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Etudes, rapports et articles sur les besoins du perroquet et de la perruche

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Etudes, rapports et articles par des SPECIALISTES
sur les besoins du perroquet et de la perruche

Environnement, enrichissement du milieu, alimentation, affouragement
Apprivoisement, socialisation, communication, comportement, psychologie

Arrow Le comportement des psittacidés et ses troubles - Télécharger
Arrow Apprentissage référentiel de mots chez des gris du gabon

Articles sur le comportement et la psychologie du perroquet par Johanne Vaillancourt sur :
De la psychologie chez les perroquets?Johanne Vaillancourt
Un perroquet qui parle...Johanne Vailancourt
L'inné, l'acquis et le perroquetJohanne Vailancourt
Éthologie perroquetRichard Beaudet
Plaidoyer pour un prisonnierJohanne Vailancourt
La fuite du perroquetJohanne Vaillancourt
Le perroquet, un animal hautement sociableJohanne Vailancourt
Le perroquet, un obsédé sexuel?Johanne Vailancourt
Le Bronx aviaire: rapport de consultationJohanne Vailancourt
Les grandes étapes de la vie de perroquet Johanne Vailancourt
L'enrichissement alimentaire du perroquetLa prépuberté et ses bouleversements Natacha Larivière
L'importance d'une bonne socialisation chez le jeune perroquet Johanne Vailancourt
La captivité et la domesticationRichard Beaudet
L'adoption d'un perroquet de 2e, 3e, 4e... mainJohanne Vaillancourt
Vivre en compagnie de différentes espèces de perroquetJohanne Vaillancourt
Mon perroquet hurleJohanne Vaillancourt
Le perroquet autonomeJohanne Vailancourt
Être ou ne pas être nourri à la main?Geneviève Desrochers
Survol...un monde de perroquetsJohanne Vailancourt
Le toucher perroquetJohanne Vaillancourt
L'adoption d'un bébé perroquetNatacha Larivière
Votre perroquet vous parle... regardez-leJohanne Vailancourt
Les appels de liaisonJohanne VailancourtQu'est ce qu'un EAM?Johanne Vailancourt
Le blues de l'hiverJohanne Vailancourt
Maître perroquet n'est pas patient!Johanne Vailancourt
L'affectivité et le perroquetJohanne Vaillancourt
La taille des plumes de vol, une question qui revient encore et encore...Natacha Larivière
Reconnaître les besoins de SON perroquetJohanne Vaillancourt
Le tempérament et la personnalité du perroquetJohanne Vaillancourt
Un perroquet comme animal de compagnieNatacha Larivière
L’introduction d’un nouveau perroquet dans un groupe déjà existantJohanne Vaillancourt
Réconforter son perroquetNatacha Larivière
L'oiseau d'une seule personneJohanne Vaillancourt
L'éthogrammeJohanne Vaillancourt
Les modes de défense du perroquetJohanne Vaillancourt
Recette infaillible en 3 points...pour favoriser l'agression chez le perroquetJohanne Vaillancourt
Taillera, taillera pas? Toujours cette histoire d’ailes…Geneviève Desrochers
Le perroquet qui apprend à apprendreJohanne Vaillancourt
Les petits secrets d'une socialisation positiveJohanne Vaillancourt
La maltraitance: pouvons-nous agir?Johanne Vaillancourt
Quelques notions à propos de l'empreinteJohanne Vaillancourt
Tatillon le perroquet?Johanne Vaillancourt
Histoire de Fred, mon grand perroquetNatacha Larivière

Articles sur la santé et les maladies du perroquet par Johanne Vaillancourt
Centre antipoison bonjour!
Un second avis... même vétérinaire
Empoisonnement aux métaux
Petit perroquet, la valeur au mérite?
Les risques de la cohabitation multi-espèces de perroquets
L'hypocalcémie et le gris d'Afrique
Mieux vaut prévenir
Lucie pond son oeuf
Coloration Gram des selles
Ce qui menace nos oiseaux à l'extérieur
Vivre avec un oiseau handicapé
Les erreurs médicales
T'as donc bien un beau bec
L'automne: la déprime des humains, le répit des oiseaux
Diarrhée ou polyurie?
Mais qu’est-ce que la glande uropygienne?
L'ivermectin et le perroquet
Morsures de chats
Le syndrome de la dilatation du proventricule
La santé du perroquet passe par la bonne alimentation
Contamination bactérienne de l'eau du perroquet
Intoxication au monoxyde de carbone
Ophtalmo 101
Les allergies... est-ce la faute de votre perroquet?
L'attaque de Petit Willy le chien
Administrer une médication par voie orale à un perroquet
La thermoregulation chez le perroquet
La carence en vitamine A chez le perroquet
Le plumage du perroquet
Parasites et virus chez les perroquets
Intoxication des perroquets par l'avocat
Les bactéries et le perroquet
La maladie du bec et des plumes (PBFD)
Empoisonnement au zinc
La chlamydophilose ou la chlamydiose vue sous un autre jour
Petit carnet de santé de la perruche ondulée et de la perruche calopstitte
La tumeur rénale chez la perruche ondulée
Particularités de l’anatomie et de la physiologie des perroquets
Le persil, les perroquets et la photosensibilisation
Papillomavirus aviaire
Le picage
Les sites de ponction veineuse chez le perroquet

