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Local "Trade" Gone Very Bad.

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Voici l'histoire en Anglais, une version francaise sera postuler dans peu de temps

I regret to inform everyone here on that it seems with have a bad apple among us (I could use a word to better describe the individual but I'll keep this message clean). I will tell you now that I will leave his username confidential for now, but if he does not rectify the situation I will DEFINITELY let everyone know who he is.

The Story:

Recently I have decided to put a good portion of my animals up for sale, this is to fund a GTP project as Im currently in payment plans with Don Patterson to bring in "morph" GTP blood into my collection. This is the reason for me selling my collection. Unfortunately I have found out that I have only male GTPs, I probed mine last Sunday to find out is was male.

What a Coincidence? An individual PMed me this the Monday ONE day after I found out my GTP was male:

Posté le:Lun 16 Nov 2009, 07:04

vue que tu a mis en vente un male pinstripe et je me demandait etait tu
ouvert aux echange car j'ai une femele green tree python biak de 2 ans
cb que je veux me departir alors je me demandait si tu aurait voulu
faire une echange merci bye et bonne journée .

Lucky, right? A CAPTIVE BRED 2 yearold Female Biak. Now Im pretty sure everyone knows the value of GTP females so I wrote him back saying "Yes I want to, youre a life saver, are you absolutely sure its female?" (I have the message in my inbox that I typed to him in french, this is a rough translation)

Posté le:Lun 16 Nov 2009, 12:32
Sujet:Re: pinstripe
oui je suis sure que cest une femele et meme stav la sexer quand voudrait tu faire l'echange merci bye et bonne journée .

I then asked him for his address, after he said he couldnt bring it to me I had to pick it up from him. In the message including his address (which I wont post) he said he did not have pictures (weird???)

Posté le:Lun 16 Nov 2009, 13:04
Sujet:Re: pinstripe
sans probleme pense tu pouvoire venir chez moi ? si tu vien me le
pinstripe en plus je te donne une cage en vitre pour serpent arboricole
longeure36xprofondeure 12pouse et 36 pouse de haut avec seperateur aux
millieur avec une porte sur chaque coter cest une cage double de
reproduction moi cest mon dernier serpent arboricole et jen aura plus

WOAH! This deals too good to be true? It was.

So I get to his House, this GTP is on the floor of its cage which has too much Ventilation and has stuck shed on it... red flag? Nah, stuck shed is easy to fix right? Its aggressive but its a biak. I see that the snake hasits mouth opened. I ask the guy if the thing has mouth rot (ulcerative stomatis) He said "Non Elle a juste un peut de morceux de boite dans sa bouche, jai essayer de enlever avec un Q-Tip". Now REMEMBER this, He said to my face, he cleaned its mouth. So he gave me the cage, which wasnt cleaned and the snake and took my Pinstripe.

So I get home and the mouth STILL isnt closed properly. So I decide to investigate. I open up its mouth Monday night (I actually have a VIDEO of this on Youtube that I posted WEDNESDAY) and what do i find? Yes a bit of dirt, but also broken teeth and gray and yellow puss all over the inside of the snakes mouth. Now lets see...

Mouth Rot

Also known by the fancy name of ulcerative
stomatis mouthrot is characterized by a swollen mouth that is often
full of white cheesy pus.

SO, lets see here, I believe I asked him if it was mouth rot, and to my FACE he told me NO, that he ad just CHECKED the mouth to remove the debris. So either he LIED to me and Saw the mouth rot and didnt tell me about it, or, HE LIED TO ME and just never checked the mouth. And I'll tell you what if youve ever smelled snakes breath, its NOT supposed to smell like their Urates!


I notice while opening its mouth... WEEZING. and bubbling noises coming from its nose. So what does this usually mean? RI, Respiratory Infection. But at this time Im tring to be hopeful, maybe its just hissing.

