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Dubias pour leachies??

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Anyone feed there leachies dubias???
Have a few babies and 2 eat while the other don't, the adults forget it. Anyone????

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Leachies dont do well on live preys at all... Too slow, too lazy to hunt well. Usually end up stressed or even attacked by the preys. In the wild, they are quickly going instinct because of ants. What you want to look into is the size of your cage. Leachies need smaller cages in proportion to their size compare to say cresties. the best food served in too big a cage will hinder growth. they like something small, sheltered. Also carefully monitor humidity.

We get crazy results with repashy superfood, especially if you can find their favorite fruit flavor and get the 1+1 nectar.

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My adult leachies don't like them at all but 1 of the breeders from the states told me his do, my babies on the other hand act like chahouas and lunge at the dubias. How much do you mist your leachies???

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