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WANTED: Rodent supplier.

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Looking for a new rodent supplier with reasonable prices.

My last supplier [I will leave un-named] had me waiting 4 months [after being paid in full] for the second half of my order which consisted of 31 large rats...

After emailing him several times, he finally sent them over, though, he sent over 31 rats the size of mediums..

Completely unimpressed I told him it was unacceptable.. He told me I was wrong about their size, so I will never order from him again.

That being said, I need a new supplier, in Montreal QC. would be great..

The prices I had been paying were,

Hopper rats 30-50g - $1.10.
Small rats 80-100g - $1.50.
Medium rats 150-200g - $1.85.
Large rats 200-300g - $2.60.
XL rats 300-410g - $3.00.

So, something around this area is what I'm looking for..

I currently own 9 red tails, so, I'm a decent customer to have.


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