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eric hasler

2010 season has begun

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this is a huge clutch of 30 eggs and no slugs from my danish zoo biak type female x with a male jade x aru type. i am really excited about this clutch and the babies will be outstanding.

ps:Pass the relish
pps:splinters in arboreal snakes(still makes me laugh)
ppps:fish cages(another one that makes me laugh)

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Nice!!! Let's see the adults!! Must be a nice pairing!

ps: Fish tanks, makes me laugh too! hehe
ps: I don't like relish
ps: Yeah... always worried about the spilotes getting splinters from those outdoor branches....

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HalfLife a écrit:
bonne chance

here is the female...

just realized i don't have pictures of the male...will take some and post them shortly.

ps:fish cages(thats the joke not fish tanks)
pps:splinters in arboreal snakes...thanks for that 1
pps:pass the relish
ppps:duck roy duck

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Again, amazing chondros you have! I simply love your female... such a nice olive color!! can't wait to see the male

ps: My dog is a horse
pps: relish without ketchup is powerless
ppps: I just lost the game
pppps: you've lost too.

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Congrats!! Almost alf the way there... Are the eggs still nice?

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biz a écrit:
Good job !!!!!

here is the male...aru x jade line,the yellow and blue on this critter is outrageous.
eggs are still good as expected....due date is april 15th.

ps:fish cages
pps:splinters in arboreal snakes
ppps:pass the relish
pppps:duck roy duck

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there was only 26 eggs(hard to count the honkin' baseball) but they all hatched out today...wil post some pic's later in the week when they are all out of the egg...have to laugh though on all the people who contacted me on the availability of the babies...when i advised them they were all horned up to get some until...lets wait for it folks....i told them they are $700 each. all and i do mean all said they could buy them at the 'reptile show' for $300 each and also knowing that a) they have no clue on chondros and b) they now they are wild caught. there we go,i think fz said it best....cheapniz....poddle bites.
no more ps's...i am too bored now..enough of bashing is too easy!

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eric hasler a écrit:
have to laugh though on all the people who contacted me on the availability of the babies...when i advised them they were all horned up to get some until...lets wait for it folks....i told them they are $700 each. all and i do mean all said they could buy them at the 'reptile show' for $300 each and also knowing that a) they have no clue on chondros and b) they now they are wild caught. there we go,i think fz said it best....cheapniz....poddle bites.
no more ps's...i am too bored now..enough of bashing is too easy!

Ahaha welcome to cheapville Eric...Poeple now a days want everything fast and free............ No wonder reptiles are becoming "disposable goods"

By the way, congrats on the hatchlings...Pics would defenatly be nice!

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Manu a écrit:
eric hasler a écrit:
have to laugh though on all the people who contacted me on the availability of the babies...when i advised them they were all horned up to get some until...lets wait for it folks....i told them they are $700 each. all and i do mean all said they could buy them at the 'reptile show' for $300 each and also knowing that a) they have no clue on chondros and b) they now they are wild caught. there we go,i think fz said it best....cheapniz....poddle bites.
no more ps's...i am too bored now..enough of bashing is too easy!

Ahaha welcome to cheapville Eric...Poeple now a days want everything fast and free............ No wonder reptiles are becoming "disposable goods"

By the way, congrats on the hatchlings...Pics would defenatly be nice!

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wow thats a bunch of yellow hahahah ! gotta love those gtp !

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eric hasler a écrit:
Manu a écrit:
eric hasler a écrit:
have to laugh though on all the people who contacted me on the availability of the babies...when i advised them they were all horned up to get some until...lets wait for it folks....i told them they are $700 each. all and i do mean all said they could buy them at the 'reptile show' for $300 each and also knowing that a) they have no clue on chondros and b) they now they are wild caught. there we go,i think fz said it best....cheapniz....poddle bites.
no more ps's...i am too bored now..enough of bashing is too easy!

Ahaha welcome to cheapville Eric...Poeple now a days want everything fast and free............ No wonder reptiles are becoming "disposable goods"

By the way, congrats on the hatchlings...Pics would defenatly be nice!

