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[Pétition] Justice for Bear Family

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This is sickening. These hunters/animal killers killed the mamma bear and stabbed her two 3 months old babies in the tummy area. .Their internal organs are exposed and they are still alive searching for impossible protection from their mom’s dead body. Sickening and heart breaking as these criminals even record their crimes. As you may see in this extremely difficult to watch video the baby bear, while her stomach open , her intestines are exposed,bleeding and screaming still seeking her mamma’s impossible protection. An unknown person gave the CD to authorities whom then acted and arrested two of the criminals. One of them (the one handling the two baby bears by their ears and then throwing them on the rocks) is identified as Hamzeh ali Ansari a teacher In Samiram, State of Isfahan, Iran.. He and one other were arrested by authorities in Isfahan . Two others are fugitives on the run. The BBC international has also reported this crime.BBC reports the criminal who was arrested has been released on a $200 bond but another reports from Iran denies this and indicated the criminal is still in jail.

Some reports from Iran indicated a member of Iranian government, representative of Samiram Isfahan, Mr Ghafari, is befriending Hamzeh, one of the criminals, and there is fear he might interfere in this investigation. Mr Jafari has already spoken to BBC(link attched) and tried to minimize the issue and assured this has happened only one time!!..As if it is not bad enough! The criminal's name is Hammzeh and reports indicated he has been known to be a very cruel hunter that is very harsh to animals and has more than 100 felony and misdemeanors charges. Thousands of animal right advocates and many Iranian blogs , environmentalists, and ordinary people of Samiram Isfahan has asked for justice for mama bear and her innocent babies..

BBC also reports some local officials are trying to keep this news quiet. .Animal right advocates are working hard to make sure these criminals are punished. The concern is this criminal is befriending Mr. Behruz Jafari, the representative of Samiram, same city this criminal is from and that the crime has happened. Fear is Mr Jafari is trying to abuse his power and protect his criminal friends . In his interview with BBC Mr Jafari has made excuses for these criminals , did not condemn the act, he then made accusation there are "hands" who want make this bigger than it is to criticise Iranian regime!!!

This petition has nothing to do with a country - a people - a religion or culture. We oppose animal cruelty no matter where on this planet. Everything is born with the god given right to live in peace, free from harm and exploitation. It is the act of cruelty by the individuals that we are against. Many in fact the majority of people there are absolutely horrified by this crime against these animals.

I assure you the only one bring politic in this is Mr. Jafari himself! The only purpose of this petition is to ask maximum punishment for these criminals, considering there is no law for animal abuse punishment in Iran. And to encourage and support animal right advocates inside Iran to stablish such a law that animal abusers can be arrested and punished.. He is completely ignoring the disturbance of peace and pains these video and this crime has caused in Iranian community and beyond. He failed to even mention it in his interview. Thousands of Iranian has reported in different blogs that watching this crime has disturbed them tremendously and demanded justice, including many people in his own jurisdiction.

Lets tell Mr. Jafari that animal abuse is a serious crime, especially when is done to this degree and these criminals are dangerous individuals that need be punished. If unpunished, further crimes even crimes toward human are likely.
Mr Jafari needs also to know animal rights is a global effort and covering up or making excuses for animal abusers are not going to be ignored by animal right advocates and environmentalists regardless of where the crime has happened.!

We want justice for this family. They never harmed anyone and were just minding their own business. They didn't deserve this.

These criminals have been arrested for illegal hunting and other charges before. At this time the penalty for killing a bear in Iran is less than $70.00 and that is only because bears are endangered Species . . There is no punishment and law against animal abuse. These criminals can be charged for possessing illegal weapons but how about justice for the bear family? How about all the agony, pain and suffering of a slow death these babies had to go through? How about all the pain and sufferings of Iranian people and all the people who have been hurt after seeing this video?

Lets demand justice for this tormented and tortured innocent family who didn’t deserve what happened to them and lets support all the voices inside Iran who also want justice for this family.
This family deserve to have their killers brought to account for their crimes!

Please contact Iranian's consulates/embassies in
your countries
and request these individuals are all arrested and punished- individual mails will also help .

Please refrain from any political comments in your emails. It will be counterproductive. We understand animal abuse happens all over the world and we want justice for this family.Here is the link to Iran's embassies and a letter of support send to them by Animals Asia.!/notes/mary-alice-pollard/re-mama-bear-babies-tortured-in-iran-letter-from-jill-robinsonanimals-asia-to-wo/279748908710597

Please also read the updates on this petition as I frequently add the recent developments on this case. You may find the updates following the Farsi translation.

I have received many kind emails and requests to do more than signing this petition for this family. I am humbled by your love and kindness. You may email the Iranian’s consulates/embassies - individual mails will also help.

Listed above are the list of Iranian embassies and their email addresses and also a sample letter that was written by the president of animal Asia on support of this petition.
You may aslo contact your local and national news and media to cover this family's tragedy and our call for justice.
Thank you for your support. Can not do it without you!

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C'est écoeurant. Ces chasseurs / tueurs animal tué l'ours maman et poignardé ses deux bébés de 3 mois dans la région de ventre. . Leurs organes internes sont exposés et ils sont toujours à la recherche vivante pour la protection impossible à partir de corps mort de leur mère. Écœurante et crève-cœur que ces criminels même enregistrer leurs crimes. Comme vous pouvez le voir dans cette très difficile de regarder la vidéo du bébé ours, tandis que son ventre ouvert, ses intestins sont exposés, des saignements et des cris cherche toujours sa protection impossible de maman. Un inconnu a donné le CD aux autorités qui donc agi et a arrêté deux des criminels. L'un d'eux (celui de manipulation des deux oursons par leurs oreilles, puis les jeter sur les rochers) est identifié comme Ali Ansari Hamzeh un enseignant dans Samiram, l'Etat d'Ispahan, en Iran .. Lui et un autre ont été arrêtés par les autorités à Ispahan. Deux autres sont des fugitifs en cavale. L'international BBC a également signalé ce crime.BBC rapports, le criminel qui a été arrêté a été libéré moyennant une caution de 200 $ mais un autre rapport de l'Iran nie et indique le criminel est toujours en prison.

