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Messages posté(e)s par Mr.Matte

  1. Je doit partir 4 mois, j'aimerais une pension pour mon IJCP, il à un ans, c'est une femelle, mange du mort, jamais essayer du vivant, une fois par semaine, sont terra si besoin est de 4x2x2. J'aimerais quelqu'un qui si connais tout de même un peut, je veut la revoir vivante ... et pour ce qui est du montant que vous voulez , parlons-en en privé. Merci

  2. L'article que j'ai trouver sur le net dit que c'est en Chine, ce qui me surprendrais...

    A photograph purporting to show a 55ft snake found in a forest in China has become an internet sensation.
    It was originally posted in a thread on the website of the People’s Daily, the official Communist Party newspaper in China.
    The thread claimed the snake was one of two enormous boas found by workers clearing forest for a new road outside Guping city, Jiangxi province.
    They apparently woke up the sleeping snakes during attempts to bulldoze a huge mound of earth.
    “On the third dig, the operator found there was blood amongst the soil, and with a further dig, a dying snake appeared,” said the post.
    “At the same time, another gold coloured giant boa appeared with its mouth wide open. The driver was paralysed with fear, while the other workers ran for their lives.
    “By the time the workers came back, the wounded boa had died, while the other snake had disappeared. The bulldozer operator was so sick that he couldn’t even stand up.”
    The post claimed that the digger driver was so traumatised that he suffered a heart attack on his way to hospital and later died.
    The dead snake was 55ft (16.7m) long, weighed 300kg and was estimated to be 140 years old, according to the post.
    However, local government officials in Guiping say the story and photograph are almost certainly a hoax as giant boas are not native to the area.Via :

  3. tout va avec l'éducation des gens, tu peut bien vivre dans un pays rempli de serpent et rien savoir sur eux à part que tu sais que sa tue, alors tu va dire, sont dangereux, si seulement quelque eux peuvent tuer. Quand j'habitait au Mexique, dans une ville en pleine forêt, je peut te dire que les gens tue tout ce qui bouge juste par manque d'éducation et c'est loin d'être leur faute, ont est pas tout née ici ...
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