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Tout ce qui a été posté par ugo02
I m sure many of You will appreciate this video : a very Friend, Marco Carrozzi, skilled breeder and owner of a reliable Firm (MC SERPENTI, either on web and on facebook) will teach us the right way to use Ultrasound device for knowing the follicular development in female snakes (Python regius) in order to plan breeding without wasting time I hope U enjoy the video bye for now ugo
Scusa Marie-Laure, spiegavo i motivi per cui chi tiene velenosi si sente messo da parte in un forum.Non ne può partecipare appieno e si sente costretto a una 'vita doppia'. E, unitamente, tutti nel forum (a partire da Voi in alto) sanno che le regole di 'bon-ton' sono ipocrite. Non criticavo, cercavo e cerco nella esperienza, saggezza e tolleranza di Chance una soluzione o indicazione. i 'serpenti velenosi' non sono l'unice cosa potenzialmente pericolosa nella vita : ne uccide più la moto, anche il parapendio,l'alcool, etc. non demonizzateci : ma noi dobbiamo, ogni giorno , poterci sentire liberi di trattare i nostri serpenti come Voi trattate i Vostri. Grazie ho ancora un bacio... è Tuo ugo
Thanks, Boomslang, and accept my apologizes if i misanderstood. my fault, it isn't a quite time to me! glad to have friends here thinking and experienced the same i like people here, but we keepers of venomous snakes have to stay silent as vampires,living a double life; not the same at other European forums, but there German and more hard languages make hard to exchange experiences. why have i to go hidden? what am i doing bad? i hope Chance can find a solution allowing us to share our experiences Thanks again Yours truly ugo thanks for the LINK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
CHANCE, i have a great opinion about U but U have to choose between a forum for 'safe snakes' only, or... hypocrisy! venomous-snakes keepers cannot feel free to post here or change experiences. Forum politness is like chastity : UNNATURAL! At present i have 14 Naja annulata to sex, and routinary i have to check snakes for mites, venom-fangs diseases,a new arrived green mamba to rehydrate, etc; how could i perform those without free-handling? Snakes aren't for everyone, and venomous snakes are for very few people. i think it was as forbidding people to watch Moto GP, cause riding by moto could be dangerous!!!!! or watching action- movies cause the murders in them. of course my thought is more complex, but i m sure U don't need i explain it more deeply. U could choose many ways : ban me ( and others); ban all the venomous-snakes keepers; open a special -loocked-section for us;.......or go on this way, having us as GOST-MEMBERS, names without any real partecipation. of course i m watching the topic from my side only, and i m sure Ur explainations will help me a lot. with an huge estimate Yours ugo
Une étude inédite du Centre antipoison de Rabat ... Article
ugo02 a répondu à un(e) sujet de Chance-reptil-virus dans Serpents Venimeux
CONCOURS PHOTO ... "Drôle de posture" ... Vos Votes ... Ici ...
ugo02 a répondu à un(e) sujet de Chance-reptil-virus dans Vos P'tits Virus
ugo02 a répondu à un(e) sujet de ugo02 dans Vos Voyages
Grazie Marie-Laure, contento che Ti sia piaciuta, ma ad essere onesti c'è anche del brutto, là. per la prossima volta vorrei consigliarTi un itinerario ciao Thanks, glad U enjoy Sicily; to be honest lots of umpleasant things there, too. Next time U wish to go there i'd like to give U my advice for a nice tour! ciao -
EVERYBODY THANKS all the pics i post are about my snakes only : past or present ones Corallus are my fav!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i kept them from 2000 to 2008, till my divorce but i m a bad guy, i enjoied cross bred them, as well !!!!!!!! Chondros were a challenge, my daughter Lavi was able to bred them when She was 13 !!!!!! Trimeresurus was a bet with their owner : i bred them after 2 months i had them, now that babies were born i gave back all them to the owner. i had a big snakes'room and in the past i owned more than 300 specimens, so i opened a 'public display' just before i served under the Army. perhaps in the future , if any could be interested in, i'll post "my way" to keep Arboreals. Chance : No it is umpossible to 'new entry' to obtain permission to keep venomous or dangerous animals (in Italy also the pigmy Varanus acanthinurus is in the 'dangerous list'). by the way how it came ur evolution carried U from a sweet squaw-like to a green Being in an inhospitable land? Nina : Corallus are free. if u'll come u 'll see either T. albolabris and green mambas, here
thanks Nina, ahahah, perhaps i explain badly : i was already BANNED just HERE cause of a pic nice day ps : 2 only arrows i m very proud about : 1) no needs of lies; 2) no needs of hiding. Grazie Nina, Tu devi essere molto giovane, da ciò che dici. non mi sembra di nascondermi, solo sono già stato BANDITO da questo Forum per una foto, quindi è inutile metterne altre simili.... ok aggiungo x Te poche altre foto dei miei presenti e passati amici buona giornata vai a nuotare oggi?
