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Eugebe and Priam

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Tout ce qui a été posté par Eugebe and Priam

  1. Eugebe and Priam


    Permettez de vous présenter encore quelque chiens connus de la cultivation russe non importées de l'Italie, mais déduit en Russie par les efforts des usiniers russes Le chien le plus connu russe - Marseille. Le champion de l'Europe, la Russie, la Belgique, la France, l'Estonie, la Roumanie et cetera. En 2003 le meilleur représentant de la race sur la Coupe de l'Europe en Belgique, où il a gagné chez Appolonia Dei Re Di Roma. Gagnait deux fois l'Eurasie (La plus grande exposition russe). C'est les acquisitions simplement improbables pour le chien de la cultivation russe !!! L'Italien près de Marseille seulement le grand-père, tous les autres chiens de la cultivation russe.
  2. Eugebe and Priam


    Tous ces corsos sont breeded russe, pas l'exportation italienne. L'éleveur est Irina Fernandes. Je crois qu'elle est l'éleveur très doué !!! Je suis très heureux que vous aimez des chiens russes immense à vous
  3. Eugebe and Priam


    Le merci bien! J'ai décidé de me servir de l'en relation online-interprète, puisque plusieurs ici ne parlent pas anglais. J'espère il sera ainsi plus confortable Vivaldi Le représentant magnifique de la race et le chien remarquable trop fort À lui deux avec la moitié de l'année, lui de la pépinière Ollada l'Arlequin. Je trouver que c'est la meilleure pépinière russe cane corso. Encore quelque photos des chiens Ollada l'Arlequin P.S. Il vous est clair que j'ai écrit ? TocPaf
  4. Eugebe and Priam


    Hello to everybody again! Soon I'll show new pics of my dogs, but today I want to share with U new fotos of our friend Vivaldi (Ch. Europe 2005).
  5. Eugebe and Priam


    Thanx to all of U for such high mark of my dogs
  6. Eugebe and Priam


    More pics of Priam HiHiHi
  7. Eugebe and Priam


    Emmanuel, thank U It's really big honour for us to hear from all of us so sweet words
  8. Eugebe and Priam


    cat91 , pics was made by my friend Anna, she is proffesional photographer, I couldn't use camers at all TocPaf thanx for compliment Ombre Blanche, thax a lot
  9. Eugebe and Priam


    Hello! It's me again, I want to share with U some new pics of Priam, we made it yestarday HiHiHi
  10. Eugebe and Priam


    Ok, sorry No more Russian. Please, forgive me and Crhristelle
  11. Eugebe and Priam

    les couleurs ???

    Some American corsos: Verrrrrry strange corsos, I think we see birth of a new breed "American Cane Corso" HiHiHi
  12. Eugebe and Priam

    les couleurs ???

    Another strange-color cane corso from Serbia:
  13. Eugebe and Priam


    Christelle, Спасибо, очень приятно In Moscow I live in Konkovo, South-West district
  14. Eugebe and Priam


    Christelle, thanx, but when I look at pics of French corsos I think they moore better than Russian HiHiHi HiHiHi HiHiHi Send my best regards to your Russian friends
  15. Eugebe and Priam

    les couleurs ???

    Have U ever seen such color of cane corso? vieux
  16. Eugebe and Priam


    Aurore, thanx for good mark of my dogs and their pics I love my dogs and proud for them, they not the best , but the best for me HiHiHi
  17. Eugebe and Priam


    Cat 91, thank U Special for U more funny pics:
  18. Eugebe and Priam


    This year, within the limits of the National championship demonstration performances for the first time have been arranged, in a leaging role the magnificent working cane corso Rus Best Line Vanessa has acted, she is really working cane corso. She takes part in lardge working dogs comprtition and wins it Here are some pics of brave Vanessa (she also dauther of Yemen della Porta Dipinta HiHiHi as I sad, he was really famous dog here) Pics from Championship: Different pics of Nessie: P.S. Thanx to Victoria Nessie's owner and the coach for the pics.
  19. Eugebe and Priam


    Special for Montse and for everybody who intersted: The 8th National Cane Corso Championship in Russia, judge- Dott. Julio Bezzeki. Best Baby: Liniya Blours Raiva For Dinasty Championov Best Male Puppie: Rus Best Line Cocos Best Female puppie: Chizaro Lors Jaklin (Best puppie of the Championship) Best Junior Male: Briz Best Junior Female: Black Pumma (Best Junior of the Championship) Best Intermedia Male: Scaccomatto (full brother of Eclissi Di Luna) Best Intermedia Female: Bentley (2nd after Baronessa) Best Open class Male: Ollada Arlekin Vermut (full brother of Vivaldi) Best Open class Female: Ollada Arlekin Dolores (3rd in Euro Dog Show 2005 in class) Best Working class male: Exkluziv-N Mauro Best Working class female: Imbira Best Winners class male: Ollada Arlekin Vivaldi (Ch.Europe 2005, Best male of Championship 2005) Best Winners class female: Gretta First Dlya Dinasty Championov (vice Ch. Europe 2005) Best Champion Class male: Baron Dei Re Di Roma (Young Ch. Europe, full brother of Baronessa) Best Champion Class female: Baronessa Dei Re Di Roma (Young Ch. Europe, World Ch. 2005, BOB the 8th National Championship) Best Champions of National club Cane Corso Russia male: Exluziv-N Uncas (double BOB of National Championship 2003, 2004, also son of Yemen Della Porta Dipinta) Baronessa, Bentley and Vivaldi Best Kennel: Exkuziv-N Ooohhhh, it's not all HiHiHi Bigggg thanx for the pics to Amily Gaydukova, owner of gorgeus Gretta and Dinasty Championov Kennel, more pics U could see here:
  20. Eugebe and Priam


    Thanx Montse! BOB and the Best Cane Corso Baronessa Dei Re Di Roma Best Male Ollada Arlekin Vivaldi All results and pics I'll show U later, I've to go now )))
  21. Eugebe and Priam


    Sophie, Emmanuel, Samy gran merci If U'd like I could show U pics from Russian Expos banadiable I have a lot HiHiHi For example: Last National Russian cane corso championship got together 110 dogs
  22. Amazing boy Very attractive head, good format, exellent legs and my favourite color
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