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Une «Messe des chasseurs» à Hérouxville Samedi, le 26 août, la municipalité de Hérouxville accueillera des centaines de personnes à la fête annuelle des chasseurs de la région de la MRC de Mékinac. L’évènement, appelé «Messe des chasseurs», a pour but d’inviter les chasseurs à remercier le Seigneur pour l’abondance et l’excellence du gibier et se veut un moment de rencontres et réjouissances pour la population. C’est aussi l’occasion d’assister à une exposition unique dans la belle église centenaire de Hérouxville. Par ailleurs, l’église sera entièrement décorée d’animaux et trophées de chasse décrivant la nature vivante qu’entoure ce sport populaire. Dès 14h, la population sera invitée à visiter le presbytère de la Fabrique. Ils pourront s’y procurer des œuvres exposées par nos artisans et artisanes. Ils pourront aussi participer, à l’extérieur, à un Bazar, incluant la vente par enchères amicales d’objets anciens (antiquités), livres et autres (puces). Suivra la «Messe des chasseurs» à 16h, dont la célébration sera assurée par Mgr Paul-Émile Landry, entouré d’un commentateur et un orchestre western. Nous procéderons tout au long de la fête, à la vente de boissons gazeuses, bière, vin, croustilles etc. Pour clore cette journée, plus de 300 personnes se réuniront autour d’un méchoui dont tous les billets ont été déjà vendus. Pour plus d’information, consultez notre site web au : www.municipalite.herouxville.qc.ca. Tous les profits de cette journée seront remis à la fabrique de St-Timothée de Hérouxville afin de lui venir en aide. L’entrée est gratuite. Réagissez à cet article / Imprimer cette page / Envoyer ce texte à un ami http://www.lhebdomekinacdeschenaux.com/article-29239-Une-Messe-des-chasseurs-a-Herouxville.html
Pour notre info: http://www.iijcan.org/qc/legis/regl/c-61.1r.0.0001/20060614/tout.html Incroyable tout ce qu'on peut y lire: Un aperçu: ESPÈCES EXOTIQUES ADMISES À LA GARDE EN CAPTIVITÉ SANS PERMIS Classe des Reptiles Toutes les espèces sauf: Les Crocodiliens Les lézards venimeux Les serpents venimeux Les tortues marines Classe des Amphibiens Toutes les espèces Classe des Oiseaux Les Anatidés Les Capitonidés Les Colombidés Les Emberizidés Les Estrildidés Les Fringillidés Les Irénidés Le Mainate religieux (Sturnidés) Les Méleagrididés Les Musophagidés Les Ostéropidés Les Phasianidés Les Ploceidés Les Psittacidés Les Pycnonotidés Les Ramphastidés Les Ratites Les Timaliidés Les Turdidés Les Zosteropidés Classe des Mammifères Les Bovidés Les Camélidés Les Cervidés sauf le Cerf mulet et le Cerf à queue noire Les Chinchillas (famille des Chinchillidés) Le Cochon d'Inde (famille des Caviidés) Les Dégoux (famille des Octodontidés) Les Gerbilles (famille des Cricétidés) Les Gerboises (famille des Dipodidés) Les Hamsters (famille des Muridés) Les Pécaris (famille des Tyassuidés) Les Sangliers (famille des Suidés) La classification taxonomique est celle de la Grizmek's Animal Life Encyclopedia, 1984. D. 1029-92, Ann. II. ESPÈCES INDIGÈNES DONT LA GARDE À DES FINS D'ÉLEVAGE EST AUTORISÉE SANS PERMIS Classe des Mammifères Renard (Vulpes vulpes) Vison (Mustela vison) Classe des Oiseaux Dindon sauvage (Meleagris gallopavo) Faisan à collier (Phasianus colchicus) Pigeon biset (Columba livia) D. 1029-92, Ann. III.
