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Display en Acrylique

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Hey everyone,

I was looking for a while for an acrylic display. If you remember I asked everyone here if they knew where I could find one. They are hard to find here in Canada and the shipping from the US is expensive.

I am a high school science teacher and so I went to see my friend in the workshop and we found some scrap acrylic and started to put one together. It actually turned out better than I thought it would. Mostly because my friend is very good at this type of, not so much.

Here are some pics of the final product. Unfortunately I didn't think of taking any during the building process.

And here is a pic when it's filled with some babies that I will be putting in it for sale at the show in Montreal....where I plan to be a vendor for the first time.

TOP (left to right): Pewter (produced by Simon Hamelin), Het Red Axanthic G-Stripe, Pastave, Pastel Het Red Axanthic (poss het g-stripe).
BOTTOM (left to right): Normal, Mojave, Het Red Axanthic, Pastel Lesser.

Check out my blog to see some of the close up shots of the babies while they were out.


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Salut tout le monde,
Oui la porte est sur le top, il n'y a pas de barrure par exemple qui est à arranger avant le show. J'ai très hâte.
Ce n'est pas un matériel qui est facile à travailler mais je crois que je serai capable de faire un petit peu mieux une deuxième fois.


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