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D. Pogue

Bienvenue à la Révolution!

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So it's over?
Did (or do) you have an alternative you went back to?
If anybody want to inform me here or by private message, I'd be happy to keep reading the mix of opinions/photos/other stuff that could be found here even though I'll be gone all summer.
And even though I'm a francophone, that had to learn English.

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Nah, its not over, in any case, not for me Razz.

Anyways, seems like there are not many people keeping M.gloydi... so i'll ask for something else then!!!!

I actually have a pair of E.climacophora ( are they still Elaphe? ) and they are brother and sister... They are almost adults now and will be ready to breed by next year for sure, but i dont think it's going to happen unless i find other unrelated climacophoras to mate them with. Was it Ryan who also has some?


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Dont know what you guys have been up to but i've been having fun with the climacophoras over here, my female has given me her first bites, it was very lovely Smile.

Also got my hands on a bubble eyed house snake with lateral stripes... that thing is just so cute Smile!!!!


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Update the Lounge has burnt to the ground leaving us revolutionists with ashes.Gina well she has left herself go,conclusion she nows weighs in at 535Lbs,she is to fat for her to fetch us a good cold beer. R.I.P To the Revolution and Lounge.Stevie A.K.A Cinderella has turned back to being a grumpy maid,Mr.Pogue has gone back to organizing his sock drawer,Melanie well she went back to Cod fishing and Justin well don't know what happened to him?What a sad day in the history books. Army Smiley Sincerely Stevie..

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Don't worry, i'm still there, quiet but still there....

Waiting for the reply of the "revolutionarist". This thread IS the best thread in the repticlic community, still alive, and it's only a matter of time before Gina get back, put is waitress overall and give everybody something special to get drunk with is summer stuff.
Have a good one.

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In french, we've had what was called '' la Révolution Tranquile'', which means '' the Quiet Revolution ''.

As for me, i'm still up for a revolution... or a bbq Smile.


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bistrobob85 a écrit:
In french, we've had what was called '' la Révolution Tranquile'', which means '' the Quiet Revolution ''.

As for me, i'm still up for a revolution... or a bbq Smile.


Phil c'est correcte je parle tres bien francais,lol et plusieur d'autres langues...Pas si pire pour le pauvre Cinderella..Lets wake up these skeletons up from there graves

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Ok Gina, it's time for another beer, we need it. And it's about time to get evolution pics of the redwhip.

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Just to encourage things a bit... :

ps :

and maybe a little bit of :

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With the pink mittens this thread sould "re-awake" really soon....

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I have been a lurker here since sometime around the middle of page 3, having basically given up on internet reptile forums before I found this particular thread. Even though I don't actually keep live reptiles anymore, I do still have a strong interest in reptiles both living and extinct. Truth is, I have often felt like a disconnected "outsider" on most mainstream reptile sites that I have visited, and I have been bored to tears by the nature of most posters' offerings on the larger sites especially. I was intrigued when I first took a look here because it wasn't just more dubious "petkeeping" advice from a bunch of people selling reptiles! I found the viewpoints shared here were a refreshing change from the (mostly) illiterate junk that dominates pretty much every "pet dealer sponsored" herp site that I've seen. Good quality photographs, an overall high intelligence level and even a sense of humour, as good as it gets on any forum in my opinion. Where else could you read advice from both the ghost of a famous herpetologist, and an spurious "expert" reptile breeder, all in the same thread?

I enjoyed, read, and stayed silent while this little "Revolution" was underway. I have to say I was sorry to see it end. I myself have been back only once or twice since this thread was so badly derailed and soiled months ago. When I saw that there had been a flurry of activity on here recently, I figured I would finally add my supportive voice to the pile. In my opinion though the proceedings here on the final few pages illustrate clearly why so many credible reptile people (both professional and amateur) choose to avoid ALL internet reptile forums. I am not posting this to provoke, to attack anyone, or to stir up another hornets' nest, but I really wanted to finally and publicly state my personal thoughts on this (mostly) excellent high quality thread. I suspect (and hope) that I am not alone in my feelings.

For purely selfish reasons I do hope that the thread can somehow be revived, and I would now like to thank all of the major contributors, and the original poster in particular for sharing their photographic and writing skills here in the past, and everyone for having the courage to present their viewpoints in such a thought provoking fashion. It really was something different. Your efforts were appreciated by more people than you may realize, but especially by fed up reptile people like myself.

justin a écrit:
Waiting for the reply of the "revolutionarist". This thread IS the best thread in the repticlic community, still alive

I agree with Justin. I have yet to see anything like "Bienvenue a la Revolution" anywhere on any reptile forum. What a shame. I really think that the net could use more stuff like the first dozen or so pages of this thread, and less of the garbage that passes for "content" and that fills so many boards to capacity .

Let me put it another way (this IS a French language board after all!): "Encore!Encore!"

