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Tout ce qui a été posté par jay88

  1. jay88

    need help/ advice

    thanks everyone! she stopped doing it the next day so i dont know if she is playing games with me but am going to go for a check up at the vet tomorrow thanks again
  2. jay88

    need help/ advice

    i didnt notice any mucus mouth is a pinkish color and btw my beading is aspen do you think it could get in his mouth and its like stuck ther ??? how if i have to take it to the vet do you remeber how much it was for a check up about? any1 else with different opinions plz
  3. jay88

    need help/ advice

    just bought a pastel boa about 5 months old she keep opening her mouth every so often twice opening it really wide to the point that i could see her teeth what could it mean? she ate on wednesday (4days ago) and yeh tempeture in her terr. is 28-30 and she is shedding so if any1 can give me tips or let me know anything they know i would gladly appreciate it thanks.
  4. jay88

    Whole Boa/Python Collection!

    hi am new to snakes am actualy getting mine tomorrow. but in the seconde and 5th picture how did you make your snake open ther mouths like that?
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