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Tout ce qui a été posté par Dick ATTWELL

  1. if i have a horse that refuses to walk on a lead i tie him to the back of my tractor and he has no choise but to walk its better that getting yourself tired lol i only usually have to do it the 1 time
  2. Here are a few new photo's taken today sorry they are not very good but at the moment with this weather i can not clean him....he has a very thick mane and tail and adomanace of feather.. his hight is 147cm at the moment.. he was also CHAMPION DE JEUNESSE 2008 at the concour du VALLON... Voilà quelques nouvelles photos prises aujourd'hui, désole elle ne sont pas super mais en ce moment avec le temps qu'il fait je n'ai pas pu le a une crinière et une queue très épaisses et beaucoup de fanons. Il mesure 147cm pour le moment. Il a été CHAMPION DE JEUNESSE 2008 au concours du VALLON...
  3. Rambo will be 2 years old in march so he will be availible for stud this season unfortunatly i do not have recent photo's of him as he is still at his boarding stables but i will do some can find some photo's of him here: /les-etalons-f8/rambo-futur-stallion-clean-photo-s-pg2-t2556-15.htm Rambo aura 2 ans en mars et sera disponible à la monte cette saison. Malheureusement je n'ai pas de photos récentes de lui car il est toujours en pension, mais j'en ferai bientôt! Vous pouvez trouver d'autres photos de lui ici : /les-etalons-f8/rambo-futur-stallion-clean-photo-s-pg2-t2556-15.htm Rambo is tested homosygous tobiano but does not carry the red gene so you will get a coloured foal.. for those that do not no Rambo he is a son on CHANCE DU VALLON and my mare BARBIE.. Rambo est testé homozygote pour le tobiano mais ne porte pas le gène rouge (alezan?) Pour ceux qui ne le savent pas, c'est un fils de CHANCE DU VALLON et de ma jument BARBIE chance barbie FOR ANY FURTHER INFO PLEASE CONTACT BY MP Pour plus d'infos contact par mp s'il vous plaît
  4. Here are a few new photo's of Lady Luck taken today i am very pleased with how she is growing she is a very strong filly has masses of feather for her age and i hope barbie has another one the same this year........
  5. he really is super and super photo's as usual
  6. i only returned from England yesterday and rambo is still in his boarding stables i collect him next saturday so i will do some then and make a new post for him
  7. Here is a new filly i bought whilst being in England he is a very well bred filly she was bred by Gilbert Smith out of one of his own stock mares and her father is Andrew Moldens good stallion unfortunatly i do not have any photo's of her parents Sorry these photo's are not very good and do her no justice she is a little poor at the moment as she spent 2 weeks in the vet surgery and then a 16 hour journey yesterday with me but she will soon put it back on these were taken just before leaving England Voilà une pouliche que j'ai achetée quand j'étais en Angleterre. Elle a de très bonnes origines, élevée par Gilbert Smith, d'une de ses juments d'élevage et de Andrew Moldens Good Stallion. Malheureusement je n'ai pas de photos des parents Désolé ces photos ne sont pas très belles et ne lui rendent pas justice, elle est un peu maigre en ce moment comme elle a passé deux semaines à la clinique et un voyage de 16h hier avec moi. Mais elle sera mieux bientôt, celles-ci ont été prises juste avant de partir d'Angleterre.
  8. they have changed so much i love goldwin he is super
  9. pure class he is amazzzzzzzzzzzing did you get any of chuck luck?
  10. has he arrived yet cant wait to see the photo's
  11. Dick ATTWELL

    Luna Belle 9 mois (p5)

    super photo's she is a super filly
  12. she is a very good mare i like her very much
  13. Didn't you take any photo's of chuck luck whilst you had you camera out for estella........
  14. Dick ATTWELL

    Frisbie part en clinique

    good luck i cross my fingers and hope every thing goes well
  15. well if your not going to show us at least tell us what you think of him
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