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Bo"s Rosie van de Dorushoeve

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We have for sale an high quality almost two years old filly.
Mother heavy Star mare Bodine ,
Father heavy Star stallion Hugo Boss ,DNA aproved grandson of The Lion King,

Born 4.9.2009.

This filly is a great opportunity for someone who is looking for a good heavy Gypsy Cob, with separate color, and an good pedigree. Bo'Rosie has an super sweet character , good movements, good in hand and good for the blacksmith.

In her pedigree is the "Lion King" and "Hugo Boss Horse"

Bo's Rosie has an ICS netherlands passport.

See our website for more information about Rosie, her mother and father.

We search for Bo's Rosie an good permanent home ,she is for sale because we have to many horses!

Very good reduced price for this high quality filly!For more information sent me an pm.

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