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Dutch Youthchampion 'Groovygirl of Velvet Spine' W'08

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This is my mini bitch Daantje
d.o.b. 20-04-2007
ch Nigel the Warrior x Ch Booogyboney of Velvet Spine

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Quelle bonne bouille, la dernière est super!

Elle est ds le concours des photos "quoi ma gueule" non??

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elle a une bouille a croquer j'aime beaucoup beaucoup

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jennyfer73 a écrit:
Quelle bonne bouille, la dernière est super!

Elle est ds le concours des photos "quoi ma gueule" non??

Can your write that in Englisch my French is not that good, i can understand some thing but not al

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Groovygirl a écrit:
jennyfer73 a écrit:
Quelle bonne bouille, la dernière est super!

Elle est ds le concours des photos "quoi ma gueule" non??

Can your write that in Englisch my French is not that good, i can understand some thing but not al

Oui on participe ensemble avec sa photo (et son accord bien sur)

Sophie, she said that Daantje has a nice face, the last pic is super, and asked if it is the pic in the contest.

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Elektron a écrit:
Groovygirl a écrit:
jennyfer73 a écrit:
Quelle bonne bouille, la dernière est super!

Elle est ds le concours des photos "quoi ma gueule" non??

Can your write that in Englisch my French is not that good, i can understand some thing but not al

Oui on participe ensemble avec sa photo (et son accord bien sur)

Sophie, she said that Daantje has a nice face, the last pic is super, and asked if it is the pic in the contest.

Thanks for translating this. Yes it is the same picture as in the contest.

Thanks you al for the nice comments

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Daantje know has the title luxemburg champion and she won the CETS Tropy Show where she get the title "Best Miniature Bull Terrier on The Continent 2009"

Her a pic taken in April at the CETS Tropy Show

In 2010 whe are going to Crufts with her

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