Next day, GTP is in GTP Perch position and I see bubbles coming from his nose, I notify the guy IMMEDIATELY:

But first:

Posté le:Mar 17 Nov 2009, 07:30
Sujet:Re: pinstripe
sa t'interese j'ai a vendre un anaconda vert de 3 pieds super gentil et
j'ai un alligator americain si jamais sa t'interese bye et bonne
journée .

My response:

Mer 18 Nov 2009, 15:01 Sujet: Re: pinstripe
Non jai pas intereste. La GTP quetu me donner a un infection respiratoire, elle faites des boules toute le temp avec sa nez.


Mer 18 Nov 2009, 18:05 Sujet: Re: pinstripe
elle fait des bulles moi serieux elle na jamais fait ca donne moi plus dexplication ?....


Mer 18 Nov 2009, 21:09 Sujet: Re: pinstripe
je vu elle sur sa perche et elle a des gros bulles qui sorte de sa nez,
normalement ca dire que cest une infectione respiratoire, Et il y deux
raison pour le infestion: 1) Pas assi Humide dans sa cage (Et je va dis
que si le python "shed" dans de petit morceux normallement le
humiditeet trop bas, mon GTP a JAMAIS faire ca, cest toujours 1 shot,
pas des morceux) 2) Il y a des parasites dans elle. Je va dire que des
pythons vert chez rEptile amazon sont JAMAIS nee on cativite. Jai
travailler a un magasin qui acheter notre animal la des fois... donc
jecrois que cest WC et elle a des parasites, donc, maintenant je besoin
de aller au vet, cest tellement pas cool man


Jeu 19 Nov 2009, 08:31 Sujet: Re: pinstripe
savait vraiment pas pour les bulles sur le nez sa me chicotte......mais
le vendeur chez reptiles amazone ma confirmer que c'est du cb
......redone moi sen des news merci bye .

The next few days I was busy with work and contacting Vlad asking him for help, And on MVF asking for help.

Finally once I was ENTIRELY sure I was dealing with Mouth Rot and An RI:

Le serpent a un infection respiratoire. Cest sur. Elle a aussi
Stomatitis dans sa bouche. Cette serpent et malade. Une infection
respiratoire cest normalement parce que il y a des parasites dans le
serpent. Donc acause de toi je peut perdu TOUTE ma collection. Je suis
TELLEMENT facher et je veut que on REFAIRE le exchange toute de suite.
Cest VRAIMENT la BULLSHIT qui tu me donner un serpent et sa cage quand
ellesont malade. Donc on va REFAIRE lexchange SI NON Je va dire a tous
le monde quest ceque arriver. Si je perdu UN serpent a cause que TU
MEDONNER un serpent qui es malade...tu va avoir un GROS problem. Sa me
fait chier a cause que Jai vendre bcp de ma collection pour lavoir de
largent PAS DE LE PERDU ARGENT sur un VET. Si tu veut voir le preuve...
ICI, jai faits un VIDEO: Regarde les chose que je le trouvedans sa
bouche, et regarde le bruit elle faits.

No answer from him.

Sam 21 Nov 2009, 17:13 Sujet: Re: pinstripe

No answer still.
Sam 21 Nov 2009, 22:53 Sujet: DERNIER CHANCE
SAIS que tu a aller sur Reticlic aujourdhui. " Aujourd'hui à 19:48"
Donc je said que tu deja leur mon message. Donc je va dis que toute le
monde va voir que tu me fait a moi, Je donner toi un autre jour de
reondre et de me redonner le serpent a je va redonner le tein. Si non
ETRE SUR que je va aller A VOTRE maison, JAI ENCORE votre addresse.
Donc, jespere que tu va me repondre toute le suite

So this has been my hell for the last week. This guy does not seem to be willing to cooperate with me. Please no this: I AM FULLY AWARE THAT REPTICLIC IS NOT RESPONSIBLE AND I INTEND ON STAYING ON REPTICLIC AND I WONT LET THIS AWFUL EXPERIENCE RUIN THIS SITE FOR ME. THIS IS MY FAULT.I've been in this hobby for 6 years I should know better, this deal was shady from the get-go. Yet I went through with it. I do plan on doing everything I possibly can to get my pinstripe back and get this Infected GTP out of my house. What needs to be understood here is that RIs are HIGHLY contagious, and in bringing that snake and cage into my house all my snakes are in jeopardy (none have shown any signs of being ill yet) So not only is this snake probably not going to make it if I dont get it to a vet (which will cost money obviously) but if I hadnt caught the RI early I couldve pontentially killed my whole collection off. Understand that I am upset and sad...and I feel like an Idiot. The mouth opened the shed stuck onto the GTP...all signs of poor husbandry and poor husbandry unfortunatly kills GTPs.

