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Femme attaquée par un ours noir en Alberta

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Woman survives grizzly attack in Banff
Saturday, August 27, 2005 Updated at 9:23 PM EDT

Canadian Press

Banff, Alberta — A woman has been injured in a surprise encounter with a
grizzly sow and her cubs in Banff National Park.

Pam Veinotte, communications manager for Parks Canada, says the incident
occurred near a campground near the Lake Minnewanka Trail.

The woman was taken to hospital in Banff and later transferred to Calgary
Foothills Hospital and is listed in stable condition.

Ms. Veinotte says the Minnewanka Trail and the surrounding vicinity have
been closed and wardens are evacuating campers from the area as a

The attack comes just one day after 69-year-old Harvey Robinson of Selkirk,
Man., was killed by a black bear near his rural home.

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