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Pour aider les chiens en Turquie

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Merci de faire suivre à tous vos contacts .

Envoyez lui les photos et la vidéo (il faut l’inonder de mails du monde entier)


Une vidéo affreuse

(attention pour tout le monde )

est arrivée sur les murs par le biais de Viktor et du groupe Let's adopt (vous pouvez y avoir accès par google).

ça se passe très mal pour les chiens du centre de réhabilitation de hasdal à Istanbul,

ils ne sont pas bien traîtés lorsqu'ils sont blessés, c'est-à-dire attrapés de façon violente même lorsqu'ils se traînent, laissés dans leur sang et leurs excréments,

on ne parle même pas de la nourriture.

Une grosse campagne est lancée et je vous envoie deux mails en anglais que vous pouvez envoyer à l'adresse ci-dessus.

pardon pour les photos, j'ai pris les moins pires, mais avons-nous encore besoin d'images pour savoir?

Voici le mail à envoyer à

Objet : Dogs from Center of rehabilitation of hasdal in Istanbul

To the attention to: The Honorable Kadir Topbaş, Mayor, City of Istanbul

Mr. Mayor:

It is without doubt that I assert that this e-mail is but one of many that your office has received in connection with the abject squalor that is Hasdal Rehabilitation Center. I am also certain that a number of these communications are coming your way from well beyond the reaches of Turkey. The brotherhood and sisterhood of those who truly love animals and are steadfast in seeing conditions minimally suitable for them at the very least (if not exceeding this state) is an international one, and clearly, attention has been focused sharply on the blemish on the face of Istanbul that is Hasdal. Animals sleeping among others dead, injured, and ill. Dogs with no alternative other than to wander among their own feces and vomit. These are the images that are emanating from the municipality over which you have been elected and given a degree of domain. It goes without saying that this does not reflect well at all on what is to be your legacy.

The video evidence clearly and unequivocally demonstrates flagrant violations of Animal Protection Law 5199 (June 24, 2004), In pertinent part: Part I, Chapter 1, Articles (a), (c), (d), (g), (h), and (j). I would respectfully suggest personal research into these matters.

Turkey prides itself on being a nation of animal lovers. In fact, I only wish that my nation, the United States of America, would adopt a statute that, much like Article (a) referenced above, states "All animals are born equal and have a right to life..." I applaud your country for being so bold as to assert this as law. It is truly my hope that the awareness currently being served upon you through various world locales prompts you to uphold the laws that are part and parcel to the government to which you were elected on the local level.

I submit this to you with the utmost respect and seriousness.

Sincerely Yours,

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