http://www.kapricodesign.com/cdda/ Un autre organisme au Québec (?) Je viens de tomber sur ce site... En feuilletant ses pages, je me rends compte qu'elle s'est énormément inspirée de nos recherches et de nos textes, mais en les modifiant...(chasse au phoque, fourrure, etc. et même chose pour sa page sur les usines à chiots du Qué.= Elle s'est inspirée de ma page de PDC... En avais-tu déjà entendu parler ?? ------------------------------------------------ "L'objectif du C.D.D.A est d'éduquer et conscientiser le public sur les différents visages de l'exploitation animale ainsi que le sensibiliser à toute la cruauté qui est engendrée par les animaleries, la reproduction, la vivisection, les usines à chiots, l'exploitation des animaux à fourrure et de compagnies. › Travailler conjointement avec toute personne ou organisme qui a pour mission de défendre la cause animale, environnementale ainsi que de renforcir les lois sur la protection des animaux en faisant des pressions politiques. › Partager notre passion Animale et conscientiser la population par le biais de fiches informatives, tables d'informations, rencontres en milieu scolaire etc. Le mandat premier du C.D.D.A est de Promouvoir la révérence pour tout être vivants et être un canal entre les humains et les animaux qui souffrent. La protection environnementale est la responsabilité de chacun d'entre nous, il est primordial d'assurer un environnement sain et abondant aux générations à venir. Nous devons AGIR et arrêter de ne penser qu'en fonction du profit. Un environnement sain et sans souffrances est un placement à long terme et est de loin plus payant que l'argent qui est engendré par son exploitation. L'exploitation abusive d'une seule espèce peut devenir un danger considérable et avoir des conséquences imprévues sur notre écosystème. Serions-nous devenus à ce point endormis pour ne plus ressentir la douleur? Qui sommes-nous pour penser un instant pouvoir disposer de nos animaux comme bon nous semble ? Chaque personne à droit à son opinion et je respecte l'opinion des autres, mais la liberté de parole ne justifie en rien les gestes de violence infligés aux animaux et toute la souffrance qui en découle. Nous devons refuser comme êtres humains de contribuer à cette violence gratuite et cette douleur qui est subie par de petits êtres vivant quotidiennement et devons en échange être réconfort et compassion envers toute créature vivante qui partage avec nous cette superbe planète. Danielle Dubois C.D.D.A " http://www.kapricodesign.com/cdda/ ---------------------------------- Voir aussi son témoignage trouvé sur un autre site: http://www.zconcept.net/stop-animalerie/temoignage.htm Témoignage d'une ex-employée québecquoise L'industrie des animaux de compagnie est devenue une des industries les plus lucratives qui soit, mettant ainsi en péril la vie de millions d'animaux quotidiennement. Après plus de 8 ans de travail à titre d'animalière dans plusieurs animaleries des Laurentides ainsi que responsable du département des oiseaux, j'ai décidé sans hésitation après toutes ces années, de quitter ce milieu cruel des animaleries qui m'a déçu au plus haut point. Je n'en pouvais tout simplement plus de vendre des articles absolument inutiles et des animaux malades à des clients qui entraient dans l'animalerie et qui posaient sur moi leur confiance totale. Mon intégrité comme personne était touchée et tout ce cirque devait cesser. Étant responsable du département des oiseaux, j'étais outrée de voir les clients quitter l'animalerie mal informés par les commis, et qui ne donnaient à leurs oiseaux qu'une minuscule cage, de l'eau et que du grain en guise de nourriture. Je devais renseigner les propriétaires d'oiseaux sur l'importance de recréer le plus possible en captivité, l'habitat naturel des oiseaux et l'importance de leur fournir une saine alimentation. J'ai donc décidé d'écrire un livre sur le sujet qui fut publié aux éditions Québecor en août 2002. C'était pour moi la seule façon de rejoindre les propriétaires d'oiseaux et de leur faire comprendre l'importance et la responsabilité d'adopter un animal. J'avais cependant un sentiment de frustration et la conviction certaine que tout ce cirque devait cesser. Je devais absolument dénoncer et informer les clients d'animaleries de toute l'horreur, la cruauté et les mensonges engendrés par cette industrie lucrative. La négligence et la cruauté dans les boutiques d'animaux sont tels au Québec que si un journaliste avait la chance d'y passer quelques jours et de filmer ce qui s'y passe, je peux vous affirmer qu'un nouveau scandale verrait le jour dans notre belle province. J'ai assisté à des euthanasies maison, des traitements vétérinaires improvisés par les animaliers, des dislocations et luxations cervicales, des noyades, des congélations d'animaux vivants et malades etc. Les petits chiots qui y étaient vendus provenaient d'usines à chiots et étaient majoritairement trop jeunes ou malades pour être vendus. Je les voyais donc mourir devant mes yeux quotidiennement et être la victime de traitements maison qui les laissaient dans des états lamentables. Généralement, les propriétaires d'animaleries refusent d'investir dans la santé de leurs animaux et évitent les frais vétérinaires qu'ils considèrent trop onéreux. Les animaux deviennent donc victimes du profit