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Tout ce qui a été posté par RegiusCo
Here are some nice results from breeding a Black Pewter to a Het Red Axanthic, From a 6 egg clutch, 3 Black Gargoyles, 1 Black Pewter, 1 Het Red Axanthic and a little surprise. A good friend of ours left us a female Het Red Axanthic this season on breeding loan... we're very glad he did...we really hadn't though mush about working with them...until now, Enjoy,
Qui aime la crème à la vanille (Vanilla Cream) L'impact et le résultat de combo entre deux phasé plus commun est incroyable! Vanilla Het-Hypo X Fire. Nous sommes bien heureux de le voir hors de l'oeuf, quand même un bon ratio pour une portée de 4 oeufs, 1 Vanilla Cream, 2 Vanilla et un Fire, tous 50% Het-Hypo en plus. [/quote] Merci,
Cette portée a commencé à piper hier et c'était la seule qui pouvait nous produire du Champagne Albino cet année, de notre mâle Champagne Het-Albino X Het-Albino, sur 7 oeufs, 3 avait pipé et contenait 2 Champagne et un Classique, après avoir coupé les oeufs, 4, 5 et 6, nous avions un Champagne et deux autre classiques, encore aucun Albino... Jusqu'à ce que l'on coupe le dernier oeuf... Cette petite beauté dans le dernier oeuf...
Merci à tous pour vos commentaires autant possitif que négatif Je ne participe que très rarement a de tel débat mais là diadophis attaque ma crédibilité et mon intégrité sans même me connaitre! Not natural you say! this is a hobby, do you realy think most on here give a rats arse about taxonomy and diversity, you want to impress me about taxonomy and diversity, go work on a remote island and save an endangered species. Breeding reptiles in captivity has absolutely nothing to do with herpetology for the simple fact they would never be released in the wild. You are a real herpetologist? What have you done to warrant such high esteem of yourself? As for me doing this for notoriety, beep wrong anwser, could not care about the glory! Money, heck no, I have a full time job to support my family, stricly a hobby and any money made is just re-invested in the hobby, superficial you say, I've got to be the the least superficial of any breeders on this planet, again, your comment without knowing me is disrespectful at best... Purist eh! again, what have you done to save an endangered species apart from blabing your mouth as a purist? like it or not, most like and enjoy color morphs much more then the wild type brown ones, the hobby dictates this I don't, like it or not, thats the way the hobby is, again, nothing to do with herpetology as they will never see and visit the wild...passion for genetics, god damn right, love all the genetic diversity... You want to talk BP taxonomy & ecology, bring it on, I might be able to show you a thing or two, its 1001 morphs and combos, a total shame to you? the purist? no shame to 99.9% of the hobby whom comsumes these color/pattern phases, hobby babe, hobby! Groupies eh! what does that make you? again, you contradict yourself, you say offered in captivity, you want wild type showcased, go visit a zoo, they only display wildtype animals... Again, herpetology, I am far from a herpetologist and you know what, you are even further from being one yourself, I was asked to come on here to share our hobby with others, guess I will know better next time! As for promoting myself or animals per say, please, Ireally don't need to come on here to do that, again, speaking without knowing the OP. You can now go back and hide under your rock... Since you are a purist and a herpetologist and no nothing about me, you must be one of those whom put color mutations and Hybrids in the same boat, beep wrong again, those who know me know very well I do not support Hybridizing, better yet, you want to promote healthy herpetology, save your energy and attack Hybridizers instead, they are far more dangerous to herpetology then color mutations....and to anwser your question, no, our Angolans will stay pure, they unlike Ball Pythons, are much prettier in their wild type pattern... monsters in your eyes and I respect your opinion, as a herpetologist, what do you say about wild adult color mutations surviving and breeding in the wild, case being, an adult wild caught gravid Lavender Albino imported years ago by Bob Clark, no human intervention there, what is your opinion on this known fact? Again, nice for you to claim being a Herpetologist, what are your credentials? [/quote] You are totaly intitled to your opinion but to attack others (me!) stricktly based on your own personnal opinion, you are a minority here and in the hobby, color mutations are what people like wether you like it or not, just accept this fact as there is nothing you can do about it. As a herpetologist, I would be very impressed if you dedicated your energy at saving an endangered species, please stop confusing (Hobby) and Herpetology, a reptile hobbyist is not and will never be a herpetologist and before attacking others, please do your research, notoriety, money and recognition means nothing to me, I like working with genetics and diversifying the color morph gene pool knowing such would never be released back to the wild. Enjoy the hobby like it or not, and save the planet and its inhabitants if you truly are a schooled herpetologist. Happy Herping to all
Des jumeaux et même des triplets sont quelques fois produits dans les portés, à ma connaissance, je ne crois pas que des accouplements entre jumeaux est été fait, nous avons produits des jumeaux Black Pastel et des jumelles Black Pewter. Cette année, nous avons accouplé un jumeau Black Pastel avec une jumelle Black Pewter comme expérience! La femelle nous a donné 5 oeufs qui devraient normalement éclorent à la mi-juillet, à suivre...
Ah! you mean these guys... Yes Sanzinias are one of the more attractive boa species, from what I undersatand that RegiusCo have bred their Sanzinias several times although with a varying level of success, Sanzinias seem to present a bit more of a challange to breed than the other 2 species of Madagascar Boas. But nowhere near as many times as the Madagascar Ground Boas I believe 5 or 6 years in a row. As well as their Dumeril's Boas. Here's an update for those who might be interested, their entire collection of Adult Madagascar Boas ( except for a handful of Sanzinias ) can now be seen and enjoyed at their new home in Ottawa at Little Ray's Reptile Zoo. A donation given to them by RegusCo in exchange for a Reptile presentation given to the members of the AHM supposedly by Paul Goulet himself sometime this year Sorry for all the English, if anyone would like to translate please feel free to do so.
Pour reproduire une femelle PR, le consensus générale est de 1,500 gr et 3 ans, si ta femelle est prête, elle produira une portée d'oeuf, ultimement, c'est elle qui décide! Ta femelle peux aussi aisément prendre un 20% à 30% de plus en masse corporelle avant d'ovuler, des femelles aussi petite que 800 gr ont déjà pondu, ta femelle n'aurait aucun problème à pondre. La meilleure option demeure de l'introduire au mâle, la stimulation du mâle et nécessaire pour enclancher le processus de maturation folliculaire, la plupart du temps, lorsque les femelles sont introduites aux mâles, elles deviennent gloutonesque quand viens le temps de manger, c'est là que l'on doit s'assurer de la nourrir convenablement pour qu'elle puisse enmagasiner la masse corporelle nécessaire pour obtenir l'ovulation suivi de la ponte... Je te souhaite une belle grappe de cocos... bonne chance
Voici deux nouveaux PR phasé, le Spider bleu (celui de droite) est disponible pour 50,000€, ça fait quoi ça en $CAD, $65,000, le mauve (à gauche) est tout nouveau et pas encore disponible sur le marché, l'on s'imagine à peine combien il peut bien valoir? Non mais, c'est rendu complètement débile les phases de python regius!
Attendez encore quelques mois et vous pourrez les avoir pour des peanuts, le marché du boa aux USA est en train de mourrir, les éleveurs enverront leurs stock au Canada et le marché ici sera inondé de boa à des prix dérisoires! Pas moi qui le dit, voir et lire ce lien; http://online.wsj.com/article_email/SB10001424052748703575004575043951350432886-lMyQjAxMTAwMDEwMTExNDEyWj.html
9 sous-espèces banni aux USA...
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