I only hope that all of you will not make the mistake I have, and learn to not rush into "Too-Good-to-Be-True" Trades... And always ALWAYS Quarantine! I will not let this issue go away, I have this scammers address and phone number. And Ive saved all messages and have email proof, picture proof, hell even video proof and a witness that went with me to pick the snake up, I hope this guy owns up to his mistake, If not be sure that I will post his name and Username to ensure this never happens again to anyone on this great site.

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Wow...I saw your video like, 5 days ago ( im one of ur many subscribers ) , and I dont really understood your video, but now its more clear.... Thats very strange... and I hope this situation will get fine.

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hey i am so sorry for you man ..

but for mi self ,i would never did the trade ,just because of the mouth (first inspection befor bying is chek up the mouth to see how clean it is ),i dont by sick snake or snake that look bad ,durty cage etc ,miss info no picture from the snake before bying etc ..from the beginig it was looking bad ..

rigth wen you said that he want to exange a femelle gtp for a pin strip .......smell fishee to me

i would bring him back his gtp and get your pin strip back ..

you dont need is problem ,that risk to infect your colection ...

sorry for mi english ..

thanks to share with us ...and sorry again ,i hope that you can get a hold off him and fix that ..

you are very polite to not bring is name up by the way ...

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Thanks Pat. In this hobby Theres bad people like this guy then theres good guys like you (I bought your big PR Femelle, and our trade went great you brought your scale to weigh her and let me choose out of the two, offered to loan me males etc.). I guess in every hobby there always be the good guys and bad guys thankfully theres more good on this site than bad.

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ya i do that, but it just that wath is happening to you ,happen to me once ,and i told mi self that never i will be in that situation again ...

i remember how piss off i was oufffff not pretty lollol..

your right there are more good people then bad one ...but fuck that the bad one are not good for the hobbie...
i hope that he will make a man of him self and fix that the rigt way for you ..


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Y'a rien de ''légal'' a faire avec ce cas la je pense...he did not force you to take his sick snake, you took it. I could exchange my car for a bag of peanut if i really wanted peanuts, you understand?

Maintenant je pense qu'il faut arrêter de protégé le crosseur et dire a toute notre communauté qui est ce gars, la communauté est tricoté assez serré...depuis le temps... Smile


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je trouve sa aussi important de dire qui est ce gars car, 1 il a pas été honnette je trouve.. et de plus je ne voudrais pas faire un trade avec lui et qui m'arrive le meme truc..!

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Hummmm moi je crois bien savoir qui c'est et ca ne me surprends pas dutout!!

hahahahha sa seras ben le bout dla marde si sais lui .....

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slim a écrit:
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Hummmm moi je crois bien savoir qui c'est et ca ne me surprends pas dutout!!

hahahahha sa seras ben le bout dla marde si sais lui .....

Je pence aussi que c'est lui ...... après 5 nickname different et l'alligator qu'il voulait échanger ...yen n'a pas 30 dans l'histoire du forum.

Si c'est lui je voit aucun problème de le dénoncer il a déja été bannies a plusieurs reprise , montrer avec photos , on sais ou il travaille et tout le monde le reni ...... Mais si c'est lui je suis vraiment enrager , malgrer tout ça il réussi encore a vendre , c'est vraiment une menace qu'il faudrait écarter a tout pris.

