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Tout ce qui a été posté par askook

  1. askook


    Inferring the phylogenetic position of Boa constrictor among the Boinae
  2. A molecular approach to discerning the phylogenetic placement of the enigmatic snake Xenophidion schaeferi among the Alethinophidia J. Zool. Lond (2004) 263, 285-294 Robin Lawson, Joseph B. Slowinski & Franck T. Burbrink
  3. A molecular approach to discerning the phylogenetic placement of the enigmatic snake Xenophidion schaeferi among the Alethinophidia
  4. askook


    Xenophidion schaeferi Gunther & Manthey, 1995 Répartition géographique Asie Malaisie occidentale (Etat de Selangor).
  5. askook


    Xenophidion Gunther & Manthey, 1995 Xenophidion acanthognathus Gunther & Manthey, 1995 Répartition géographique Asie Malaisie orientale [Bornéo (Etat de Sabah)].
  6. askook

    Reproduction cerastes

    Naissance de Cerastes cerates Naissance de Cerastes vipera Photos pour illustration. Source:google
  7. askook

    Venomous Snakes of the World

    Venomous Snakes of the World de Mark O'Shea
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