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5th Internationales Garnelenchampionat

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Du 25 au 27 janvier 2013 à Hanovre (Allemagne) se tiendra le 5ème Championnat international de crevettes.

5th International Shrimp Championship 2013

The 5th International Shrimp Championship will take place from 25th to 27th January 2013 as part of the Heimtiermesse Hannover. The event was conceived with the idea of presenting the hobby of keeping freshwater invertebrates to those interested in this sphere, and also to organize an international competition for shrimp breeders.

Like last year’s competition, the Shrimp Championship is being organized by caridina magazine (Dähne Verlag GmbH, Ettlingen) and the AKWB, the Freshwater Invertebrates Working Group of the German Union of Aquarium Clubs.

Competition hosts (Organizing committee)

Friedrich Bitter of Geeste, Germany, initiator and competition chairman;
Dähne Verlag GmbH of Ettlingen, Germany, represented by Thomas Heinen;
Arbeitskreis Wirbellose in Binnengewässern (AKWB), represented by Lars Dwinger
of Bargteheide, Germany.


Category 1

Neocaridina cf. heteropoda (red and orange variants like Red Fire/Red Cherry and Sakura)

Category 2

Neocaridina cf. heteropoda (other colours such as Yellow Fire, brown, black, blue, rili)

Category 3

Tiger shrimp (all blue including Orange Eyes)

Category 4

Tiger shrimp (all black including Black Orange Eyes)

Category 5

Tiger shrimp (all red)

Category 6

Red & Black Bee & Shadow Bee Family “Mixed breed” (Grade A to S)

Category 7

Red & Black Bee & Shadow Bee Family “Mixed breed” (Grade SS and above)

Category 8

Blue Bolt, Red Bolt, Snow-white and all blue-green Taiwan Bee

Category 9

Taiwan bee/shadow bee family red and black (from Wine Red via Red Ruby and Panda to King Kong)

Category 10

Crossbreeds and new colour mutations of bee shrimp, tiger shrimp and neocaridina cf. heteropoda

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dommage ,il nous aurait fallu un traducteur!

cela doit être super instructif une telle conférence!

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fastoche a écrit:
dommage ,il nous aurait fallu un traducteur!

cela doit être super instructif une telle conférence!

OUI, mon allemand est très sommaire! Avec une traduction en anglais, ça serait bien mieux... Tant pis, je regarderai les images! grimace

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Départ pour Hannovre ce matin, les températures ne devraient pas dépasser -6°C...

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une super occasion d'apprendre pleins de choses ce voyage!

prends des notes,a défaut de pouvoir y aller,on comptes sur toi pour tout nous expliquer!! Wink

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il y a de tres belles crevettes. vraiment impressionnant. Surtout à la fin! Le jour ou j 'en aurais des comme ca....^^

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