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VG Chienthon :-)

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(Je manque de temps pour traduire mais peut-être que vous retrouverez l'annonce sur leur site -j'ai reçu l'information d'une autre source.)

SPCA Monteregie the largest no-kill SPCA in the Province of Quebec will be having their annual dogwalk on September 9th at the St.Lambert Seaway Park. Registration starts at 9:30 am

(The park is located on Riverside Drive, right beside Champlain College, plenty of free parking at the park. Metro Longueil 10 min. walk from the metro)

We will be having full day of activites to entertain you and your four legged friend(S) Jean Lessard a well known respected dog trainer will be doing a demonstration on dog training, Canine Hearts will be doing a free style show and their will be a pet blessing in the afternoon.

Breakfast and lunch will be available on site, (veggie dogs) three top prizes for the most money raised, minimum registration is 25$ with ALL profits going directly to the SPCA Monteregie which is home to over 200 animals at all times. SPCA Monteregie dogs will be at the park as well available for adoption.

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