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linda lachapelle

cette chienne sera condamnée par la justice du Canada

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Besoin de votre aide à tout prix, ils nous reste que 9jours avant que cette chienne soit punit par la justice et être condamnée
à mourir

Si vous voulez diriger une campagne, vous vous devez d’en faire une qui soit grande, gigantesque. Elle doit être impressionnante, effrayante, limitée par un délai et valant la peine de perdre son sommeil


“Canada eliminated the death penalty on July 14, 1976.The last execution in Canada took place on December 11, 1962 at Toronto’s Don Jail.”

Canada is, by all measurable standards, one of the most advanced countries in the world. The Economist ranks Vancouver as the world’s most liveable city, ahead of Vienna and Melbourne. Toronto is number 4.

Canada is the country where the cream of the crop wants to emigrate. A haven of sorts where individual freedoms are respected and communities care for their members.

A model society.

This is what makes Brindi’s story so puzzling and this is the reason why the eyes of the international animal welfare community are now fixed on Canada as a whole and on the city of Halifax in particular.

Brindi is an adopted mutt. She is smart, gentle, affectionate and has passed obedience classes.

On July 24, Brindi was seized and put on death row.

A minor incident, completely distorted by some of the people involved, would lead into a most incredible ordeal for Brindi and her family. Brindi’s owner, Francesca, an American recently emigrated to Canada, found herself tangled in the worst possible plot any animal owner could ever envisage: Her beloved dog, her child, put on death row by the City of Halifax.

There was never an offence charged; Brindi was assessed by an expert and found highly trainable. Thousands of dollars were paid to get the execution order quashed in court. But the city ignored the Law and kept Brindi. Instead of holding a fair hearing to decide whether Brindi presents a true danger (she obviously does not), the city charged Brindi’s owner with 3 by-law violations in a last minute attempt to push for a new kill order.

On the 23rd of February Brindi’s owner was found guilty on all counts.

Sentence hearing will take place on March 9. It is feared the judge will order the Killing of the animal.

We have 13 days to Save Brindi.

History is full of miscarriages of justice.

Brindi’s case is one of those. It was never about the dog.

It was obvious from the beginning that the issue had grown into a personal vendetta, as it is too often the case; a power play where Brindi and her owner Francesca had become mere pawns in the hands of “authorities” clearly more concerned about saving face than about truly pursuing justice.

We have 13 days to Save Brindi.

Today we are launching a local and international campaign to drive public opinion and to prompt the world to take action.

We want each and every one of our readers and the entire international community to stop for a second and think.

Her life is all that Brindi has. We will not allow it to be taken away from her. Think how you would feel if it was YOUR child put in this position. Going through months of isolation while waiting for the moment to be administered a lethal injection and killed. What would you think of Canada every morning if you were in Francesca’s place?

Today the internet and social media have made a new kind of world and a new way to demand justice possible. There are millions of us ready to stand up and fight for what most would consider worthless.. a dog.

However, Brindi is not just a dog. Brindi is a living being, with feelings of sadness, anxiety, fear, longing. A living being that will be executed unless we all stand together and take action.

Starting from today, Brindi is no longer just a dog.
Brindi is now a symbol that represents our most essential values: Justice and the Right to live.

The Universal Declaration of Animal Rights was solemnly proclaimed in Paris on 15 October 1978 at the UNESCO headquarters.

Article 7 states:Any act unnecessary involving the death of an animal, and any decision leading to such an act, constitutes a crime against life.

We need YOU to tell the government of Canada and the City of Halifax that to execute an innocent animal based on obscure by-laws is about the lowest a government can sink into. We will do our best to send a clear message to the Canadian Government and concretely to the City of Halifax; we will show them that doing this would be a terrible mistake, a miscarriage of justice.

We have 13 days to save Brindi and we are going to need YOUR help.

Get involved. We wont give you a model letter to copy and past. We want YOU to speak your mind.


Mayor Peter J. Kelly, Mayor of Halifax on ph: 902-490-4010. Email and express your deepest inner feelings regarding this case.

We have 13 days…

For the Animals…

For Brindi…

Viktor Larkhill

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