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Tout ce qui a été posté par almond

  1. almond

    And that ??

    white? i see not picture!
  2. almond

    andalusian grizzle?

    another brother to the last two pictures.c
  3. almond

    andalusian grizzle?

    and the mother. they are sister and brother. grandpa blackcheck and grandma andalusian.
  4. merry christmas! is this a andalusian grizzle ?
  5. soory! this picture is ALMOND X BLACK. in germany the name is SPRENKLER or STIPPER. my question goes to almond like eng. shortface tummpler. with KITE and AGATE. in germany we say VIELFARBIG (manycolor). do you anderstand?" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"> on this side up.
  6. can someone tell me give it show racer almond in europe? in the USA yes ! but in europe? thanks mario
  7. almond

    spread ash picture ?

    dirks and my bird are brother and sister. the parents are both white. parents from father - 1,0 white X 0,1 andalusiercheck parents from mother - both white now, spread ash ? thanks from almond
  8. almond

    spread ash picture ?

    thanks, but this is not the color of my bird. i do not can take picture at this place. can you look at here?
  9. hello, my name is mario from germany and my english is very bad. im looking for a picture of spreed ash show racer of blue bar. can you help me? i have some one, but i can do picture on this place. thanks from mario
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