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Tout ce qui a été posté par Animal
Que pensez vous des industries de croquettes
Animal a répondu à un(e) sujet de Julie43 dans Pétitions-Sondages-Suggestions
Ah oui ? Certains gestes abjects ? C'est clair que son parti ne considère pas les tortures infligées aux phoques, aux animaux de labo, aux animaux trappés, élevés, ect., comme des gestes abjects. Seuls les pitous et les minous auront peut-être le privilège d'être considérés comme des animaux, et encore !
... Seal processing companies continue to receive hidden subsidies through the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency; Human Resources Development Canada, and other federal funding programs for staffing and capital costs. Significant amounts of taxpayer money also continues to be spent to promote the seal hunt in Europe and elsewhere, to develop new markets for seal products, and to fund research into the development of new seal products. The costs of the seal hunt for ice breaking services and for search and rescue, provided by the Canadian Coast Guard, is also underwritten by Canadian taxpayers. http://www.ifaw.org/ifaw/general/default.aspx?oid=128195
Selon la HSUS Does the Government Subsidize the Hunt? Yes. According to reports from the Canadian Institute for Business and the Environment, more than $20 million in subsidies were provided to the sealing industry between 1995 and 2001. Those subsidies came from entities such as the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency, Human Resources Development Council, and Canada Economic Development–Quebec. These subsidies take a variety of forms, including funding the salaries for seal processing plant workers, market research and development trips, and capital acquisitions for processing plants. In 2004, more than $400,000 was provided by the Canadian government to companies for the development of seal products, and as recently as April 2007, the Canadian Coast Guard—at the taxpayer's expense—broke through the ice for the sealing vessels as it does each year. In 2007, the Canadian Coast Guard estimates that it spent an additional $3.5 million rescuing sealing vessels. Moreover, Canada's commercial seal hunt is also indirectly subsidized by the Norwegian government. A Norwegian company purchases close to 80% of the sealskins produced in Canada in any given year through its Canadian subsidiary. These skins are shipped in an unprocessed state directly to Norway, where they are tanned and re-exported. The Norwegian government provides significant financial assistance to this company each year. http://www.hsus.org/marine_mammals/protect_seals/about_the_canadian_seal_hunt/
L'an dernier, une centaine de bateaux de chasseurs sont restés prisonniers des glaces, certains pendant 14 jours... Ce sont des hélicoptères de la Garde-Côte canadienne qui apportaient des vivres, du fuel, etc., etc, ... aux quelques 500 chasseurs de phoques... La Garde-Côte canadienne n'est-elle pas subventionnée avec l'argent de nos taxes ? http://www.macleans.ca/article.jsp?content=20070423_140654_4396 http://www.canada.com/saskatoonstarphoenix/news/national/story.html?id=26f25855-e859-4e54-a5f7-2640c1f35005 ------------------ Monday, April 23, 2007 * Trapped Sealer Update - Savage Slob Sealers Sulk for lack of Smokes http://www.care2.com/news/member/733929969/357575
Je ne sais vraiment pas Caro ! Mais qui subventionne les recherches (le développement du marché est énorme) ? Qui finance les brise-glace canadiens ? Qui paie lorsque des chasseurs sont prisonniers des glaces avec leur bateau et qu'il faut aller les dépanner ? Qui paie pour les hélicoptères ? Qui paie pour ces délégations qui vont faire la promotion du phoque en Europe ?
