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action : delta du danube en danger

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Birdlife nous informe qu'un projet d'infrastructure routière d'envergure à Chituc Levee menace le delta du Danube en Roumanie (réserve de biosphère) et qu'une pétition internationale circule pour demander l'arrêt de ce projet qui menace un site essentiel de reproduction, migration et pour plus de 300 espèces d'oiseaux dont le pélican frisé.

Merci de prendre le temps de la signer et surtout de la diffuser ... Elle ne compte ce jour qu'une centaine de signatures ...
Voici le site ou vous pouvez signer


Demande de Birdlife (en anglais)

Dear Colleagues, We received a request from our Romania partner to help to save globally important Danube Delta.

Chitin Levee - an area in the south of the Delta where the Delta joins the sea is now seriously threatened by planned road upgrade works and this is just the start - if the road goes ahead extensive tourism developments will follow close behind. The area is an important migration and feeding area used by nearly 300 species of birds including the globally threatened Dalmatian Pelican and the developments are being planned without proper application of the European Nature and Impact assessment laws.

SOR staff is doing a great job in Romania, including appearing on TV! But could do with some international help on this case. So please go to: and sign the petition to put pressure on the Romanian authorities to comply with the European law and encourage your Members, Supporters, Friends and Family to do the same through dedicated mailing or information on your web site.

If you would like more info please do get in touch with Helen Byron and copy to

Thanks for your help!

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