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Tout ce qui a été posté par Dick ATTWELL

  1. it has been a while since i put photos on of veronica for those that dont know she is a filly by CHANCE and BARBIE making her a full sister to RAMBO and LADY LUCK it wont let me upload them would somebody be mind enough to put them on for me??
  2. i really like this stallion since the first time i saw him
  3. thanks for the translation klowé
  4. super photos corinne her mane looks strange cut like this but i think it will do her good as it was in a bad condition after veronica chewed it off
  5. they are both i like van clef more but cream has a very sweet little head
  6. congratulations she is a very good choise she is a super filly
  7. Dick ATTWELL

    Vhisky de Gypsygael à vendre

    oups sorry he is still super in any case
  8. Dick ATTWELL

    Vaebel des Gypsygael a vendre

    she is super she also has a sweet head
  9. Here are a couple photos of FANTASY taken today sorry they are not very good i will do some better ones soon she is a very sweet filly with a tiny head and ears she has a nice round rump and a lot of mane and leg feathers and has a lovely temperment to i would like give a big thank you to charlotte for bringing her to france and also a thankyou to corinne.. she is still a little under weight at the moment but she has put alot of weight on already in the last couple of days i cant wait to see what she will look like in the spring... FANTASY was bred by the famous HARKER family i have been in contact with mr HARKER and he is going to send me photos of her parents soon Voilà quelques photos de Fantasy prises aujourd'hui. Désolé elles ne sont pas super, mais j'en referai de meilleures bientôt! C'est une très gentille pouliche avec une toute petite tête et de toutes petites oreilles, elle a une jolie croupe ronde et beaucoup de crins et de fanons, un super caractère...Je voudrais remercier Charlotte de me l'avoir amenée en France, et aussi merci à Corinne... Elle est encore un peu trop maigre pour le moment, mais elle a déjà bien repris ces derniers jours et j'ai hâte de la voir au printemps... Fantasy est née chez la célèbre famille Harker, j'ai été en contact avec mr Harker et il va m'envoyer des photos de ses parents bientôt she will be bred to GYPSY KING next year
  10. Dick ATTWELL


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