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se nest pas tres nice de la part de cette personne dessayer de vendre un animal dans un telle etats ,mais a voir sa bouche ,pourquoi la tu pris ???? ..jaurais pas toucher as un animal comme celui la.

vendre un croc spas fort .ye pas peureux ,jaurais la chienne que la SPCA debarque pour me calisser une superbe amande ..


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Désolé d'embarquer dans ce post mais je trouve juste sa sale un post comme ça ...

Premièrement, quand tu fait un trade comme ça, tu t'assure que l'animal en question soit en bonne santé ....

Le problème à la bouche m'aurait donné un GROS indice que cet animal n'était pas en bon état ...

Aussi, un RI se voit au premier coup d'œil .... Si tu ne l'a pas détecté sur le coup, qui sait si ce n'est pas de TA faute .....

Maintenant, je comprend ton désarroi mais cette situation est de TA faute. TU as accepté de faire l'échange alors TU ne peux pas chialer contre la personne avec qui tu a fais l'échange ...

Ce post ne sert qu'a bitcher, si tu veux, le BOI existe et il n'est là que pour ça .....

Désolé mais c'est mon opinion


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Si tu lis le post comme il faut, il le dit que c'est de sa faute et il veux just pas que sa se reproduise a quelqu,un d'autre.

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Aleximuss a écrit:
Si tu lis le post comme il faut, il le dit que c'est de sa faute et il veux just pas que sa se reproduise a quelqu,un d'autre.

Je sais, sauf que le post est en train de salir une personne, que je ne connais pas en passant, et ça c'est pas correcte ....

J'ai déjà eu des expériences comme ça et je suis pas venu braillé sur le forum ....

C'est juste l'expérience qui entre ça .....


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Ok so he still hasnt answered me.

To those who question why I took the trade even though the mouth wasnt closed properly. He said to me when I asked him, face to face, looked him in the eyes "Es-ce que il y a quelle que chose mal avec sa bouche?" and he looked me in the face and said "Non cest juste de petit morceux de copeau, jai juste le checker et enlever un peut avec un Q-Tip". I TRUSTED him. He LOOKED like a nice enough guy. I did check the mouth later on when I got home and found a bit of mouth rot. Mouth Rot, easy to treat I dont care too much about that, Its the RI that is the HUGE problem. and the bubbles from the nose only started on the second day. So yea, I trusted him, dumb move yes.

DOMINIC - Your post makes me laugh honestly. Youre complaining about me slandering this person. Saying this post is just meant to ruin someones name. YOURE DAMN RIGHT! To me someone that lies to my face after I trust him and drive an Hour to pick up the snake, then DOESNT get back to me when I send him messages, I'm sorry for my words here but that one piece-of-shit of a person and he DOES deserve to have his name ruined. You make it sound like its all MY fault as if hes innocent in all this, you tell me to post on the BOI, how many new users that sign up to repticlic know what the BOI is? Apparently people on this forum shouldnt know that theres a douchebag on the forum selling sick animals and illegal ones?

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Dude, tell us who this douche bag is and/or reply to your PM's.

This low life needs to be exposed

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The reason I cannot do that at this point in time is "Who Knows". Maybe its all just a "big misunderstanding" maybe he never "knew" it had mouth rot. Maybe he doesnt "know" what mouth rot is, Maybe it wasnt "his" snake, "Maybe" he only hasnt gotten back to me because he hasnt had time to (even though his last log in was last night). VERY Unlikely, but before destroying someones character I need to be 110% sure.

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The reason I cannot do that at this point in time is "Who Knows". Maybe its all just a "big misunderstanding" maybe he never "knew" it had mouth rot. Maybe he doesnt "know" what mouth rot is, Maybe it wasnt "his" snake, "Maybe" he only hasnt gotten back to me because he hasnt had time to (even though his last log in was last night). VERY Unlikely, but before destroying someones character I need to be 110% sure

thats a other story ,if your are not sure of nothing ....why post that if your are not sure ??? ..
that alot of maybe .

they only thing that we can learn in this post is to be careful ,and to do chek up on a snake befor buying ...

