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Cuban Knight Anole for Adoption in Ottawa

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I took in an adult male Cuban Knight Anole a few weeks ago, very underweight, injuries, and an eye problem.

He has since been dewormed and has eaten vigorously so his weight is
where it should be. His eye has stayed the same - it has not responded
to flushing or antibiotics - as I expect it will for the rest of his
life (it is covered with a thick white plaque that is attached to the
eye). He cannot see out of it but it does not impair him very much.

He is a beautiful lizard but does not enjoy being handled (he does like
to be hand fed, though). He is best left as a display specimen. A
beautiful one at that, as he is light blue with a pink dewlap.

I cannot keep him long term and would like him to go to a home that will
house him properly and take into account that he is blind in one eye
and be able to keep an eye on it in case the condition of the eye
changes. He does eat out of a bowl but prefers to be fed with tongs,
and he only drinks from running water so will need a fountain or a
dripper or frequent (at least twice a day) spraying.

Qualified individuals only, please. This is not a starter pet. Please
research Cuban Knight Anoles as they are not your typical tiny pet store

The adoption fee is $30 and partially covers the cost of the medication,
supplies and food that I have spent so far, and I will also provide a UV bulb and fixture (new) and feeder inects. For an additional $120, I
will provide a large cage (3' x 2' x 2.5'), too.

He will be ready to go in approximately two weeks. For photos, more information, or to meet him, please contact me.

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