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Tout ce qui a été posté par ugo02

  1. 'morning.... i know Dick quite well, yes and U r right,: He is a great photographer and many other thinks,big merits in keeping, divulgating and more and more. Now a neophite goes , purchases an Herp, and has got all the know-how for keeping and breeding it. nothing knowing that behind that ALWAYS there is the hard work of Dick and few others (i like to mention a another friend, Laszlo). till i was old but still able to rum after Him, sometimes 3 uf us met last time we 3 met, even Pierre (le Comte de Saint Germain) told Him: "U r a gorgeous mate even now, Dick; i shaver thinking what U can become when U'll have the age for dressing long-trousers" hope i will be still here when that time will come nice day Milady
  2. Chanche, i donno as my written came into ur language, it was only a joke ; the true name(Charphophis,as u wrote) is quoted at the end, i put it in Dick's mouth. i changed Dasypeltis (egg-eater) in Crazypeltis (Crazy *), mendacis ( liar) cuisinieri = related to cooking, cause i made it eating omelettes. Only to avoid to keep our hobby and ourselves to much seriously. don't be angry kisses ugo
  3. Errata Corrige : Remerciement NOT Flou& Marie-Laure but FLILOUE & MARIE-LAURE sorry for the type mistake
  4. i thought they were forbidden by the law in a Coutry so famous for its cookery. ahah being is so bad?
  5. Ok, Chance, Lillia is busy, i'll try google translator nous savons tous le genre .. Dasypeltis, le serpent qui mange les œufs. Mais l'évolution ne peut pas être arrêté! J'ai été assez chanceux pour obtenir , merci a Jay (que dans le passé m'a aidé avec la tortue de la neige Testudo frigidophila niveopaludata) trois de ces beaux spécimens fig n1 1.2 Crazypeltis mendacis cuisinieri, nom commun serpent qui mange l'omelettes. Ce serpent ne vit que dans Kitchenland, dans la zone restreinte autour Cookerville (Voici la carte pour les fans de "localités") fig.2 On sait peu de ce serpent rare, mais qui a besoin d'omelettes. Depuis je ne sais pas comment faire cuire (je ne mange que lyophilisés) J'ai besoin de votre aide: j'ai besoin de recettes faciles pour les omelettes! Les serpents sont une joie, une valeur ajoutée à la qualité de vie, pas une obsession. Nous allons maintenant voir pas, et ne nous laissent pas prendre trop au sérieux moins de temps sur Internet et plus de temps dans la vie Dick Bartlett fig 3 viens d'envoyer cette photo fig 4 avec ce commentaire :""Unique: évolution convergente et twin entre Crazypeltis et Carphophis vermis" RÉFÉRENCES "Merveilleux Serpents Ouest dans mon cerveau", dans la presse Remerciements: Bartlett, Dick: pour avoir plaisanté avec moi, et pour les photos Chance: pour sa grâce Jay pour leur aide et la fourniture d'oeufs Illia: pour l'amitié. J'aime: ne vous plaignez pas si elle l'implique dans mes jeux et sourires Nina: pour l'amitié. J'aime: Les plaint si je impliquer dans ma folie, et en colère (très peu) Flou & Marie-Laure: parce qu'ils sont génétiquement délicate et parfumée comme une bouffée de poudre Merci spécial: Seuls les gens très spéciale dans ma vie, qui appartiennent tous To the only 1 Person really Special in my life Whom i fully belong to Chacun d'entre vous pour la patience de lire l'eau chaude avant de les mettre le thé fig 1 fig 2 fig 3 fig 4
  6. ugo02

    handling techniques

    hoping that could be of any use spero possa essere di una qualche utilità
  8. THANKS the one in pic is really ugly! hey i tried to coock some poultry-meat : it stinks a lot, and the taste is horrible ! even Leo told me : "it is nice, dad, but i bet with a friend i had dinner out; i wont lose my bet!" U see....... U r the only 1 loving them..........
  9. wow CONGRATS XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX how many now? and how many Species?
  10. ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! T U R K E Y S again bad Guy U know i fear them! glad U saw the pic of the monitor, of course i posted it for U all my best Fatty pls :all me to... U know Whom
  11. SORRY GUYS , IT'S A PRIVATE MATTER WITH A MATE HERE Désolé les gars, c'est une affaire privée avec un compagnon ICI THE PHOTO CAME FROM La photo est extraite de!/pages/Reptile-Realm-Jamestown-NY/105700772831779
  12. ugo02


    PLEASE LET'S HELP CORINNE TO WIN LET'S GIVE HER OUR VOTE, EVERYDAY THANKS ---------------- AIUTIAMO CORINNE A VINCERE, VOTANDO PER LEI OGNI GIORNO, GRAZIE- ---------------- S'il vous plaît, aidons Corinne à gagner. Donnons-lui notre vote, tous les jours. Merci
  13. ugo02