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DOMINIC - Your post makes me laugh honestly. Youre complaining about me slandering this person. Saying this post is just meant to ruin someones name. YOURE DAMN RIGHT! To me someone that lies to my face after I trust him and drive an Hour to pick up the snake, then DOESNT get back to me when I send him messages, I'm sorry for my words here but that one piece-of-shit of a person and he DOES deserve to have his name ruined. You make it sound like its all MY fault as if hes innocent in all this, you tell me to post on the BOI, how many new users that sign up to repticlic know what the BOI is? Apparently people on this forum shouldnt know that theres a douchebag on the forum selling sick animals and illegal ones?


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PDDM a écrit:

DOMINIC - Your post makes me laugh honestly. Youre complaining about me slandering this person. Saying this post is just meant to ruin someones name. YOURE DAMN RIGHT! To me someone that lies to my face after I trust him and drive an Hour to pick up the snake, then DOESNT get back to me when I send him messages, I'm sorry for my words here but that one piece-of-shit of a person and he DOES deserve to have his name ruined. You make it sound like its all MY fault as if hes innocent in all this, you tell me to post on the BOI, how many new users that sign up to repticlic know what the BOI is? Apparently people on this forum shouldnt know that theres a douchebag on the forum selling sick animals and illegal ones?

Yeah, I know it's not ok to sell a sick animal, I know that it's not all your fault.

But, you can't come here and complain about this guy when you are the first in this situation to blame ..... You were aware that the snake was a sick animal. this snake gave you somes signs before you make the deal and you did not react to thoses signs ....

When you face somthing like that, you must do a check up before to complete the deal and you did not make it so, you cannot blame this guy for this .....

Many people in the hobby have sick animals and don't know about it ..... I've bough some in the past and they die at home but it was all my responsability to back up before the deal was complete so I did not complain about thoses guys ....

I also admit that he's a pain in the ass to not answer you PM but with a post like this one, you don't help your situation.

For thoses who want to stop this guy, good luck ! How many snakes on repcan are from barber ??? How many reptiles are for sale from M. J-F Brault ( old timer should know him ... ). How many bad people are selling reptiles on the hobby ??? It's impossible to get a clean hobby and it's OUR responsability to be prudent.

Anyway, you are making a post and want everyone to be with you in this situation so I'll stop to write here cause I'm not 100% on your side ....


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slim a écrit:
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The reason I cannot do that at this point in time is "Who Knows". Maybe its all just a "big misunderstanding" maybe he never "knew" it had mouth rot. Maybe he doesnt "know" what mouth rot is, Maybe it wasnt "his" snake, "Maybe" he only hasnt gotten back to me because he hasnt had time to (even though his last log in was last night). VERY Unlikely, but before destroying someones character I need to be 110% sure

thats a other story ,if your are not sure of nothing ....why post that if your are not sure ??? ..
that alot of maybe .

they only thing that we can learn in this post is to be careful ,and to do chek up on a snake befor buying ...

Well, Im not completely sure I am pretty positive, I mean I did get the snake LAST week and Ive given him a whole week to answer my replies, Its not like the day after I got the snake and made this post. I gave him a whole week to get back to me and make it right.

Dominic, I have a very hard time believing that I cant blame him for this..I mean he looked me in the face and told me straight-up that he checked the snakes mouth and everything was ok. I was thinking that maybe just maybe there were some honest people left in this world. The only thing in its mouth that I could visually see was a bit of dirt, not the cheesey mouth rot.

Dominic I CAN blame him for apparently having this snake for 6 months and having it in crappy husbandry to the point where it becomes diseased. I CAN blame him for this snake being sick, I did not make this animal sick--He did. And lets not forget that these are live animals and if we buy them we have a responsibilty to them to keep them in good conditions in which they may thrive. He has virtually killed this this point its just hanging on. This animal is not a baby, Its two years old, at one point it WAS healthy. So it must have been NEGLECTED recently to become this ill. And yea man, I think owning animals keeping them in crappy conditions to the point where they develop two serious life threatening hell issue--IS SOMETHING SOMEONE SHOULD BE BLAMED FOR.