Certains rapports en provenance d'Iran a indiqué un membre du gouvernement iranien, représentant de Samiram Ispahan, M. Ghafari, est amitié avec Hamzeh, l'un des criminels, et il est à craindre qu'il pourrait interférer dans cette enquête. M. Jafari a déjà parlé à la BBC (lien attched) et tenté de minimiser le problème et a assuré que cela s'est produit qu'une seule fois! .. Comme si elle n'est pas assez mauvais! Le nom du criminel est Hammzeh et des rapports ont indiqué qu'il a été connu pour être un chasseur très cruel qui est très sévère pour les animaux et possède plus de 100 accusations crime et délits. Des milliers de partisans droit des animaux et de nombreux blogs iraniens, des environnementalistes et des gens ordinaires Samiram Ispahan a demandé à la justice pour la maman ours et ses bébés innocents ..

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Esto es repugnante. Estos cazadores / asesinos de los animales mató al oso mamá y la apuñaló dos bebés de 3 meses en el área de la panza. . Sus órganos internos están expuestos y que siguen buscando vida imposible para la protección del cuerpo muerto de su mamá. Repugnante y desgarrador como estos delincuentes incluso grabar sus crímenes. Como se puede ver en este muy difícil de ver el video del bebé oso, mientras que su estómago abierto, sus intestinos están expuestos, el sangrado y gritando todavía está buscando su protección imposible de mamá. Un desconocido le dio el CD a las autoridades que se actuó y detuvo a dos de los criminales. Uno de ellos (el manejo de los dos osos del bebé de las orejas y luego tirarlos en las rocas) se identifica como Ali Ansari Hamzeh un maestro en Samiram, Estado de Isfahan, Irán .. Él y otro fueron detenidos por las autoridades de Isfahan. Otros dos se encuentran prófugos de la carrera. El internacional BBC también ha informado de este crime.BBC informes al criminal que fue arrestado ha sido puesto en libertad bajo una fianza de $ 200, pero otros informes de Irán niega las acusaciones y señaló el penal sigue en la cárcel.

Algunos informes desde Irán indicó un miembro del gobierno iraní, representante de Samiram Isfahan, el Sr. Ghafari, es hacerse amigo de Hamzeh, uno de los criminales, y se teme que pueda interferir en esta investigación. Sr. Jafari ya ha hablado imbécile la BBC (enlace attched) y trató de minimizar el problema y aseguró que esto ha sucedido sólo una vez! .. Como si fuera poco! Nombre del criminal es Hammzeh y los informes indican que ha sido conocido por ser un cazador muy cruel, muy duro para los animales y tiene más de 100 cargos de delito grave y delitos menores. Miles de defensores de derechos de los animales y muchos blogs iraníes, ambientalistas, y la gente común de Samiram Isfahan ha pedido a la justicia para Mamá Osa y sus bebés inocentes ..

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Das ist widerlich. Diese Jäger / Tier Mörder tötete die Mama Bär und stach zwei 3 Monate alte Babys im Bauch-Bereich. . Ihre inneren Organe ausgesetzt sind, und sie sind noch am Leben auf der Suche nach unmöglich Schutz vor ihrer Mutter die Leiche. Sickening und Herz zu brechen, da diese Kriminellen sogar notieren ihre Verbrechen. Wie Sie vielleicht in dieser äußerst schwierigen sehen, um Video zu sehen das Baby zu tragen, während ihr Bauch auf, ihr Darm ausgesetzt sind, Blutungen und schreit immer noch nach ihrer Mama ist unmöglich Schutz. Eine unbekannte Person hat die CD an die Behörden, den dann gehandelt und verhaftete zwei der Kriminellen. Einer von ihnen (den Umgang mit den zwei kleinen Bären von ihren Ohren und dann warf sie auf den Felsen) ist als Hamzeh ali Ansari ein Lehrer in Samiram, State of Isfahan, Iran identifiziert .. Er und ein anderer wurde von den Behörden in Isfahan verhaftet. Zwei andere sind Flüchtlinge auf der Flucht. Die BBC international hat auch berichtet, diese crime.BBC Berichte der Verbrecher, der festgenommen wurde auf einem 200 $ Bindung freigegeben wurde aber ein anderer Berichte aus dem Iran bestreitet dies und wies auf die Verbrecher ist immer noch im Gefängnis.

Einige Berichte aus dem Iran angegeben ein Mitglied der iranischen Regierung, Vertreter der Samiram Isfahan, Herr Ghafari ist befriending Hamzeh, einer der Verbrecher, und es gibt Angst, die er in dieser Untersuchung stören könnten. Herr Jafari wurde bereits auf BBC (Link attched) gesprochen und versucht, das Problem zu minimieren und versicherte dies nur einmal passiert! .. Als ob es nicht schon schlimm genug! Die kriminelle heißt Hammzeh und Berichte angegeben, er wurde bekannt, dass ein sehr grausamer Jäger, der sehr hart, um Tiere und hat mehr als 100 Verbrechen und Vergehen Gebühren anfallen. Tausende von Tier-Recht Anwälte und viele iranische Blogs, Umweltschützer, und gewöhnliche Menschen Samiram Isfahan hat für Gerechtigkeit für Mama Bär und ihrem unschuldigen Babys gefragt ..

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