Very Nice! Congrats on the consitent healthy hatch rate. The price for a snake is set by the breeder. If people want to pratically give them away they can, but that isn't to healthy for the market. So you say Urban python is selling WC? I could see 300$ going for crosses/WC and in my books I would pay 700$ for pure CB Arus or Other specific Localities.
Nice Offspring!!!

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So you say Urban python is selling WC?

No, they are farmed imports.... night and day in comparison with true CBB... I purchased some off him a few weeks ago and no, they are not as robust as CBB.. that is for sure, but I wanted biak animals and I am really happy with what I got... you just need to know what to expect when you are purchasing farmed animals.. thats all...


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Rob McRobbie a écrit:
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So you say Urban python is selling WC?

No, they are farmed imports.... night and day in comparison with true CBB... I purchased some off him a few weeks ago and no, they are not as robust as CBB.. that is for sure, but I wanted biak animals and I am really happy with what I got... you just need to know what to expect when you are purchasing farmed animals.. thats all...


absloutely, the whole overseas importing process can be very hard on youngins. Plus the lack of deworming/deparasiting on the farm, and other nuissances can be a tough job to pull adults through imagine the little yellow worms. I treat all my colections at least once a year anyhow, but stuff like eelworms and whatnot aren't something your gonna run into often around here.


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Rob McRobbie a écrit:
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So you say Urban python is selling WC?

No, they are farmed imports.... night and day in comparison with true CBB... I purchased some off him a few weeks ago and no, they are not as robust as CBB.. that is for sure, but I wanted biak animals and I am really happy with what I got... you just need to know what to expect when you are purchasing farmed animals.. thats all...


thanks for the smirk on my face but ya know i have been in exile for the past 4-5 months now and now that i am sorta 'back' i wonder why??? the emails i get from people are utter nonsense,no content no nothing...has our education system so broken that people(and i use that term loosely) that people are now unable to string together a sentance of introduction and what they are looking for...
a fine example of and email i received.
1st email...send pic's
my response was...of what?
2nd email...of green tree pythons
i now understand why all the good herps from years gone past avoid the internet like oprah avoids a non-fat yogurt..

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i now understand why all the good herps from years gone past avoid the internet like oprah avoids a non-fat yogurt

Yeah, most of my herps tend to avoid the net too, must be the primal instinct/lack of education thing.

p.s. Foot in Mouth.
p.s.s. If your just gonna bash people all the time, why do you bother posting.
p.s.s.s. funny i dont see you posting on R.C.
p.s.s.s. I thought you were joking when you meant lack of social skills.
p.s.s.s.s. Nobody asked you to produce snakes, you're choice to put them up for sale on the net. If you can't bring anything positive to the site.
p.s.s.s.s.s.s.s.s.s.s.s.s.s.s.s.s OFF and I dont mean that loosely.

You can reply and BASH me all you want, i dont care. I'm just gonna laugh. I'm just sick of people who ride their high horses thinking their better than everyone. That is what's getting old on the internet. If you truly were the Great Breeder you present yourself as (that i do mean loosely ). It would be your pleasure to respond to fellow herpERS questions instead of laughing at them.


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p.s.s.s. funny i dont see you posting on R.C.

He's there Matt... There's an ad on the python classifieds for his latest batch of green trees...


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eric hasler a écrit:

thanks for the smirk on my face but ya know i have been in exile for the past 4-5 months now and now that i am sorta 'back' i wonder why??? the emails i get from people are utter nonsense,no content no nothing...has our education system so broken that people(and i use that term loosely) that people are now unable to string together a sentance of introduction and what they are looking for...
a fine example of and email i received.
1st email...send pic's
my response was...of what?
2nd email...of green tree pythons
i now understand why all the good herps from years gone past avoid the internet like oprah avoids a non-fat yogurt..

Looks like the education system "broke" many years ago. Around the time that you were in school would be my guess, as your own writing is rife with grammatical errors and spelling mistakes.

Also, if it bugs you so much that people e-mail you to ask for photos of animals for sale (then again, that's what professionals do, and you certainly wouldn't want to give that impression, n'est-ce pas?), why not just post them in the first place? One would almost think you enjoy finding things to be offended by.

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