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Conférence sur l'industrie pharmaceutique

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La Conférence est en anglais à l'Université Concordia

Citizens in Action --Free Public Conference: What you always wanted to know about the Pharmaceutical Industry, but were afraid to ask

Citizens in Action is a non-profit, non-partisan, progressive group of concerned citizens, dedicated to economic & social justice would like to invite you to attend a Free Public Conference on What you always wanted to know about the Pharmaceutical Industry, but were afraid to ask! With author & public speaker Dr. Jean-Claude St-Onge whois a Professor of Economics & Philosophy, & the writer of several books including: The other side of the Pill: The Hidden Face of the Pharmaceutical Industry. A discussion period will follow the lecture.

Are Canadians being gouged by the drug industry? Are we paying more for our medication than other countries? Despite claims to the contrary, does the industry spend more on advertising than on research? Do they hide the negative tests and only show their positive results? Do they wine and dine doctors to push unnecessary drugs on unsuspecting citizens? Do they suppress inexpensive medication? Do they make false claims about the efficacy of their drugs? Join us to find out and bring your friends too.

Date: Tuesday, February 12, 2008.

Place: Concordia University,

Hall Building, 1455 De Maisonneuve St. West.

(Corner Bishop) Room 771. 7th floor

Time: 7:00 p.m. sharp to 10:00 p.m. (please be on time)

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