pacemaker91 0 Posté(e) le 28 juillet 2016 We rely on many of you to be our eyes on the streets of Jakarta. Feel free to email us to report a case or if you see something that you don’t like and is worth to check out by our JAAN team.It is important that all reports must be an ‘emergency‘ case. Sadly in Jakarta there are hundreds of animals on the street that we are not able to rescue due to little funding and lack of facilities. We concentrate and prioritise on emergency cases as they are the animals that need help the most. Domestic Division – Wildlife Division – jakartaanimalaid@gmail.comADOPTIONS If you are interested in any of the animals we have for adoption or just simply want to know more about them, make sure you email our adoption department so they can back to as quick as possible! Adopt/Foster Department – jaan_adopt@yahoo.comDONATIONS/BOOKINGS ETC For anything else like whether you want to book an educational program or would like to help us out by donating just hit us up on this email! Domestic Department + Anything else – DONT FORGET TO FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA! If you have any more questions or suggestions, Almost everything can be answered on all our social media outlets. We have an Official Facebook page, An Instagram and Twitter. Feel free to message us on any of them!FACEBOOK – JakartaAnimalAidNetwork INSTAGRAM – Jakartaanimalaidnetwork TWITTER – jaan_indonesia Partager ce message Lien à poster Partager sur d’autres sites