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two monsters exotics

Stav voila sabogae boa photos

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Very nice Bayard
instead of assuming, I will ask.
Are these two part of your present collection ?
If so,
How old are they ?

You can brag a bit, cause there special.

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Crazy looking snake, it's such a good thing you bring all those awesome snakes in Canada. thumright

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Like we say in french .... ils sont débiles ! Shocked

Thanks for sharing these Bayard .... dont hesitate to show more stuff of your collection .... it Rock on

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speckledmind a écrit:
Very nice Bayard
instead of assuming, I will ask.
Are these two part of your present collection ?
If so,
How old are they ?

You can brag a bit, cause there special.

This is the story. I was offered a 1.4 group two years ago when they came up from Panama. I saw the pics of them and took them right away. Little did I know that they can be very difficult to adapt. I soon I lost one in a short period of time. Went through many trails for there up keep. After a year and a half I had lost 3 of the five. And one of those was my male . So Since I invested time and effort into them the next logical thing to do was get some captive stock. So the pair shown here are the newest to be add to the two remaining females in the collection. they are 3 yrs old captives I brought in from the down south.
The reason for the imports was that they were rare in collections and it was a good way to start a new bloodline of this breed of snake. So not much to brag about.
They are a beautiful boa though I do find them secertive. They like to burrow under their substrate.

If someone wish to translate this story please feel free to do so. Because if I tried to I would really do so very poorly.


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Here's the translation:

"Voici leur histoire. Je me suis fait offrir un groupe de 1.4 il y a deux ans quand ils sont arriver du Panama. J'ai vu les photos et les ai pris a l'instant. Le peu que je savais est qu'ils s'adapte difficilement. J'ai vite perdu un premier en peu de temps. J'ai tenter differentes methodes de garde et apres un an et demi j'avais perdu 3 des 5 dont mon male. Alors comme j'avais mis beaucoup de temps et d'efforts en eux, la chose logique a faire etait d'en trouver du "captif". Alors la paire montree ici est l'addition aux deux femelles de la collection. Ils ont 3 ans et proviennent du sud...

La raison de l'importation etait qu'ils sont rare en collection et c'etait une bonne facon de starter une nouvelle lignee de cette espece. Rien qui vaut de se vanter..."

Here you go Bayard... Wink

Really nice boas, like everything I saw of yours so far! Best of luck with them! I can't wait to see some babies of that on the market! Smile

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Ill give it a shot for the fun of's late and Im not tired lol. And by the way, those have got to be some of my fav's out of all the pics you post. Keep me updated in the future.

"Voici l'histoire, Je me suis fait offrir un group de 1.4 du Panama il y a 2 ans. J'ai vus les photo's et je les ai pris tout de suite. Je ne savais pas qu'ils allaient etre si dure a adapter et j'en ai perdu un apres peu de temps. J'ai traverser beaucoups pour bien les maintenir. Apres un an et demi j'en ai perdu 3 des 5 et puis l'un d'eux etait mon male. Alors vu que j'ai investi autant de temps et d'argent la prochaine chose logique etait d'aller chercher du stock CB. Alors la pair que vous voyez ici sont les nouvelles que je vais ajouter avec les 2 femelles qui reste. Ils ont 3 ans, CB et ils sont venu du sud.

La raison des importations etait parce qu'ils sont rare dans des collections et c'est une bonne facon de commencer un nouveau bloodline de serpent.
Ils sont des boa's magnifiques et je les trouve a etre un peu..."secret" Ils aiment creuser dans leur substrat."

Okay so c'est pas parfait mais bon au moins tout le monde va comprendre Laughing

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two monsters exotics a écrit:
Little did I know that they can be very difficult to adapt.

Thanks Bayard,

By the looks of it, you sure paid the price in time and effort that's for sure, I wish you a better road ahead with these snakes.

One more question if I may.
Would it be possible for you to elaborate on the experience you had in the keeping of the imports specimens, and then the captive bred specimens ?

I for one, would be grateful if you shared your experience, and add to my learning of this species.

These are not a species I’m looking to get into, but I enjoy learning as much as I can, we just never know when someone’s experience might benefit us in the future while dealing with Boas.

Si quelq’un pourait me traduire, allez y, c’est garantie qu’il va y avoir moin de fautes.

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