la lettre hebdo de gérard charollois (24/03)
Animal a répondu à un(e) sujet de terrienne dans Environnement
"sports" mécaniques et autres nuisances
Animal a répondu à un(e) sujet de terrienne dans Environnement
que pensez vous de la vaccination abusive
Animal a répondu à un(e) sujet de Julie43 dans Pétitions-Sondages-Suggestions
je crois que c'est parce que tout est devenu industriel ! «Dans le temps», les animaux de boucherie n'étaient pas «boostés» avec autant de saloperies qu'ils le sont aujourd'hui = hormones de croissance, antibiotiques, vaccins pour ceci pour cela, etc. etc. Aujourd'hui, les humains sont eux-mêmes devenus immunisés aux antibiotiques à force d'en consommer dans leur viande, c'est tout dire... -
Que pensez vous des industries de croquettes
Animal a répondu à un(e) sujet de Julie43 dans Pétitions-Sondages-Suggestions
Recette de gâteau dans le bulletin d'Aequo Animo
Animal a répondu à un(e) sujet de Ranëwen dans Végétarisme
Que pensez vous des industries de croquettes
Animal a répondu à un(e) sujet de Julie43 dans Pétitions-Sondages-Suggestions
J'ai bien compris Julie que depuis le début tu veux nous faire comprendre que certaines croquettes Végés sont testées sur des animaux, mais il me semble qu'on a quand même bien fait le tour de la question et cela ne veut pas dire que je ne suis pas d'accord avec toi à l'effet, que «oui» certaines croquettes sont testées sur des animaux... et comme je te l'écrivais précédemment, c'est pas tout le monde non plus qui donne des croquettes industrielles à ses chiens, même à ses chiens végétariens -
Que pensez vous des industries de croquettes
Animal a répondu à un(e) sujet de Julie43 dans Pétitions-Sondages-Suggestions
Pourquoi ? Un chat n'a pas besoin d'aide pour chasser ! Bien sûr, comme toi, je fais de mon mieux pour ne jamais encourager les compagnies qui testent sur les animaux. Je fais aussi de mon mieux pour ne jamais encourager l'industrie de la viande et toutes les autres industries qui exploitent les animaux. -
Que pensez vous des industries de croquettes
Animal a répondu à un(e) sujet de Julie43 dans Pétitions-Sondages-Suggestions
Que pensez vous des industries de croquettes
Animal a répondu à un(e) sujet de Julie43 dans Pétitions-Sondages-Suggestions
Dear Colleagues The seal hunt it's about to start here in Canada this week. Probably on the 26th - 28th of March. These new campaigns are only for the heads of organizations to send snail mail letters (NO E-MAIL please), asking the Ministers of Environment for the ban of all Canadian seal products and Campaign 1 is for the whales. Please, DO NOT send this to your e-mail lists. But please, re-send only to other heads of other orgs. Pls. send only one snail mail letter to each country (except for Poland) from your organization / group. Campaign 1 Please write to the Minister of Environment ASAP and urge them to send a Polish Delegation to the next International Whaling Commission in Santiago, Chile, in May-June 2008. It is crucial that Poland join the IWC, because already most of the Central and Eastern European countries are members, because the whales are common to the international seas and in the interest of nature, they should support the protection and conservation of the whales. Prof. Dr Hab. Maciej Nowicki, Minister of Environment, ul. Wawelska 52/54, 00-922 Warszawa, Poland CC: Dr Maciej Trzeciak, Deputy Minister of Environment, Main Conservator of Nature ( same address) Campaign 2 Please send a letter to these addresses for the Ministers of Environment), and urge them to please, speed up the process for the implementation of the ban of all Canadian seal products in their countries. Ask them to pls, consider the ban of cape fur seals as well. **The Rt Hon Hilary Benn MP: Secretary of State for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs, Defra Nobel House, 17 Smith Square, London SW1P 3JR **Ministère de l'Environnement 18, MontÃe de la PÃtrusse, L - 2918 Luxembourg **Ministère de lâ€Ecologie, du DÃveloppement et de lâ€AmÃnagement durables 92055 La DÃfense cedex, France Campaign 3 Please, send a regular letter to these Ministers (or Ministeries of the Environment), and urge them to consider the adoption of the Canadian seal products ban ASAP (and if possible to ban all Harp seal