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Can anyone offer any information on a missing bay shire x horse called "Paddy".
He is a large horse used for pulling a wagon and he went missing sometime during sunday night in the poullaouen area.
It has been reported to the police and the local mairie but he seems to have vanished without a trace!!!
I would be very grateful for any information regarding sightings of him wandering around the area.
He is 23 years old and a member of the family, we are going out of our minds with worry.
Nous recherchons toutes les informations possibles sur un croisement shire bai appelé "Paddy".
C'est un gros cheval utilisé pour tracter et il a disparu dans al nuit de dimanche à lundi dans al région de Poullaouen.
La police et la mairie ont été mis au courant mais il semble avoir disparu sans aucune trace!!!
Je serai très reconnaissant de toute information concernant des traces de lui dans les environs.
Il a 23 ans et est un membre de la famille, nous sommes fous d'inquiétude

If you live in Bretagne or the rest of France and have seen or been offered this horse for sale the please phone his owners.
He has lived with his owners all his life so would be very stressed.

Si vous vivez en bretagne ou dans le reste de la france et que vous l'avez vous ou qu'il vous a été offert à la vente, s'il vous plaît, téléphonez à ses propriétaires.
Il a vécu avec eux toute sa vie, il sera donc probablement très stressé

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Wow... poor boy and poor family... I sincerely hope that he will appear again and be given back to his owners...

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He has now thankfully been found and is back with his owners YEAH
Thank you everyone for your messages biz

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