ZoeStevens 0 Posté(e) le 7 décembre 2010 Je peux communiquer en francais - si vous desirez les informations ci-dessous en francais, veuillez m'envoyer un message stp. For more information on this species, please see www.candoia.caPair of Isabel type Solomon Island Ground boas:Male: at about 2.5' and 3 years of age, he is can be bred now. Eats very well, year round, on f/t fat rats or mice every 14 days. A bit nervous but can easily be handled. I have had him for over a year and believe him to be CB. He is in perfect health. - $150Female: two years, about 2'. She is tame but can be flighty in the cage (despite the photo you certainly don't need a hook to handle her ). Eats very well on f/t rats and mice. I have had her a year and believe her to be CB. She is in perfect health and will be able to breed in a couple years. - $150Pair for $260Delivery within two hours of Ottawa is available for a small fee, and I will include some of their accessories if you want them (hiding caves, cork bark, water bowls). Trades / partial trades considered for super dwarf retics, green tree pythons, cages with sliding glass doors... try me. Partager ce message Lien à poster Partager sur d’autres sites