Again it is very important that I mention this, the night I brought it home it only had dirt in his mouth, we didnt open its mouth cause he told me he already checked. this snake visually was healthy but had underlying health issues. Like I said maybe he didnt know but either way, Im sure any decent human, if contacted and told their snake that they sold/traded to someone was badly ill, theyd at the very least try to help out. This guys left me hanging for a week, he cant even dignify me with a response.

I do think this guys definetly to blame, this snake was his responsibility and he basically destroyed it, couldnt fix it and got rid of it asap and got a beautiful healthy pinstripe from me, that I took the time to actually care for. It makes me sick and with every day that goes by and for all the sleep I lose over this I get angrier and angrier as each day goes by. Im very sorry repticlic members if my posts seem hostile, Im tired, Im pissed and Im not going to let this guy screw me over... I am starting treatments for the RI tomorrow and will start cleaning out the mouth with antibiotics too, If anyone knows the names of GOOD exotic vets that can give me a prescription thatd be great please PM me. The thing that hurts me the most is that poor Pinstripe of mine is in this idiots care. And even though it is hard to screw up with BP/PRs after seeing what he did to this snake I fear for the life of my Pinstripe.

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Hummmm moi je crois bien savoir qui c'est et ca ne me surprends pas dutout!!

je vien davoir la confirmation hahahahahha sa dlair que sais lui ..

la prochaine fois si il veu pas se faire identifier ,quil ne dise pas a tous le monde quil a un anaconda ou croc a vendre ,sais trop facile hahahahahhahaha..pis a chaques fois il mentionne le nom de stav pour peu importe ,la cetais que sta lavais sexer ,un autres fois cetais stav qui avais reproduit les chose quil endais etc etc ....

un momen donner quelqun vas se tanner quil vende des animaux malades et vas lui faire un petit meeting priver ..

sais tres domage pour toie vue que tu est nouveaux pddm ,mais tu aurais ete ici il y a quelques mois et tu ne taurais pas faite avoir ,tu aurais su cetais qui ....


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alors est ce exotic breed? était ce lui ou aheck je crois qui avait un croc et anaconda a vendre?

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pis a chaques fois il mentionne le nom de stav pour peu importe ,la cetais que stav lavais sexer

Ouais, si jme souvient bien, c'est stav qui a sexé ses gtp a l'ahm.

Entk, je vais me passer de commentaire sur ce trou du cul, car je pense ben que je vais pogné les nerfs!!!

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Bobspike est-ce que tu parle de l'ahm... d'il y a 2 -3 mois .... les trois gtp qui ont été sexer par stav!?

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Ok guys heres an Update, no response on him..still. But I did go to a vet today and it only ended up being 100.23$ at least (and for now)...diagnosis was mouth rot and pneumonia in upper respiratory tract, given
anti-biotic Amikacin 50 mg/ml. Instructions
to inject 0.01 cc intramuscular every 3 days for 10 injections. Also
the snakes weight is only 163 grams the vet said to him shes
underweight...he said I should try feeding her even during treatment.

Now onto mr. MARC... aka BallPython... who lives in st-eustache laurentides nord... This guy made me go to his parents house in St-Eustache where he was keeping this snake, apparently he lives in an apartment. I do have his number, or at least what I think the number is of his parents as I called this number multiple times before the trade and he picked up, and picked up while in the house where I picked up the snake. Marcs bio on here (on BallPython) says he is 25 yearsold... To me he looked MUCH younger. One of the great moderators on this site has given me a GREAT Idea:

If i can suggest something to you, is to call the SPCA and report the
guy for having an illigal alligator..this way he might get his keeping
rights revoked.
This is not the first time he has done this to
poeple in the communaty, and he never fixes his he keeps on
screwing poeple until he will meat his match..and maybe getting his
reptile keeping rights revoked, will finaly put an end to his
fraudulent deals!

In the end I will make sure that I am the last person Marc ever ****s with. He will not forget me, I wont forget him, I will absolutely not let this go. Call this childish, stupid whatever, I will not rest until this bastard learns his lesson.

