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Australian Cattle Dog perdu à Gaspé

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Bonjour, j'ai reçu ce courriel via mon site ce matin et j'ai cru bon venir le mettre ici. Je suis désolé s'il est en anglais.

Name: Ozzie
Small, short hair Australian Cattle Dog/Australian Shepherd mix (looks like a Blue Healer.) He has very distinctive large round black spots on his back.
13 Years Old.
Slightly hard of hearing.
Generally friendly, but is probably very very anxious (not used to being alone. AT ALL.)
Facing him, his eye on the left is a little bulgy and his ear is permanently tightly flopped over.

Contact info if anyone should find him:
Andrea - 416-993-4294
Dave - 905-577-3214

And as of Tuesday morning, he's missing in a Provincial Park in Gaspe Quebec. He got loose where they were camping. Dave has already contacted the local shelter (info he got from the park rangers), and the rangers and the other campers have all been alerted and are on the lookout.

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