recherché pas les propriétaires de boutiques d'animaux et souffrent en silence. Les animaux ne sont rien de plus pour eux que de la vulgaire marchandise et source de revenu. À chaque années des centaines de millions d'animaux sont victimes de cette industrie lucrative et tout cette folie doit cesser. Je suis entrée dans le secteur animalier remplie de bonnes intentions et en suis ressortie le coeur rempli de chagrin pour tous ces animaux qui sont laissés à eux-même et qui souffrent en silence derrière les vitrines de nos animaleries du Québec. J'ai donc décidé depuis ce jour de défendre la cause animale et de dénoncer ce qui se passe au pays en terme de cruauté. Il se cache derrière les vitrines d'animaleries tellement de cruauté que ca me donne envie de vomir. Lorsque je regarde les humains agir, un sentiment de honte monte en moi. Sommes-nous à ce point engourdi mentalement pour laisser faire de telles atrocités ? D'où vient cette indifférence à la violence ? Chaque personne a droit à son opinion et j'ai toujours respecté l'opinion des autres. Mais la liberté de parole n'inclut pas nécessairement la liberté d'action si la souffrance est le fruit qui en découle. Les lois en ce qui concerne la protection et la sécurité des animaux sont aux minimum dans ce pays et les lois doivent être revues et appliquées. Je continuerai alors de me battre pour que la cause animale soit entendue, car la souffrance c'est la souffrance, que vous soyez noir, blanc, jaune, chien, chat, singe. je suis présentement à l'écriture d'un livre qui parlera des dessous de l'exploitation animale soit: Les animaleries, vivisection, usines à chiots, fourrure, chasses aux phoques etc...Je vous invite à aller visiter mon site Web et de me faire part de vos suggestions...... N'hésitez pas à communiquer avec moi pour une collaboration future et encore Bravo pour votre site... Danielle Dubois C.D.D.A Coalition pour la Défense du Droit Animal www.c-d-d-a.com cdda@videotron.ca
Quand Madonna se la joue "landed gentry"
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Et pourquoi pas des oeufs de cane? 4 sepembre 2006 Par Jacques Légaré Hervé Roy et Erika Da Trindade cherchaient une production originale et rentable afin d’ajouter une corde à leur arc. Ils croient l’avoir trouvée avec les oeufs de cane. Nous nous sommes rendus à la ferme Sam-Clyde de Saint-Gédéon, afin de rencontre ce couple d’agriculteurs qui sort de l’ordinaire. Diversifiée La ferme du couple trahit leur sens de l’originalité. Ils y produisent à la fois des chevaux de race Clydesdale ,des chats (surtout des Siamois), et des veaux de boucherie, en plus des oeufs de cane. Selon Hervé Roy, les marchés sont maintenant tellement volatiles qu’il faut savoir se diversifier. «Quand les prix ont baissé dans le boeuf et le cheval, ce sont les chats qui nous ont sauvés», raconte-t-il. Mais la diversification n’est pas seulement un choix économique, indique Érica, qui aime vivre avec plusieurs sortes d’animaux. «Il n’y en a jamais assez sur une ferme», s’exclame-t-elle. Avec les oeufs de cane, ils ont le sentiment d’avoir trouvé un produit qui a de l’avenir. Comparable à l’oeuf de la poule, celui de la cane a cependant un blanc plus clair et un jaune plus grand. Son goût est légèrement différent, nous indique Hervé Roy. Selon lui, le fait que ces oeufs contiennent de la vitamine B-12 et moins de cholestérol que l’oeuf devrait les rendre populaires, notamment chez les végétariens, qui ne peuvent trouver leur B-12 dans la viande. Expérimentation Mais de son propre aveu, on en est encore au stade de l’expérimentation, avec un cheptel de 120 canes. À sa connaissance, une seule autre ferme produit ce type d’oeufs au Québec, et il s’agit d’un élevage biologique. Quelle moulée sera la plus appropriée? Quelle sorte de cane sera la meilleure pondeuse en cage? C’est à ce genre de questions qu’on veut répondre avant d’acheter les volailles en grand nombre et commencer pour de bon. On envisage d’en acheter 1200 en mai prochain, et autant six mois plus tard. «On veut en changer la moitié à tous les six mois, et faire du foie gras avec celles qui ne pondent plus», indique Hervé Roy. On pourra ainsi assurer une production d’oeufs constante, ce qui est un «must» pour la mise en marché. http://www.hebdosquebecor.com/ecl/09012006...12006_A11.shtml
http://www.kindtranslators.com/ posté par la râge dans le forum pda --------------------------------------- C'est avec plaisir que nous avons offert aux personnes et aux organismes qui suivent une page sur notre site pour leur permettre de vous faire connaître leurs activités et leurs points de vue. Nos invités expriment des opinions qui peuvent être très différentes les unes des autres et ont une approche de la souffrance animale qui leur est propre. Ils ont toutefois en commun certaines valeurs et assez de compassion envers les animaux pour vouloir faire changer les choses. Nous saluons la générosité, la candeur et le courage dont ils font preuve en s'opposant à un ordre établi qui sera peut-être, un jour, le souvenir d'une période obscure dans l'histoire de la relation humain-animal. Organismes/Associations AHIMSA Animatch Fabienne Humanefood.ca IFAW Les Cahiers antispécistes Protection mondiale des animaux de ferme (PMAF) Société ProducNet Veggie Pride Zoocheck Canada Pages personnelles R.A.G.E.