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Well My Friend for my opinion , you would be In Your rights to do so and you want Him to receive a complimentary visit , Who knows maybe someone would be willing to

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Eille bonjour tout le monde.

Vous les savez tous c qui, exotic breed c lui.

Premièrement, il faut que je vous dise que je ne suis pas associé a ce gars la, on est seulement des amis qui habitent proche. rien de plus.

Je suis en accord avec dominic. Tu l,a vu le serpent, pk tu l'as acheté. C'est sur que s'il avais qqch et qu'il la vendu c vedge, mais j,ai vu ste serpent la la journée de son départ, la veille et l'avant veille. Sa tombe bien j,ai été le visiter 3 jour de suite cette semaine là....

Le serpent n'avais rien, aucune bulle sortais de sa bouche, il mangait bien, un belle mue, il a mué la journée que tu l,a acheté.

la photo qu'il y a de quoi de brun dans ces fossettes c'est de la terre, parce qu'il s'est frotté le bac a terre pour enlever sa mue. Moi et john a deux on a essayer d'enlever la terre le plus possible avant de le vendre.

J'ai dit a john, et il le fera, mais prouve nous qu'il a une inferction pis il va le reprendre ton snake. Il n,a jamais voulu vendre cette bête malade, mais elle n'avais rien chez lui. Pense tu que la terre a pu causer un infection. On l,a auté 5 minutes après....

C plate que tu essaie de bitcher qqn comme sa je trouve. Peut être que john a déjà eu des choses a ce reprocher avant, c'est vrai. Je suis la pour l'aider dans ces truc, mais ste trade la j'ai jamais vu qu,est ce qu'il y avait de mal.

Avant de bitcher, est tu aller chez le vet voir si il avait vrm qqch ste snake là...... si il a rien criss c vedge cque tu fais. pis tu aurais tord en plus.....

Si tu va au vet pis le snake a vrm de quoi c sur qu'il reprend ton snake je te le dis.....

J'attend ta réponse, mais jsais pas si jva avoir le temps de revnir sur le forum auj.

Va chez le vet mon ami Wink

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Avant de bitcher, est tu aller chez le vet voir si il avait vrm qqch ste snake là...... si il a rien criss c vedge cque tu fais. pis tu aurais tord en plus.....

Si tu va au vet pis le snake a vrm de quoi c sur qu'il reprend ton snake je te le dis.....

J'attend ta réponse, mais jsais pas si jva avoir le temps de revnir sur le forum auj.

Va chez le vet mon am

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But I did go to a vet today and it only ended up being 100.23$ at least (and for now)...diagnosis was mouth rot and pneumonia in upper respiratory tract, given
anti-biotic Amikacin 50 mg/ml. Instructions
to inject 0.01 cc intramuscular every 3 days for 10 injections. Also
the snakes weight is only 163 grams the vet said to him shes
underweight...he said I should try feeding her even during treatment.


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temps qua moi , john devrais lui redoner son snake et lui rembourcer le vet .. THAT IT si il ce dit un non-crosseur .

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sais pas le faite detre un crosseur ou pas ,sais que sa devien redondan de toujours aoir des poste de nouveaux membres qui son en beau maudit a cause quil commence leurs passion avec un maudit snake malade ...

si sais pour fair des sous ,ben quil se garde un fond $$$ et quil aille cher le vet avans de vendre un animal sais tout ,sa as sauver ben dla marde ...sais pas la premiere fois que sa arrive lhitoire se repette et se repette ...

ya moyen de samuser a vendre des snakes ,regarder ''scrub python'' on a souven bitcher sur lui disan bla bla bla ,mais ste gars la a jamais vendu un animal malade a personne et jpeu vous dire quil en as vendu en maudit des snakes .......ya des manieres de faire dans la vie et desfois sais moin payan ,mais beaucoup plus securisan ''chek up ...

sais tellement plus simple de prendre son temp et detre sur avans de vendre ou acheter quelques choses ...

