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eric hasler

a couple of 08's

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Beautiful specimens Eric. The blotchs of each ones have somes imperfections but that make the patter spécial. I'm not sure but I say incomplete ziz zag in first, regular with twin's blotch in second, aztec in one line on the third (that weird) and regular again with none separate special twin-blocht for the fourth. All of them seem like okeetee look too.

I know it's not the right term but it's my classification and my impression... (and sorry for my english)

Only one thing I can't tell you is what on the last picture... the thing you wear on your feets !!!

Continue to put pict of corns if you have more... I love this specie

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Ophidioman a écrit:
Beautiful specimens Eric. The blotchs of each ones have somes imperfections but that make the patter spécial. I'm not sure but I say incomplete ziz zag in first, regular with twin's blotch in second, aztec in one line on the third (that weird) and regular again with none separate special twin-blocht for the fourth. All of them seem like okeetee look too.

I know it's not the right term but it's my classification and my impression... (and sorry for my english)

Only one thing I can't tell you is what on the last picture... the thing you wear on your feets !!!

Continue to put pict of corns if you have more... I love this specie

apparently there a few folks out there with foot and/or shoe fetishes...or more to the point my foot and/or shoes
so to keep you all happy i mean the weekend is coming up here you go...who says i can't be nice and accommodating.

ps:Pass the relish

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Hahahahaha !! You are crazy man !!! The flowers was not on the first I think you test my fetishes with this news specimens ...(without snail ) It"s been a while I was so exited like this.

I hope they don"t move and was tame during shooting ."s nice from you Eric. Identification is ok now !!!

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Ophidioman a écrit:
Hahahahaha !! You are crazy man !!! The flowers was not on the first I think you test my fetishes with this news specimens ...(without snail ) It"s been a while I was so exited like this.

I hope they don"t move and was tame during shooting ."s nice from you Eric. Identification is ok now !!!

sorry no shoes,no feet and NO pedophilia

anybody want the story and the link,please contact me.

pps:pass the relish
ppps:parents allowing known pedophiles on their websites then banning the person who outed the pedophila need to re-adjust their morales...but thats just me.
pppps:i'm just beginning.

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justin a écrit:
Hi Eric!
Good to see ps beginning back!

merci justin...and good to be back,will try and keep up on some posts and some snappy pictures.

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