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Bonjour à tous,
Je me demandais quand circonscription Anglais comment garder mes orteils pointant à in? Je avoir ce problème quand je roule et la plupart du temps, je ne réalisent même pas que je le fais si. Comment dois-je le fixer?

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Désolée Bettina j'ai rien compris fjjhjhgj , tu peux réexpliquer ton problème d'orteils ?

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Hello everyone,
I was wondering when riding English how to keep my toes pointing in? I have this problem when I ride and most of the time I do not even realize that I am doing so. How do I fix it?

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I'm not sure what you mean.

What does your toes do exacly? You're on your toes on the stirrups?
Your toes point out by the side of the horse?

Any way, I don't know about any technic except keep on correcting yourself until taking the good position becomes an habit. Just check frequently your position all the time at the beginning.
You can work without stirrups also. It will help your legs to go down correctly.

I hope this helps.

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Bettina a écrit:
Hello everyone,
I was wondering when riding English how to keep my toes pointing in? I have this problem when I ride and most of the time I do not even realize that I am doing so. How do I fix it?

Don't worry about it any way your toes shouldn't point in because it's quite an unnatural position, the toes should .
point about 20° out.
Most people don't agree with this dogma of the toes pointing in, because it is really impossible to be relax in a naturel position and to point your toes in because your knees and your thighs are blocked in this position!
If any part of your boody is blocked all you body is blocked!
So the important is to be relax enough to follow the mouvements of the horse .
This is the right classical position of the legs


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In fact most people are confusing 2 things
having the toes pointing in which is a false concept with having the weist of the leg rested on the inside toe, which is the right concept.

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here is a picture, my foot sticks out like 50° not 20° jfgejzg I'm trying to keep my heel down so that I can post better but when I keep my heel down my toes stick strait out erer

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C'est là qu'on regrette de ne pas avoir suivi plus assidûment les cours d'anglais mpop

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laevadao a écrit:
C'est là qu'on regrette de ne pas avoir suivi plus assidûment les cours d'anglais mpop

Je n'a eu que trois et l'enseignant n'a pas moi enseignement assez mpop

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Bettina a écrit:

here is a picture, my foot sticks out like 50° not 20° jfgejzg I'm trying to keep my heel down so that I can post better but when I keep my heel down my toes stick strait out erer

What's the problem if you feel comfortable in this position , don't be obsessed by that.


Anyway the position of you toe depends on the conformation of your horse , with a narrow one your toe is more like 20° with a wide one your toe is pointing more close to 50°.

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Je ne disais pas ça pour toi dsdd ....mais pour moi car je regrette de ne pas comprendre votre conversation anglaise biz

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laevadao a écrit:
Je ne disais pas ça pour toi dsdd ....mais pour moi car je regrette de ne pas comprendre votre conversation anglaise biz


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Same thing if you put on your stirrup shortly your toe will be more pointing out than if you put on your stirrup long, against very short like a jockey the toe will point in....

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JRM a écrit:
Bettina a écrit:

here is a picture, my foot sticks out like 50° not 20° jfgejzg I'm trying to keep my heel down so that I can post better but when I keep my heel down my toes stick strait out erer

What's the problem if you feel comfortable in this position , don't be obsessed by that.


Anyway the position of you toe depends on the conformation of your horse , with a narrow one your toe is more like 20° with a wide one your toe is pointing more close to 50°.

But I have almost been thrown over the horses head in to to water trough because my position was not right PAFF

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JRM a écrit:
Same thing if you put on your stirrup shortly your toe will be more pointing out than if you put on your stirrup long, against very short like a jockey the toe will point in....

but witch should I do?

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Bettina a écrit:

But I have almost been thrown over the horses head in to to water trough because my position was not right PAFF

I am not sure that the position in or out of your toe is the right reason of that... ererfjjhjhgj

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That would have been so embarrassing if I had fallen into the water trough.
Ok next time I go I try.

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But I have to work for 5 hours before I can get on the horse, so it wouldn't work fjjhjhgj

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Ok, I got to go yesterday! I think I got the hang of posting but the horse I was riding was very strong headed and once you got him to trot he would run you strait into a tree and you couldn't stop him mpop I tried to keep my toes in more but I didn't bring a camera PAFF

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Difficile de penser à ta position si ton cheval t'embarque.
A ta place, j'arrêterai de me prendre la tête avec l'orientation de mes orteils. A partir du moment où tu arrives à travailler correctement avec le cheval peu importe comment sont tes pieds.
En plus, plus tu es contractée (parce que ton cheval t'embarque par exemple) et moins tu pourras avoir la position souhaitée. drffe

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Zut. Sorry. My english is very bad. I try with google translator.

Well, i said :
Difficult to think of your position if your horse getting yourself.
In your place, I stop taking my head with the direction of my toes.
From the moment you arrive to work correctly with the horse no matter how your feet are.
If you are too contracted, you will not have a good leg position.
(stop google) edez

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