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voici l'aire de répartition des variegata (sans la papouasie-nouvelle guinée pour les irian jayas)

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Invité Myers
Citation :
Morelia spilota harrisoni
Papuan Carpet Python
(formerly known as Morelia spilota variegata- Irian Jaya Carpet Python)

The scientific-name changed from Morelia spilota variegata to Morelia spilota harrisoni and the common-name should change from “Irian Jaya Carpet Python” to “Papuan Carpet Python”, that would be then the only right and not confusing common-name, because the western part of New Guinea is called West Papua today and not longer Irian Jaya and the most places are known where this Python occur is in PNG and there in the southern part, called Papua. Anyway, the names changed but the animals are still the same. This is a small to medium Python (average adult length is between 140 and 180cm) with a mostly beautifull red and yellow pattern. The most of our breeding pairs are fantastic bright red (or a very nice kind of orange) and mostly with a light (yellowish - yellow) dorsal length stripe, running over the whole bodylength. They are very easy to keep. In the wild they live in Eucalyptus-Savannas, where it can be very dry, because of that fact, the humidity must`nt be extremly high, it should be at daytime between 60 – 70% and at night between 70 – 80%. The average temperature should be at the daytime between 26- 30C°, local around 35 - 45C° [hotspot], at nighttime between 21 - 25C°. If you are interested in these beauties, you should have a look at “Available” here on this homepage.

©️ Marc Mense 2004 - 2006, beste Auflösung / best viewed 1024x768

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Invité Myers
Reckta a écrit:
J'vais pas prendre des masse de temps pour répondre car on m'attend ....

Mais en deux mot le Morelia Spilota Variegata est d'australie ... du Nord meme !!!

Et le Morelia Spilota Variegata Harissoni (autrement dit Irian Jaya) vien de l'ile Irian Jaya anciennement Papouasie (c'est pour sa que l'on voit aussi des fois Papoua)

Donc ce sont la meme sous espece mais deux localité differente par contre !!

Mais c'est vrai que les condition de vie sont pratiquement identique et que la difference entre les deux est minim ...

Apres certains ne seront pas d'accord avec mes dire mais moi je l'affirme de certaine personne avec qui j'ai eu de longue discution et personne reconnus qui sont toute d'accord sur ce point !!!


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