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[Action] Cosmetics Testing Outrage From PETA Supporters Grabs European Commission’s Attention

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We were outraged when the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) and the European Commission confirmed that, despite the European ban on testing cosmetics and their ingredients on animals, ingredients will continue to be tested on animals under the provisions of the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals Regulation (REACH), the largest animal testing programme in the world.
We asked for your support – and more than 42,000 kind people from across Europe took action by writing to ECHA and the European Commission urging them not to allow cosmetics ingredients to be tested on animals under any circumstances. But the Commission’s only response has been a [url= replyemail v6.pdf]statement[/url] confirming that its position has not changed.
This isn’t anywhere near good enough. While we have the Commission’s attention, we must maintain the pressure to ensure that politicians take real action for animals and end all tests on animals for cosmetics.

Compassionate companies use modern, humane testing methods, and there are thousands of cosmetics ingredients already recognised as safe which require no animal testing. Click here to see PETA US’ global list of more than 1,600 cruelty-free companies which don’t test on animals.
Animal testing is an ugly side of the beauty industry, but as consumers and citizens, we have the power to stop it, and we must.
Please help keep up the pressure on the European Commission by signing and sharing our action alert!

Tags : expérimentation animaux cruauté maltraitance

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