Steve Irwin est décédé piqué par une raie
Animal a posté un sujet dans ANIMAUX - Europe et autres continents
4 septembre 2006 Le célèbre animateur d'émission de télé est mort alors qu'il tournait une émission dans la Grande barrière de corail, au nord-est de l'Australie. Steve Irwin a succombé à l'assaut d'une raie pastenague, qui lui a transpercé la poitrine avec sa queue. ... L'ancien animateur laisse sa femme et ses deux enfants dans le deuil. La nation australienne, qui le voit comme l'archétype de l'intrépide chasseur de crocodiles, est également en deuil. Des images de son décès tournent en boucle partout dans le pays, et de nombreux ministres ont loué son implication en faveur de la cause environnementale. http://radio-canada.ca/nouvelles/International/2006/09/04/003-deces-steve-irwin.shtml -
2006-09-02 A l'heure actuelle, le nombre de tigres sauvages est inférieur à 50 en Chine : moins de 20 dans la région du nord-est et une trentaine dans la région du sud-ouest, voisine du Myamar et du Laos. On compterait moins de 5 000 tigres sauvages à travers le monde, dans 14 pays dont le Bangladesh, la Chine, l'Inde et la Russie, selon les statistiques du Fonds mondial de la Nature. A cause du commerce illégal et de la chasse, les tigres sauvages sont en voie d'extinction
2) Even if the environmental estrogens actually get through and attaches to the estrogen receptor -- which means it causes cell division to speed up and so forth -- turmeric turns the volume down, so the cells don't grow and divide as rapidly as they normally would. Then, when it goes to the liver to get broken down, it beefs up the liver enzymes and makes the body more effective at eliminating these toxins and excess estrogen. We also put green tea in there, and green tea has tremendous anticancer properties. It's a very powerful anti-inflammatory with antioxidants just like turmeric. Green tea and turmeric actually have synergistic effects together, which means that each one makes the other more effective. Green tea will enhance the anticancer effects of turmeric by three times and turmeric will enhance the anticancer effects of green tea by eight times. Mike:Of course, both are well represented in your formula. Turmeric is 3,000 milligrams per serving. There is 500 milligrams of green tea leaf extract. That's a potent combination. Horner:It's the equivalent of drinking about six cups of green tea during the day. We also have a few different nutrients that are found in cruciferous vegetables. Cruciferous vegetables are a family of vegetables that include broccoli, cauliflower, kale, Brussels sprouts and they're somewhat noteworthy because they have a natural hormone detoxifier in them. They have tremendous heath benefits in addition to helping to protect against and fight breast cancer. In fact, women who eat the most cruciferous vegetables have a 40 percent lower incidence of breast cancer. We have two different elements in there from the cruciferous vegetables like indoplex and indole-3-carbinol. When the body breaks down estrogen in the liver, it will produce either a good kind of estrogen breakdown product or a bad kind. Just like we have a good and bad kind of cholesterol, we have a good and bad kind of estrogen. The indole-3-carbinol or DIM helps promote the good kind. Like your main supply, the good kind is something that does not promote the growth of breast cancer and is protective. The bad kind is something that does promote the growth of it. If you eat cruciferous vegetables or take the supplement, you can actually measure these breakdown products in your urine and see a positive change in it in 24 to 48 hours. Mike: Many women who are about to undergo breast cancer treatment protocol hear the same thing from their oncologist: Don't take antioxidants. It'll ruin the chemotherapy. Horner:Yes. That's totally not true. It's such a problem. I always hate to tell people their doctor doesn't have time to read and that traditionally, the doctor gets their information from -- and I mean this is bad, bad news -- the media and from drug companies. They actually don't know if they don't hear it there. If you go through medical literature like I have and read literally hundreds of studies, you'd find the vast majority of the studies show that people who take antioxidants actually get an enhanced effect from the chemotherapy while receiving protection against the organ damage. Our understanding of how chemotherapy works is too primitive. The research is showing there are obviously other mechanisms in place. So, here's a cool thing about green tea: There are the pump mechanisms that will pump things into the cells and also pump things out of the cells, and green tea can affect those mechanisms. They've found that if women are undergoing chemotherapy and drinking green tea, that it pumps more chemotherapy inside the tumor cells. They were finding three times the concentration of Adrimyacin, which is a common chemotherapeutic drug used for treating breast cancer, inside the tumor cells in the presence of green tea. And the green tea pumps it out of the normal cells. So, you get enhanced effectiveness while protecting