Everybody Thanks Nina : si , sono proibite . anche dalla Convenzione di Monaco. non è possibiloe ottenere, per quel che so io, nessun permesso o deroga, tranne che : 1) si faccia parte di quella lista di persone che l'ha ottenuta quando la legge è stata introdotta, perchè già in possesso di velenosi; 2) si faccia parte di un Ente di Ricerca autorizzato mi trovo in entrambe le liste. venomous are forbidden are allowed only recognized professional keepers or Research Centers, and the few private keepers that asked for a permission as soon as the law came and that were believed idoneus ones. European herpetofauna is protected by the Monaco Convention ---------------- regarding my posts : i go from present to past, and i cannot post so many pics, given that people could be hurted ( and i surely will be banned) by the way i share my life with snakes : what i think being usual joyful interactions or routunirary examination, u judge the evilish 'free handling'and censure me as 'bullish' : but who's the bullish me behaving the usual with my snakes either if it is a royal or a cobra or the guy keeping snakes he fears only to rise his adrenalina and the consideration of him in his friends minds ? i never will be tired to tell : snakes are a constant in my life, but surely they aren't my first interest nice day
after about 20 years i kept them again! from 2004 to 2008; 2 consecutive breeding seasons :i was adviced to put either the scientific or the common name : the first is to hard to copy, the second is something related to something U Girls underdress, usually so nice to we males, but i m unable to recall it correctly....perhaps it is Bra....uhm, no. not that. Let's try with Guepiere,... uhm it's worse. then...ehm Thong? It could be. it sounds good. yes it can be Thong : Thong Snakes. The striped one is the San Francisco red-striped thong-snake, (Thamnophis sirtalis tetrataenia), the other is the red-spotted thong-snake (T. s. concinnus, previously T. s. infernalis) with a wider natural distribution , but both are protected in the U.S.A. and i obtained them from a mate of the EGSA European [b]Garter [b]Snake Association. http://www.egsa.de/ toh : with the Association's link it came also the NAME : GARTER SNAKES. I saw Someone here already posted about them, then i'll add only few things about. They are very sensitive to the Thiamin disease, then don't feed them with frozen fish : mine went well either with sciented pinks/fuzzies and with meat/wurstels stripes. although i was forced to keep together 1 pair of striped + 1 pair of spotted together, males courted and coupled only omologous female! (sorry for the bad pic on that matter : it was taken by phone and surely i hadn't my glasses on). room temp was from 15°C to 28°C and humidity from 35 to 75%. only natural light. oddity: at the 2nd breeding season female 'infernalis' gave birth on Oct.13 to 8 living + 13 dead (but not malformed) babies. After 1 month an Nov: 15 she gave birth again to 3 living + 7 dead more babies !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bibliography i saw a good work here from Invitè & Valko Rossi , J.V. 'Snakes of the United States and Canada' 1992, Krieger Pub. a past issue of 'Reptile Magazine' of the early 90' dedicated to Garter Snakes , i cannot quote now cause it is at my ex'home, but i m sure u can find on web
U r right Chance, but i am an old-fashioned man..... as it happens when i quote a Classic Greek or Latin statement i don't put the traslation otherwise it could mean i trust my readers so poorly educated to be unable to traslate it by themselves..... here it is the same. anyway for the future.............. thanks for Ur adv.