Articles en Anglais


  • Title: Differential Reinforcement: An essential strategy for behaviour change
    Author: Jim McKendry - Parrot Behaviour & Enrichment Consultations
    Information: This is Part One of a two part article series taking a practical look at the application of two of the most important behaviour modification strategies used for working on a range of behaviour management issues. This should be read in combination with the following article. (large download - 6MB)

  • Title: Antecedent Arrangement: An essential strategy for behaviour change
    Author: Jim McKendry - Parrot Behaviour & Enrichment Consultations
    Information: The companion article to the article above. An absolute `must-read' for all companion parrot owners to ensure that the environment you are establishing is optimised for achieving your behaviour management goals. (large download - 6MB)

  • Title: Understanding Approximations
    Author: Jim McKendry - Parrot Behaviour & Enrichment Consultations
    Information: Getting your understanding of the `approximations' required to effectively teach your parrot and achieve successful behavioural momentum is essential in achieving your training goals.

  • Title: Diet Management for Training & Enrichment
    Author: Jim McKendry - Parrot Behaviour & Enrichment Consultations
    Information: Considered management of the diet and daily food delivery for companion parrots can not only make the difference in creating desirable motivation required to achieve learning goals but also greatly enhance engagement with environmental enrichment

  • Title: Feather Picking Frustrations
    Author: Jim McKendry - Parrot Behaviour & Enrichment Consultations
    Information: This is a Q&A article published in the World Parrot Trust magazine `Psittacene'. It offers some food for thought for parrot owners seeking to understand some of the `why' behind the establishment of feather picking behaviour in companion parrots.

  • Title: An Introduction to Positive Reinforcement Training and its Benefits
    Author: Barbara Heidenreich - Good Bird Inc
    Information: This is a fantastic introduction to Positive Reinforcement training, written by one of the most prominent practitioners of progressive avian training in the world today - Barbara Heidenreich. Check out more of Barbara's highly recommended resources via her website at

  • Title: Does Your Parrot Have a Trust Account?
    Author: Steve Martin - Natural Encounters Inc
    Information: An absolute `must read' for every companion parrot owner and a great introduction to the genius thinking and training skills of Steve Martin. Check out more of Steve's brilliant article work via his website at

  • Title: The ABC's of Behaviour
    Author: Dr. Susan Friedman PhD - Behaviorworks
    Information: A groundbreaking article for the companion parrot community and a brilliant introduction to the science of Applied Behaviour Analysis. Susan Friedman is one of the most important minds in the parrot world today and her articles represent absolutely essential reading for every parrot owner seeking to develop a true understanding of the nature of learning and behaviour. Check out more of Susan's sensational resources via her website at


10 Things Your Parrot Wants You to Know About Behavior »
S.G. Friedman, Ph.D
Although they may not tell you in quite this way, all parrots will benefit from caregivers who know these ten things about behavior.

A Toy to Destroy »
Desi Milpacher
Ideas to please buzz-saw birds everywhere.

ABCs of Behaviour »
S.G. Friedman, Ph.D
Behind every negative behaviour is a poorly arranged antecedent.
Käyttäytymisen aakkoset (Finnish translation) »

Aggressive Display in Adult Jardine’s Parrots »
Werner Lantermann
Some first-hand observations of natural instincts and responses.

Alternatives to Parrot Breaking »
S.G. Friedman, Ph.D
Reducing aggression and fear through learning.

Art and Science of Training Companion Parrots »
Priscilla Old
A review of a companion parrot workshop series.

Does your Parrot have a Trust account? »
Steve Martin
Create a rewarding and fulfilling relationship with your parrot.

Empowering Parrots »
S.G. Friedman, Ph.D
Positive reinforcement boosts confidence for both bird and trainer.

Enriching Lives: One Parrot at a Time ;»
David Woolcock
Enrichment can make a huge difference in your pet's quality of life.

Facts About Punishment »
S.G. Friedman, Ph.D
Even mild forms of punishment should be used cautiously and knowledgeably.

Feather Picking Frustrations »
Jim McKendry
Learn about a variety of strategies to manage feather picking birds.

Free Flight »
Chris Shank
Free flying parrots outdoors.

Habitat Immersion - The New Wave »
Bob and Liz Johnson
Providing a natural lifestyle to address the psychological needs of captive parrots.

He Said, She Said, Science Says »
S.G. Friedman, Ph.D
Will the real parrot behaviour experts please stand up?

Hide and Seek »
Desi Milpacher
Foraging and Puzzle Toys

Natural Environmental Enhancement for Your Captive Birds »
EB Cravens
The search for ways to provide the optimum natural environment for captive psittacines is an ongoing endeavor.