against the organ damage. I think that every oncologist should know this. Every woman should be taking it because you get those protective effects with it. Turmeric will shut off the blood supply to tumors and so does green tea. Without new blood vessels growing in and bringing nutrients and oxygen, tumors can't grow any bigger. Mike: Why don't mainstream oncologists grasp this information about green tea and use it to the benefit of their patients? What could possibly be the reason? Horner:I think that part of it is they don't have time to read, like I said, and secondly we have such an incredibly litigious environment. When you're dealing with cancer patients it's life or death. It's almost like they're forced to do mainstream because of the possibility of getting sued and they're concerned about doing anything that would be considered a little bit abnormal because of that. Mike:But you aren't sued if the patient dies from the chemotherapy. I don't mean to be so blunt but maybe that's what's needed. Horner:It's so sad. Fortunately, most people who are undergoing chemotherapy or cancer treatments are trying to figure out alternatives on their own. And there are some integrative oncologists who are popping up around the country and using all of this together to get much better results than what you get with traditional treatment. Mike: Thank goodness for people like you who bring this message to the public. Again, the book is called "Waking the Warrior Goddess: Dr. Christine Horner's Program to Protect Against and Fight Breast Cancer." It's available everywhere, bookstores and online. Do you have a website that you'd like to give out? Horner:I do, yes. My website is DrChristineHorner.com My website has information about my book and there are all sorts of breast health tips, which are kind of summaries of some of the things that I talk about in my book. Another website that you should know about, is ProtectiveBreast.com. You'll find the information about Protective Breast Formula and all the ingredients in more detail. You'll also be able to order it from the website. Mike:You can order the supplement from ProtectiveBreast.com? Horner:Yes. You can have it shipped to your home monthly, and then you don't even have to think about it. It's much cheaper that way, too. Mike:For those reading, I have to add that I've personally known Christine for a year, and if you have been diagnosed with breast cancer, educate yourself. I can't urge you enough. Check out your options, read this book, find out what else is available, and don't let fear be your primary motivating factor in deciding what to do. Educate yourself. Get that information and confidence, and make an informed decision. Horner:Exactly. There are just so many things that you can do that will enhance the effectiveness of chemotherapy, even the radiation. It will protect you against the organ damage and significantly increase your chances of successfully fighting your disease. Having information about the things that accelerate the growth of breast cancer and the things that can help to protect against it can make a giant difference. Mike:Dr. Horner, it's been a real pleasure to speak with you. Horner:Thank you. It's been my pleasure. Mike:I wish you the best with getting this message out there with your book and product line. ### http://www.newstarget.com/020197.html
NewsTarget.com August 28 2006 Interview: Dr. Christine Horner discusses choices women can make to prevent breast cancer Mike:Hello, everyone. Thanks for joining us. This is Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, with Christine Horner, M.D. She is a breast cancer expert, book author and nutritional supplement formulator. Thanks for joining us today. You have a book called "Waking the Warrior Goddess: Dr. Christine Horner's Program to Protect Against and Fight Breast Cancer" that's been out for more than a year now, correct? Horner:Actually, it's the year anniversary right now. The book is doing great. In fact, it hit number 1 on Amazon.com amongst the breast cancer books last October. It's been doing well. Mike:Fantastic. One of the reasons for the success of this book comes back to your philosophy on breast cancer. I'd like you to share your take on it with our readers, because you say that breast cancer is really not something that is out of the person's control; that it can be prevented. Give us a little bit of information about that. Horner:I was a practicing plastic surgeon and I was a spokesperson for the American Cancer Society. I was taught to tell people that we didn't know what caused breast cancer and that we didn't have any known cures for it; that the best things women could do were mammograms and breast exams to catch it early. I had kind of a tragic personal experience with this because my mother followed that Western medicine advice. She was diagnosed with breast cancer, and they supposedly caught it early. Five years later she showed up with metastatic disease and died nine months after that. I thought to myself, "You know what? I don't want this disease." To me just getting mammograms and breast exams felt like playing a game of