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La Collection!

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Not everyone...but most!!! and not all boas LOL I like the jumpy and worthless as well Wink

Im bored, I had a camera...this happens!!!! Beware of how many photos are on here!

Ayres, as usual. 66% het albino gal. Looks to be getting nice and fat. I had to reluctantly pull her out today to clean a giant mess of watery goodness....ahhhh....thought that would be a good chance to get photos of her growing belly. What do you guys think?

and the lady a few weeks ago

Zyphin(Genetic Stripe 66% het albino male) and Star (Stav line Pastel probably poss. het something being from Stav)

Zyphin when he wasnt so busy

Im being watched..

Ember, my "possible" Motley Hypo in blue...growing like a weed! I swear it seems like she just shed 2 weeks ago.

Aeroh, my het albino. I hope to pair him up with Ayres one day..I love their grey color and black tail

Frost, Anery het albino

a stunning male Pastel having a snack (not named)


Male Dumeril

Ridiculously bad photo of Mr Pine Snake lol

Mr Pissy-Pants Blitz

I love this photo

Raikou's "I KEEL YOU" look

Tsunami and Typhoon (female = bigger one and male)

Oh, and Moonstone, kinked neck and tail, but a great eater nonetheless...never thought I would have a BP lol. I had to take this girl in though

The No-Namers..have 1.2 but eh. One will do. Horrid photo

Zenmai (Zen) the Peachthroat :p

My amazing little Kai. Im obsessed with this little one

Arashi, female Black and Yellow Anery?? WTF? LOL No Idea whats going on with her

This is a photo of her "fired up" believe it or not

and when she is in her "dark"phase
this is when I first got her, with Azure. She's fattened up ALOT since then with her psychotic attacks on pinkies and crickets


I have a Leopard Gecko as well...buuuuuuuuuuut he went on an adventure lol..any tips on that would be great

I think that is almost everyone LOL. Might be missing one or two as I have no photos of them


Anyone care to add theirs?

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Beautiful collection Ash !!! I was surprised to see that you have a BP haha Razz

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superbe!! Aeroh c'est mon préféré et tes tokay sont quelque chose!! Very Happy

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