pacemaker91 0 Posté(e) le 6 janvier 2016 earing the skin of another animal – an animal forced to live in a cramped, filthy cage before having the hide ripped from his or her back – is a pretty gruesome fashion choice. The only "statement" it makes is that the wearer has a total lack of regard for animals' suffering.Image: Jo-Anne McArthur / We AnimalsYet, globally, humans kill millions of animals a year in the name of fashion. In addition to foxes and minks, the fur industry's victims include 1 billion rabbits and 2 million cats and dogs each year. These animals are sometimes skinned while they are still alive, and their hearts may continue beating for five to 10 minutes after their bloody bodies are tossed aside by fur farm workers. Other animals languish for days in traps or are gassed, beaten or electrocuted.[size=18]Act now[/size] fourrure cruauté maltraitance Partager ce message Lien à poster Partager sur d’autres sites