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voila UBBA l american bully de yipman.
Soldia a répondu à un(e) sujet de audreyy dans Am-Staff de Molosseweb
Je suis pas fan du tout. Je rejoins certain pour moi, c'est une race à part, et pas du staff, j'avais mis ce lien il y a quelques temps déja, dans une discussion on l'on parlait déja de L'american Bully. http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/132176281?ltl=1172247933 Propos tenu par le créateur des Razor Edge, qui admet avoir mélangés plusieurs race dont de l'apbt, pour créer les bully. Je met le texte (en anglais) pour les flemmards qui veulent pas allez au bas de la page... UKC, Please Revoke Razor's Edge Registration Papers DAVE WILSON is President of Razor's Edge and self-proclaimed founder of a breed of dog he calls "American Bullys." For many years, fanciers of the American Pit Bull Terrier and the American Staffordshire Terrier have suspected that these "short and wide" bully-type dogs from lines such as Razor's Edge have very likely been mixed with other breeds to produce heavy-weight, thick-boned, big-headed, stout dogs that are portrayed as American Pit Bull Terriers. Dave Wilson has admitted that the development of these "American Bullies" rose from mixing dogs of various breeds, yet many of these dogs still have UKC registration papers. In a letter to a newspaper, Dave Wilson wrote, "The 'Back 2 the Bullies' convention to be held tomorrow...is not for the 'celebration of the pit bull' as you allege; it is for public awareness of the American Bully. This is a new breed created more than 15 years ago, and it is a separate breed from the 'pit bull.' "We blended different breeds together to obtain certain desired traits. The American pit bull terrier was one of the breeds whose lineage is in the background of this breed, but it is by no means the only breed behind it. "Even the part of the lineage that is American pit bull terrier stems from United Kennel Club-registered conformation show dogs! There is also an American Kennel Club-registered show breed in the lineage of this breed called the American Staffordshire terrier. Some breeders even included some bulldog lineage into their breeding. This breed has been established for over 10 years now." We Responsible Dog Owners hereby petition the UKC to conduct a full investigation into the Razor's Edge line and, if appropriate, revoke the registration all dogs registered by Dave Wilson and all dogs with Razor's Edge dogs within the first three generations of their pedigree. -