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I have GECKOS?!

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Me? Geckos? More of a snake/monitor person but hey! Why not Tokays. I saw a stunning Tokay today at work....with yellow spots? Never seen one like that before...regenerated tail but that is okay. She looks female to me, so I picked up a male "normal" as well....set them up yesterday...the male was fired up with a nice blue color last night but the female was still VERY black but active...maybe she is naturally all black and yellow with little blue coloration? I only noticed a few blue spots on her when "fired up" from what I have seen so far. They are a bit on the thin side. That will change!

Here are some photos

The enclosure..the "male" is at the bottom

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She is really amazing affraid

If ever you sell her, I would take her for sure
...seriously Wink

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