairing. Another reason that Chromatopelma females are usually agressive with males,i think its not good to loose your male,when he hasnt even a fresh sperm i was success with pairing at march: but the cocoon got fucked, becouse the female moved the drink-bowl, what was full of water. the water flown in to her nest,where the cocoon was,then she eaten and thrown out... it was already 30dayed... dont forget, never let a big bowl with full of water when there is cocoon, it was bad experience,it could happen
  13. i have this only one female, Gábor Koczka brang me for 80euro, he has good connections in whole europe, he can get almost anything. once he said he got offer for Megaphobema tecea adult pair for 700euro, but ofc, its 2x of my payment, so no way Buy the way in this weekend will be the biggest Hungarian börse,i also will have table with one of my friend. here are some info if you interested:
  14. i think the lines on the knees are not so important, mine animal has been sexed by molt,there is spermathec i have seen your sub animal on arachnoboards, i also think its male, it has really-really long legs.
  15. it is an adult female, i will get an adult male in this weekend,from Marbach
  16. Hawk1

    Grammostola Sp North

    not just the cricket was there she drinking on 2.nd picture molting is near (as always at Grammostola it means: from 1 week to 1 year xD)
  17. for sure but anyway from A.sp. Malinche and New River i havent atm,becouse they are still little few molted only,if you want i can make,,but now they not differ then any few molted Brachypelma or Lasiodora. the others: G.vachoni: sp.Maule different between sp.Maule and sp.Concepcion (legs hair color mostly),they mine: A.caniceps: A.behlei: tripepii (ex.vulpinus) velvetosoma: melanotarsum: Euathlus sp.smaragd: sry for different qualitiys,some pic older,some newer
  18. Gen.Grammostola 0.1.0 Grammostola vachoni 0.1.0 Grammostola iheringi 1.1.0 Grammostola actaeon 1.1.0 Grammostola alticeps 0.1.0 Grammostola pulchra 2.2.0 Grammostola grossa 0.1.0 Grammostola pulchripes 0.1.0 Grammostola porteri 0.3.0 Grammostola rosea 0.1.1 Grammostola rosea RCF 1.1.0 Grammostola sp.Concepcion 0.1.0 Grammostola sp.Maule 0.1.0 Grammostola sp.North 1.1.0 Grammostola sp.Formosa Gen.Aphonopelma 0.1.0 Aphonopelma sp. 0.0.1 Aphonopelma moderatum 0.1.0 Aphonopelma chalcodes "Arizona" 0.1.0 Aphonopelma caniceps 0.1.0 Aphonopelma bicoloratum 0.1.0 Aphonopelma seemanni 0.0.1 Aphonopelma anax 0.0.1 Aphonopelma behlei 0.0.2 Aphonopelma sp."Malinche" 0.0.1 Aphonopelma sp. New River Gen.Nhandu 0.1.0 Nhandu tripepii 0.1.0 Nhandu carapoensis 1.1.0 Nhandu coloratovillosus Gen.Megaphobema 0.1.0 Megaphobema mesomelas 1.1.0 Megaphobema robustum 0.0.1 Megaphobema velvetosoma 0.1.0 Theraphosa blondi 0.1.0 Sericopelma melanotarsum 1.1.5 Brachypelma klaasi 0.0.1 Brachypelma smithi 0.1.0 Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens 0.1.0 Cyclosternum fasciatum 0.1.0 Euathlus sp.smaragd 0.1.0 Acanthoscurria insubtilis 0.0.1 Acanthoscurria geniculata 0.1.0 Acanthoscurria juruenicola 0.1.0 Acanthoscurria chacoana 0.1.0 Lasiodora parahybana 0.1.0 Lasiodora klugi 1.1.0 Phormictopus cubensis 0.0.1 Avicularia versicolor
  19. here is my own adult female: this species is imported from north Chile,where they live in rocky areas where they burrow under rocks. Euathlus sp. "Green" and Paraphysa sp. "Bronze" like in the same area. some trader said there are 2 different species (G.sp.North and G.sp Northern Gold), and Northern Gold a smaller species. Its lie, there is only 1 species, still wasnt breed in Europe only different aged wild captured animals. At us its not an expensive species, if you need, look for Gábor Koczka, he will be on Marbach börse, he still has adult female, for about 25-30Euro
  20. Hello there, im Gyuri (in english: George) from Hungary
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