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Citation :
I have been a lurker here since sometime around the middle of page 3, having basically given up on internet reptile forums before I found this particular thread. Even though I don't actually keep live reptiles anymore, I do still have a strong interest in reptiles both living and extinct. Truth is, I have often felt like a disconnected "outsider" on most mainstream reptile sites that I have visited, and I have been bored to tears by the nature of most posters' offerings on the larger sites especially. I was intrigued when I first took a look here because it wasn't just more dubious "petkeeping" advice from a bunch of people selling reptiles! I found the viewpoints shared here were a refreshing change from the (mostly) illiterate junk that dominates pretty much every "pet dealer sponsored" herp site that I've seen. Good quality photographs, an overall high intelligence level and even a sense of humour, as good as it gets on any forum in my opinion. Where else could you read advice from both the ghost of a famous herpetologist, and an spurious "expert" reptile breeder, all in the same thread?

I enjoyed, read, and stayed silent while this little "Revolution" was underway. I have to say I was sorry to see it end. I myself have been back only once or twice since this thread was so badly derailed and soiled months ago. When I saw that there had been a flurry of activity on here recently, I figured I would finally add my supportive voice to the pile. In my opinion though the proceedings here on the final few pages illustrate clearly why so many credible reptile people (both professional and amateur) choose to avoid ALL internet reptile forums. I am not posting this to provoke, to attack anyone, or to stir up another hornets' nest, but I really wanted to finally and publicly state my personal thoughts on this (mostly) excellent high quality thread. I suspect (and hope) that I am not alone in my feelings.

For purely selfish reasons I do hope that the thread can somehow be revived, and I would now like to thank all of the major contributors, and the original poster in particular for sharing their photographic and writing skills here in the past, and everyone for having the courage to present their viewpoints in such a thought provoking fashion. It really was something different. Your efforts were appreciated by more people than you may realize, but especially by fed up reptile people like myself.

justin a écrit:
Waiting for the reply of the "revolutionarist". This thread IS the best thread in the repticlic community, still alive

I agree with Justin. I have yet to see anything like "Bienvenue a la Revolution" anywhere on any reptile forum. What a shame. I really think that the net could use more stuff like the first dozen or so pages of this thread, and less of the garbage that passes for "content" and that fills so many boards to capacity .

Let me put it another way (this IS a French language board after all!): "Encore!Encore!"

nice way to said it to ''encord '' encord''
moi aussi jai ete un ecteur silencieux sur se poste ,mais maudit que cetais interessen lolololol

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slim a écrit:
nice way to said it to ''encord '' encord''
moi aussi jai ete un ecteur silencieux sur se poste ,mais maudit que cetais interessen lolololol

Thanks, slim. There were lots of times when I felt moved to post here, but my main knowledge area is paleontology which I figured would be of limited interest to most members. Also, I generally like to keep things civil and polite, so I couldn't bring myself to say what I was really feeling when the soilage started back in the spring. Mom always said that if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all! lol.

Even though I wasn't a poster the first time around, I did feel a sense of "belonging" here that I haven't felt on other more commercially oriented forums. "The Lounge" is still the coolest place on the net for people who take their reptiles seriously, but don't care how much they are "worth" as investments.

Let's have some more!

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wen they built this forum it was very important that everybody as the right to ''freedom of spech'' and so far its work very well ,me to i realy like this forum ,sometime its not funny ,but hey hey everybody have there way to do with there animal ...when we ask a question her ,they answer will be clear an precise ..

i hope to read you more ....

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The Devonian a écrit:

It really was something different. I have yet to see anything like "Bienvenue a la Revolution" anywhere on any reptile forum.

I really think that the net could use more stuff like the first dozen or so pages of this thread, and less of the garbage that passes for "content" and that fills so many boards to capacity .

Let me put it another way (this IS a French language board after all!): "Encore!Encore!"

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So, let see who will be the first to present to the whole revolution crowd the next worthless?

Cinderella? You know you want to be the one... Let's go! It's time to awake the worthless net!

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Hello to all you Jumpy & Worthless Fans out there,time will tell if The Revolution will come back or not,till then let's just sit back and be patient.Cheers Frenchie the Roughneck Army Smiley

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The Devonian a écrit:

justin a écrit:
Waiting for the reply of the "revolutionarist". This thread IS the best thread in the repticlic community, still alive

I agree with Justin. I have yet to see anything like "Bienvenue a la Revolution" anywhere on any reptile forum. What a shame. I really think that the net could use more stuff like the first dozen or so pages of this thread, and less of the garbage that passes for "content" and that fills so many boards to capacity .

Let me put it another way (this IS a French language board after all!): "Encore!Encore!"

There has been a thread "jadice" that existed on another "forum"... It was, to say the least, grandiose... 70 pages of pure pleasure! hehe... Unfortunately, it was deleted....

Few herping pics to join Mr. Stevie :

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Nice snakes, guys...

Hey Nic, congratulation on your last pic... that milk is BEAUTIFUL!!!! Beautiful hognoses, Stevie, i didnt know you were into those guys Smile.

