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IMPORTANT : Prochaine manifestation contre l'I.C.

Messages recommandés

Message de Carol Waterman concernant la prochaine manifestation contre l'Inspecteur Canin.


May 26, 2009

Hi Everyone

Sorry, but my message went out before I was finished with the names & information. So I am resendingto some of you. I apologize that most of this message is in English only, but at the moment I don't have a translator.

I am also sending this to people who do not live in this Province or Country, as I would like you to contact anyone you might know who may be interested. One never knows, as we had some people from Ontario & BC at the 1st demo.

Click on the linkto view a few pictures of our last demo of May 23rd against Inspecteur Canin pound. Please post your comments to the site. I believe it is on the right hand side, under the short write-up of the event.

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Please remember to join us at our next demo. Yes, there is going to be another one, before everyone goes on summer vacation. It is imperative to have a "huge" turnout, if we want to save these innocent animals from the gas chambers. I know we all have other lives, but as animal activists, we must continue to fight and commit ourselves to this urgent cause. We have to give these precious creatures their chance to live a happy life!

Please ready yourselves & prepare your slogans. Please ensure that it is a solid placard so the wind won't blow it all over the place.


At this time, I am asking each and everyone of my recipients, to please advise me if you are interested in attending the next demonstration. To everyone who will attend, please cross post, and add this note to your message and ask them to contact you. If you are not going to attend the demo, I ask that you still circulate the message and then ask your contacts to send me their responses. We will create a list of those who are interested and when all the details are ready, we will only contact the concerned parties. It is urgent that you respond "either way".

If anyone needs transportation, please indicate this in your response and state the area where you live or where you can be picked up.

Please pick up any petitions that you may have in your possession or that you may have left at drop-off points and bring the signatures to the demo.

Here are suggestions from Rescues & volunteers (French and English Translations (or somewhat)) You will note one in regards to the Environment Minister - this one will 'shock' the citizens there and force a water test due to decaying bodies. Unusual I know, but we need the water and soil tested. This could be a health hazard and it will force them to test what those animals are also consuming. Note that you can write what you want as long as it done not contain the name "Inspecteur Canin". Believe me, you would not want to be sued, as you, your family can lose everything you own!!! It has happened to people before. Hopefully one day soon they will abolish "SLAPP" suits. I think that something is in process about this issue, but I cannot locate the information at this time.

***Note that Cats are gassed as well. So, you can also use a picture of a cat***

Où est Anima-Québec. Where is Anima Quebec?

S.V.P Aidez les animaux. Please Save The Animals.

Après la découverte de corps, est-ce que le ministère de l’environnement a testé l’eau que nous buvons ?

After bodies were discovered, did the Environment Minister test the water you are drinking?

Protégez-vous animaux, gardez les dans la maison ou en laisse lors de la promenade.

Protect your animals. Keep them close to you.

Donnons une voix à ceux qui n’en ont pas.

Speak for the voiceless.

Anima Québec [b]Qui??? [/b]

Anima Quebec WHO???

Pas de voix, pas de chance

No Voice, No Chance

Fourrières : Ces tueurs silencieux

Dog Pounds: The Silent Killers

(More suggestions for placards below)

Below is the definition of SLAPP suit . Under this, you will find 2 more suggestions for your placards. I am including this in the suggesmentione as a "SLAPP' suit was filed against Louise Auger to keep her mouth shut and to prevent us from having demonstations. For now we can have our demos, but in July, 2009 Louise has to go back to court. The owners is trying to stop all demos! This is another MAIN reason to act now!

For information purposes only:
Definition of a SLAPP suit which was filed against Louise Auger by the owner of Inspecteur Canin.

A Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation ("SLAPP") is a lawsuit that is intended to intimidate and silence critics by burdening them with the cost of a legal defense until they abandon their criticism or opposition. Winning the lawsuit is not necessarily the intent of the person filing the SLAPP. The plaintiff's goals are accomplished if the defendant succumbs to fear, intimidation, mounting legal costs or simple exhaustion and abandons the criticism. A SLAPP may also intimidate others from participating in the debate.

Two More suggestions for placards:


  • Freedom of Assembly

  • Freedom of Expression

  • Freedom of Speech


  • "NO" to SLAPP Suits

  • "NO" to Intimidation & Censorship

Many thanks for your co-operation!
Carol Waterman
Animal Activist & Volunteer
Montreal, Qc. Canada

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