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"Cold water tail"

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J'ai montré des photos de Suki hier, il est arrivé du chalet avec la queue vraiment bizarre :

Quelqu'un m'a dit reconnaître les symptôme de "Cold water tail". ESt-ce que c'est déjà arrivé à votre chien?

Limber tail syndrome and "cold water tail" while known to those who work with hunting dogs, may not be familiar to veterinarians. It is most often seen in working breeds like Retrievers and Pointers. Ages of affected dogs range from 0.5-9 years old.
Typically the presentation is a young adult dog with an acutely flaccid tail that hangs down from the tail base or is held horizontally for 3-4 inches and then drops down. The tail remains in this position even when the dog moves.

Pain may be seen on palpation of the tail base and some owners report that the dog seems uncomfortable and painful.

Rest is recommended. Complete recovery is usually seen by 2 weeks and often occurs within a few days although it recurs later during training in ~ 1/3 of the cases. Some owners and trainers feel that anti-inflammatory drugs shorten the recovery time if given when the condition is first seen.

The cause of limber tail is not known although it is thought to be associated with hard workouts (especially in under-conditioned dogs), heavy hunting, and swimming or bathing in water that is too cold or too warm. Some owners reported that they grab the tail as a means of correction. Tail conformation (high set or very active), gender (males more frequently affected), and nutritional factors have also been suggested as possible causes. Ongoing studies suggest that limber tail is associated with muscle damage in the tail with dogs examined early in showing elevated muscle enzymes eg., creatine phosphokinase.

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J'ai montré tes photos à un vet et on voit pas ce qu'il y a de pas normal

On la trouve pendante, mais à part ça?

Suki peut t'il la lever ou la bouger?

Est-ce que ça lui fait mal?

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comme je te le disais, c arrive souvent auprès des Retrievers, ne t inquiète pas avec ca, ca va partir tout seule.Tu pourrais essayer de mettre la chaleur......Si il semble avoir trop mal tu pourrais aussi lui faire prescrire de médecaments (je crois anti-inflammatoires) pour ca

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Il ne semble pas avoir mal aujourd'hui. Je peux manipuler sa queue sans problème. (essayez de ne pas penser croche svp Rolling Eyes )

Merci Martina!

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ouf, j'avais jamais vu ça... merci d'en parler, comme ça je serai moins inquiète si ça arrive à Théo! pale

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