products and Cape Fur seals too). Minister of the Environment Cristia Narbona Ruiz, Ministerio de Medio Ambiente Plaza de San Juan de la Cruz, s/n 28071 - Madrid Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environmenr Mr. Fotis Fotiou, 1411 Nicosia Cyprus Minister for Environment and Water, Gabor Fodor, 1011. Budapest, Fõ utca 44-50, Hungary Ministry for Rural Affairs and the Environment, George Pullicino, Barriera Wharf, Valletta CMR 02. Malta Minister of Enviroment and Sustainable Development, Attila Korodi, Bd. Libertatii nr. 12, Sect. 5, Bucuresti, Romania Ministry of the Environment P.O. Box 35, FI-00023 GOVERNMENT, Finland Minister for Environment, Spatial Planning, and Regional Development: Francisco Nunes Correia, Rua de «O SÃculo», Lisboa, Portugal Minister for the Environment Andreas Carlgren Tegelbacken 2, postal103 33 Stockholm, Sweden Department of Agriculture Fisheries and Food Agriculture House, Kildare Street Dublin 2, Ireland Department of External Relations: Ministry of State Mr. Jean PASTORELLI, Place de la Visitation, Monaco-Ville - MC 98000 Principality of Monaco Ministry of Environmental Affairs, Land Use Planning, Agriculture and Forestry: Government Spokespersonâ€s Office, PO box 684 • 9490 Vaduz, Liechtenstein Minister of Agriculture and Environment Mrs. Olga Adellach C/ Prat de la Creu 62-64, Andorra la Vella Minister of Environment Ján KubiÅ¡ Úrad vlády Slovenskej republiky, Námestie slobody 1, 813 70 Bratislava, Slovakia Minister of the Environment, Martin Bursik VrÅ¡ovická 65, 100 10 Praha 10, Czech Republic Minister of the Environment Jaanus Tamkivi Narva mnt 7a, 15172 Tallinn, Estonia Minister for Environment Raimonds VÄ“jonis Peldu iela 25 LV-1494 Riga, Latvia Minister of the Environment.: Arunas Kundrotas Gedimino ave. 11, LT-01103 Vilnius Lituania Minister of Environment : Prof. Dr. Hab. Maciej Nowicki 00-922 Warszawa, ul. Wawelska 52/54 Poland Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Slotsholmsgade 12, DK-1260 Copenhagen V, Denmark Ministry for the Environment, Physical Planning & Public Works, Souflias Georgios, 182 Har. Trikoupi St., Athens, Greece Ministry of Environment and Water Vania Ivanova 1194 Sofia, 1 Dondukov Blvd. Bulgaria Thank you ! Erika Ceballos www.catcahelpanimals.org
Date: 24 Mar 2008 Éclosion d'une forme très contagieuse d'herpès chez des chevaux de la Saskatchewan... An outbreak of a highly contagious form of equine herpes has numerous horses and stables in quarantine near Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, veterinary officials said. Dr. Katharina Lohmann of the large animal clinic of the Western College of Veterinary Medicine (WCVM) told the Regina Leader Post that equine herpes virus type one, or EHV-1, is much like herpes simplex in humans, and horses can transmit it to one another by sharing a feeding bucket. It does not infect humans, but can be spread among horses by humans, the report said. The 1st incident was noted on 13 Mar 2008, when the operators of a stable noticed some horses running fevers and stumbling. Two horses were taken to the WCVM, where they were quarantined. Eight other horses at the stable were diagnosed as having the virus, and more than half of the 85 other horses were running high temperatures last week but were showing no other signs of the infection, spokeswoman Lynda Jones told the newspaper. The stable has canceled all transport of horses until the outbreak dies down, she said. Lohmann said the large animal clinic was also closed until it could be disinfected. "The big mystery is what's causing this large outbreak," she said. <http://www.upi.com/NewsTrack/Top_News/2008/03/24/equine_herpes_outbreak_in_saskatchewan/6914/>
Canada Orders Sea Shepherd to Stay Away from Seal Hunt Le gouvernement du Canada fait une mise en garde au Capitaine Watson (Sea Shepherd Conservation Society) OTTAWA, Ontario, Canada, March 24, 2008 (ENS) - In an attempt to prevent the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society from interfering with this year's seal hunt, the Canadian government Friday issued a warning to the organization that one of its vessels is believed to be "in contravention of international maritime conventions." ... http://www.ens-newswire.com/ens/mar2008/2008-03-24-02.asp