    Phase regius

    'morning all i can suggest U is to send the photos of this beautiful snake to a my Friend very experienced Royl's breeder good luck.... let me know posso solo suggerirTi di rivolgerTi ad un Amico che alleva,professionalmente, Pyt. regius buona fortuna, e fammi sapere Bonjour, Tout que je peux vous suggérer est d'envoyer les photos de ce beau serpent à un de mes amis éleveur très expérimenté, Royl : Bonne chance .... Donnez moi des nouvelles
  14. che belle foto !!!! Voi parlate di un Genere che io amo particolarmente very nice photos about a Genus i love so deeply can i add a pic, (from a Friend : Michael Heinrich)
  15. ugo02

    homage to Bill

    in the past we disagreed strongly now i lost a part of myself ... in passato non siamo andati daccordo ma ora una parte di me è scomparsa per sempre by for now, Bill, see U soon
  16. ugo02

    Parias flavimaculatus

    sorry for delaying in answering Chance > U will have plenty of photos. this species requires maternal incubation, then time is variable from 65 to 90 days, but better i-ll enquire with the owner. of course i agree with Ur editorial choise Baaz > don-t be angry< u can find wonderful items in the list for sale i posted *snakes from Pennanen. (snakes for sale Boomslang > IT_S A SHAME, U have all my confort. anyway boas are very worthy snakes. Marie/Laure , don-t worry, i understand perfectly google traslations, go on that way. Nina, thanks, always U r so dear Mi scuso per il ritardo nel rispondere (e il mio pc ha problemi con le maiuscole, virgole parentesi [ accentate, etc) Chance : avrai tutte le foto che posso. Per questa specie gli allevatori preferiscono lasciare incubare le uova dalla madre, il tempo percio variabile da 65*95 giorni. mi informo col proprietario per essere preciso. Baaz, non arrabbiarTi , puoi trovare splendidi esemplari nella lista di Pennanen che ho messo negli annunci vendita. Boomslang, peccato. Ti comprendo e mi dispiace. ma i boa sono gran bei serpenti. Marie.Laure, grazie, anche se non impeccabile, la traduzione di google si comprende bene. Nina, grazie. Temevo fossi scomparsa! felice ogni volta che Ti incontro.
  17. ugo02


    Thanks, 1) it is so hard also to obtain an 'hunting license'?, i think it will be easier to buy a gun, there. 2) what does it happen if the training person goes bitten at the experienced-keeper's facility? who is to be blamed?
  18. ugo02

    the cheapest rack-system

    Marie-Laure : il modulo componibile "Antonius" può essere usato come rack, con piccoli aggiustamenti : ogni modulo è composto da uno 'scheletro' metallico di circa cm 100 (altezza) x cm 50 (Profondità) x cm 42 (larghezza). i box scorrono in guide metalliche. Io non utilizzo i coperchi, ma saldo, per ogni ripiano, alle guide o rete metallica sottile (zanzariera) o lamierino forato (come da figura)di modo che i serpenti non possono uscire ma c'è una buona aerazione; e blocco lo scorrimento dei box (cassetti) indietro con una vite , nella traversina posteriore di ogni ripiano. o appoggiando il rack a muro. Fin qui ilcosto è di euro 40, per 6 box; che mi sembra economico. per il riscaldamento uso le strisce di 1 metro e il termostato nel catalogo M&S, che mi sembrano economiche (tale Ditta spedisce in tutta Europa con corriere). spero che il mio italiano Ti sia più comprensibile del mio Goblin Buona Giornata
  19. ugo02


    ok, ok . i understand it is only a tax to pay, in order to have ur name on the 'black-sheeps' register, not a real 'certificate u obtaIN CAUSE U R REALLY EXPERIENCED, like the 'permis de conduire' for the cars. i apologize for my dullness
  20. ugo02


    how could one have any capacity if he isn't allowed to rise experience? i have to apologize, i understand i m annoying U all, but ur law is very strange for me. anyway lots of snakes-handling courses all around the world Comment pourrait-on avoir toute capacité, si l'on n'est pas autorisé à acquérir de l'expérience? Je dois m'excuser, je comprends que je suis peut-être embêtant avec vous, mais vos lois sont très étranges pour moi. De toute façon, de nombreux cours sur la façon de manipuler des serpents sont donnés partout dans le monde.
  21. ugo02


    "Certificate of Capacity", capacity of doing what? if i can ask ehm can u explain in chat if u prefer "Certificat de capacité", la capacité de faire quoi? si je peux demander ehm on peut en discuter en chat si vous préférez
  22. ugo02

    the cheapest rack-system

    the cheapest rack system i know comes from......IKEA it needs only lesser adjustments the item is called "Antonius" this is the 'skeleton' euro 13.50 boxes euro 4.50 x 6 = 27 covers euro 2 x 6 = 12 i don't use covers , i have a thiny wire-netat every shelf.or better, the folowing heating stripes (lots of dealers, i use for equipment only about euro 30 thermostat : about euro 50 hope U can find of any use to U ugo
  23. ugo02

    Parias flavimaculatus

    Not sure Chance, heard from Him just before by phone only, but i have to go visiting Him next week-end, hope i'll be more informed then. ehm, not always pics about venomous will be so ehm, nice.
  24. Parias flavimaculatus (Philippines) not mine, but a Friend's one, photo of yesterday
  25. ugo02


    Scusate avevo solo inteso male.Lieto di sapere che non ci sono tabù a riguardo. Grazie Chance e tutti Voi Sorry, my fault, i misanderstood; glad to learn this is a Forum of freedom. Thanks Chance and Everybody
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