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Cette phrase la a fait ma journée

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il faut que je vous dise que je ne suis pas associé a ce gars la, on est seulement des amis

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Cheque jaais pas eu le temps de lire tous le forum désolé.

John c une chose, j'arrête de le défendre.

pour ce qui est de ton trade PDDM jte MP. Mp moi si tu veux, je répond vite Smile

( c pas mon serpent le pythonvert, pis j'ai pas ton pinestripe, mais jvais t,arranger sa tu va voir ! ... I'll fix this )

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Noodles, c vrai qu'on est pas associé, on estjsute des amis. Je met pas le nez dans ces affaires. Peut être aurais - je dû lol.....

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criss ma réputation ..... je fais attention a mes affaires lol si non j'investirais pas autant

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Antoine a écrit:
Noodles, c vrai qu'on est pas associé, on estjsute des amis. Je met pas le nez dans ces affaires. Peut être aurais - je dû lol.....

Moi je ne me metterais pas le nez la si j'étais toi!!! C'est peut-etre un bon chum a toi mais pour le hobby, c'est une GROSSSE nuisance.

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jpense que c finit ste post la....


on est juste au premiere episode ou le hero veu sauver le paure mec pouhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

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slim j'ai dit jme retirais du projet.

jfais pas mon héros, loin de la, je voulais juste éclairsir la situation.

Je l,ai vu de mes yeux ste python la pis il avais l'air clean. Je l,ai pas manipulé, je ne suis pas un fin conaisseur des pythons verts, mais je l'ai quand même vu le python.... Il avait l'air correct.

Comme j'ai dit, PDDM ( je ne connais pas son nom) a dit avoir éété au vet, si c vrai pis qu'il est vraiment infecté, John va le reprendre le serpent c sur, je fait une affaire personelle.

Parcontre y a qqch que j,ai aps compris dans l'histoire. C Stav lui même qui l,a sexé devant les yeux a john pour lui dire que c'était une femelle. John n'a pas menti la dessus, il les sexe pas lui-même ses serpents ....

Jpensais plus règler sa en mp avec PDDM, mais on peut faire sa au grand public aussi.....

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Jpensais plus règler sa en mp avec PDDM, mais on peut faire sa au grand public au

pourquoi tu ten meles ??? sais sa que je comprend pas ,laisse john regler sais affaire .

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je fait une affaire personelle.

ha oui Stav est humain ,et peu aussi se tromper ,le snake etais peu etre tendu ou peu importe et le resulat a ete fau sais tout ..surtout les gtp ,sais pas squi as de plus facile a sexer ...

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bon ok... pourquoi je m'en mêle eeee pour quelques raisons.

Si john je répond pas au gars, moi je vais lui répondre a ste gars la, parceque je peux parler a john facilement.

tu as pris en citation : J'en fait une affaire personelle lol.... n,essaie pas d'isoler ma phrase j'ai dit, john va remettre sont pinestripe au gars, j'en fait une affaire personelle, lol fait pas comme les journaliste pis déformer ce qui est dit réellement lol....

J'ai aussi dit que je me retirais de sa genre 15 x, c toi qui dit le héros viens sauver blablabla....

j,avais déjà dit que jmen mèlais plus pis que c'étais finit, c toi qui reviens a la charge. J'avoue quej'aurais pas du prendre sa défence, je l'avoue j'ai eu tors, l,erreur est humaine, tout ce que je veux faire c rendre service au monde dans cette histoire là

Anyways slim jveux pas me pogner contre toi, les 2 on a rien a voir la dedans.

Je sais que Stav peut se tromper c possible, je ne le blame pas non plus, mais l'autre gars viens dire que john a menti pour le sex.... c tu de la faute a john lol ?!?

Slim.... jparle pu de sa point final... la dernière chose que je vais faire c aider ce gars la a retrouver son pinestripe, le reste, c pas de mes affaires !

On se voit bientot, oublie sa

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BallPython Mar 24 Nov - 19:16 Discussion Générale Reptiles/General Reptiles Discussion

yé p-e mancho... en tk il sais lire...

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