Not Doing Enough for Your Parrot? Get Creative! »
Karen Winsor
Territoriality and the creative cage environment.

Nothing but Fear Itself »
Barbara Heidenreich
Understanding what causes a fear response in your birds.

Once a Picker Always a Picker? »
Mickey Muck
Two case studies of success with chronic feather pluckers.

S.G. Friedman, Ph.D
Best practices and principles relevant to working with all species of animals.

Parrots and Their Interesting Habits »
Parrots as a group are fascinating creatures, but some species are definitely edgier than others.

Parrot Enrichment Activity Book Version 2.0 »
Kris Porter
View the new updated version 2.0 of the Activity Handbook; a guide for engaging parrots in productive activity.

Parrot Enrichment Activity Book Version 1.0 »
Kris Porter
A guide for engaging parrots in productive activity.

Parrots in Temporary Shelters »
S.G. Friedman, Ph.D
The groundwork for empowerment and trust.

Positive Reinforcement for All »
Thea Bennett
A personal view of participating in a positive reinforcement workshop at Paradise Park in the UK.

Shaping New Behaviors »
S.G. Friedman, Ph.D
Shaping is endlessly applicable to teaching captive parrots.

Step Up: Command or Request »
Barbara Heidenreich
Learn the one of the essentials for working with your pet parrot.

Straight Talk About Parrot Behavior »
S.G. Friedman, Ph.D
Common fallacies about behaviour science and parrot behaviour.

The Struggle for Dominance: A Bird's Eye View »
S.G. Friedman, Ph.D
Processes thought to underlie behaviour often in the eye of the beholder.

Success Files »
L. McGuire and S.G. Friedman, Ph.D
Case studies of behaviour challenges faced by companion parrots.

Terminology Tumult »
S.G. Friedman, Ph.D
Terminology can not be used meaningfully or practically if we accept a verbal free-for-all.

To Fly or Not to Fly? »
Steve Martin
Viewpoints on the subject of free flight.

Why Parent-rearing of Parrots is so Important »
Rosemary Low
Perspectives on captive parrot reproduction.

Allergic Alveolitis: A Hypersensitivity Disorder »
World Parrot Trust
Information about this illness, and some simple precautions you can take to prevent it from starting.

Collibacilosis – A Preventable Illness »
World Parrot Trust
The bacterium Escherichia coli is examined, revealing its sometimes dangerous effects in people and parrots.

Common Household Poisons »
compiled by Paradise Park
Research the common household products that can harm your parrot.

Dangers of Stunting in Handfed Psittacines »
EB Cravens
The accepted practice of handfeeding parrot chicks in order to make them into social house pets has a sobering down side to it.

Dealing with Feather Picking »
EB Cravens
Recognizing the signs of destructive feather picking, and suggestions for handling it.

Focus on Catching and Transporting of Parrots »
EB Cravens
Preparation for catching and transporting psittacines takes only a little foresight and planning to anticipate and meet all the birds' needs.

Frequently Occurring Pet Bird Accidents and how to Evade One »
EB Cravens
Unexpected and sudden accidents are a major cause of avian loss in household pets.

How do I know if my parrot is sick? »
Dr.Brenna Fitzgerald, DVM
Avian health care basics for looking after your birds.

Infectious Disease Risks to Parrot Aviculture and Reintroduction »
AG.Greenwood MA, VetMB, MlBiol, MRCVS
A complete review of major disease risks for parrots in captivity. (Please note: this article was first published in 1992 and some information may be out of date

Investigation of Bone Deformities in Grey Parrots »
Rosemary Low
A vet in the UK delves into the incidence of juvenile osteodystrophy in hand-reared grey parrots.

Keeping Up Care for Pets in Troubled Financial Times »
Desi Milpacher
During economic downturns family pets can be unintentionally forgotten, and care can suffer. Here are some tips to help prevent the littlest ones from falling through the cracks.

Keeping Your Parrot Safe During the Holidays »
World Parrot Trust
Everyone loves the holidays – but the holidays don’t always love companion parrots.

Mycobacteriosis – Avian and Human Tuberculosis »
World Parrot Trust
a multifaceted set of disorders troublesome enough to warrant attention from both the veterinary and human medical communities.

Psittacosis: A Serious Illness in Parrots and Humans »
World Parrot Trust
Information about this serious illness and what you can do to prevent it.

Salmonellosis -- A Hidden Danger»
World Parrot Trust
Find out how you can prevent this serious infection from affecting your avian and human families.

Toenail Tips for Parrot Keepers »
EB Cravens
The question of how and when to clip a captive hookbill's toenails pose a particular dilemma for the natural birdkeeper.

Views on Mineral Grit for Parrots »
EB Cravens
A compelling look at the many purposes grit serves in the avian diet.

Views on Pelleted Food Diets »
EB Cravens
Why relying on pelleted foods alone will not sustain your parrot's health.

Zoonotic Diseases in Pet Birds »
World Parrot Trust
An important list of diseases you and your parrot can catch.

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