Can't wait to have some good pics of the ''original version'' texas ratsnakes to show, hehe.


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Bistrobob85,yup that is all i breed and like.This year is a killer Hoggie year for me,lol. Army Smiley

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bistrobob where are the pics of the texas ratsnakes,lol i'm waiting Army Smiley

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Hrmm well I s'pose I'll offer up a few sacrificial babies for "the cause". My first snake breeding after more than 20 years in the hobby... Appropriately little worm & fish eating worthlessers:

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Stav a écrit:
how narrow minded some are ...... a bunch of childs that dont wanna understand Wink

i wonder what is not understandable to give people a chance to understand texts especially in english on french forum ..... and give the opportunity to be easy when they search for something that is for interest for them ....

sorry its not me that put everybody in the same boat and its not me either that is treating people like whores without even knowing their background or passion yheir accomplishements failures or views ....

good luck in your futur if you want start your own forum where people act like childs and deform everything and that dont take replies that dont fit their standards especially when they themselfs put everything in the same basket without any questions made ....

As for D Pogue .....

Go read on any forum english or french since you speak french a bit of what I write and then critisize if its only pics post , or what i say on wannabe "website breeders " ..... Then and only then spit your spit like you do here .....

Goodbye childs ...... too bas there was some nice subjects that could serve the reptile community ....

Once again Stav qui aime faire la marde,Bravo Zen

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Stav a écrit:
AlexG a écrit:
Stav pourquoi dois tu être si fermé d' te suis pas pentoute......
I'm sorry guys to read all this I though we could of all enjoy this VIP lounge and have a great time until not long ago.....I really though this site had a little something different.... but I wonder how I got proved wrong.. geek ....I havent been coming much here lately and I'm pretty disapointed to see how it turned down... some people just cant be wrong eh..... Rulezzz
anyway I hope it wont end like that!... In the worse case dont need to bother paying attention... might work seen some parents ignoring those ''give me attention'' childs.... and at some point the kid stop bothering....not that I suggest that as a way to raise a child but it could work in an other kind of situation eh.... Zen anyway I was kinda waiting for something like that to happen at some point...but you know...4 people own this forum it aint some one man thing Wink

PS Wiskey for everybody! Gina make them doubles!! PLEASE Very Happy


lol Moi fermé d'esprit ??? qu'ecé qui faut pas entendre ...... je me demande si toi tu te fesais traiter de pute parceque tu aime ou aime ou aime pas quelque chose ou èa cause de tes agissements ou de la facon dont tu garde tes choses ?

Yhea sure ..... i'm a kid ...... you are the first to jump on the barricades like a kid when something dosent make you happy .... please drop that ....

If you are disapointed by the forum ....... well so be it ..... you are old enough and for sure as Merc Dubois said once to others seems u didint get the meaning of this forum .

Rancor .... i just dont get it ...... people shit on other people because opinions and views differ from theirs and you guys cant take it when someone a different opinion .... I wonder who is narcissistic ....

As for how many views or how many posts a guy does ...... it passes me 100 feet above the head this means absolutely nothing and I wonder what interest the is to check how many views there is on a thread or how many posts someone has .... its a thing that comes from time to time and i just dont understand the interest of checking this ......

And if it interests you .... it took me at least 30 views to try and understand "some" of the stuff on this thread because everything is going into a 100 directions .... so it tells you how revelant " numbers , views " id worth ....

I also dont understand whats the problem of separating a thread that touches many subjects into other simpler subjects so that its easyer to understand or search ..... sorry

As if I see anything directed to me .... go read the other thread it will answer your questionning ....
Et encore et encore wow big standing ovation.A lot of good people left why Because of good old Sucage de bonte Stav Army Smiley

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Haha, hey, there are still folks here Smile.

Still playing with colubrids, everyone? On my side, this week i'm probably going to pick up a patchnose snake!!!!


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bistrobob85 a écrit:
On my side, this week i'm probably going to pick up a patchnose snake!!!!


Cool Phil! it's unusual in the hobby.

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Marc Dubois a écrit:
bistrobob85 a écrit:
On my side, this week i'm probably going to pick up a patchnose snake!!!!


Cool Phil! it's unusual in the hobby.

Of course, it's defenetly part of why i'm attracted to it Smile.


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La sixième photo, le noir et rouge avec une ligne blanche sur le dessus.... C'est un quoi?

Les photos sont magnifiques

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Saya a écrit:
La sixième photo, le noir et rouge avec une ligne blanche sur le dessus.... C'est un quoi?

Les photos sont magnifiques

Thamnophis sirtalis concinnus



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La "Lounge VIP" 20 Mai 2010

La salle de classe 20 Mai 2010

L'entrée principale 20 Mai 2010

La bibliothèque de photo 20 Mai 2010


ps -

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That made my day!

ps: Fuck the candels!!

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Haha, i think i'm hiding somewhere in the photo library, with my new little patchnose snake Razz.

I'll post some pics as soon as i manage to recharge my camera battery and also get my photobucket album to work!!!!


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