Russian Roulette. When is it going to get me? I was completely disempowered. I looked through the medical literature to see if there was anything we already knew that could give us information about what's causing breast cancer, or the things that women could do to help protect themselves or lower the risk of it. Surprisingly, I found thousands of studies that showed exactly why we have a breast cancer epidemic, what we're doing wrong and what we're not doing that could be highly protective. That's what my book is. It's everything that I could find. There are about 40 different approaches, all of them with huge statistical data in support of them, and everything's natural. It's foods, supplements, herbs, activities and so forth that have tremendous effect either increasing the risk or protecting against it. Mike:You talk about not only what people can do to prevent the progression of breast cancer, but how they can prevent it altogether. What are some of those things that people should be avoiding that will protect their health? Horner:Not surprisingly, the American diet and lifestyle is a recipe for breast cancer, prostate cancer, colon cancer and heart disease. We know that because it's so prevalent. When the typical American is interviewed, what do they normally eat? They normally eat fast food. If you look at the burger, the white bun, the French fries, the milkshake, and pop, each one of those things is something that contributes to the initiation and progression of breast cancer. Women who eat red meat, particularly grilled and well-done, have a 400 percent increased risk of breast cancer. There are carcinogens that are formed when meat is cooked, and red meat is also high in saturated animal fats, which act as a concentrated storehouse of environmental toxins. Saturated animal fats will make our cells more insulin-resistant, which puts us at risk for type 2 diabetes. It also causes our insulin levels to go up. Insulin actually acts as a growth factor for not only breast cancer, but colon, prostate cancer and so forth. There are little receptors on the cell and when it hooks onto it, it causes cell division to increase. Then we consume trans fats -- those horrible hydrogenated fats they cook things like french fries in. Studies found that's again something that will speed up the cell division that happens in the breast tissue in particular and causes inflammation. We know that inflammation is something that plays an essential role in all sorts of chronic disorders and definitely speeds up the growth of breast cancer. If you take an anti-inflammatory, you can cut the risk in half. Sugar and refined carbohydrates are the preferred food for cancer. The more sugar you eat, the faster it grows, plus it's pro-inflammatory and knocks out your immune system right after you eat it. It also causes our insulin levels to go up and, again, insulin acts as a growth factor for cancer. All of those things in the typical fast food meal are things that increase the risk. Another problem we have in this country is obesity. Most people think that only the ovaries produce estrogen, which is the hormone that actually speeds up the growth of breast cancer. That, in fact, is not true. Estrogen is also produced by the fat cells. After menopause, the fat cells become the primary site of estrogen production. In fact, they become factories for estrogen. The more fat a woman has around menopause, the higher her risk of breast cancer. That's because of the elevated amount of estrogen that she's producing. Mike:Wow. That's fascinating. There are so many factors involved in this. Now, a lot of this comes as a surprise to people because many of our readers have been told that breast cancer is purely genetic and there is nothing you can do about it. Horner:Exactly, and that's false. What they've found is only about 5 percent of breast cancers are genetic. The rest of them are brought about by diet and lifestyle, which is good news because that means we can have tremendous impact on whether we get this disease or not. Women can do many things to influence the risk of getting the disease. Mike:What did you think about the study that came out in the UK? A survey asked women who had a history of breast cancer in their family whether they would be willing to have a preventive double mastectomy just to prevent breast cancer, even if they had never been diagnosed with it. More than 20 percent of women said that they would do that to prevent breast cancer. Do you find that shocking? Horner:No, because it's an extremely scary disease. In fact, when they survey women on what disease they fear the most, they fear breast cancer even though more women actually die of heart attacks. But they're not afraid of heart attacks like they are of breast cancer, because the treatment for it is so horrendous. Who wants to have an amputation of a highly emotionally charged body part, or undergo chemotherapy or radiation? Of course, the treatments are just horrible. Most women really, really fear it. That's not surprising that one out of five women would say, just take it out so I don't even have to deal with the risk of it. Mike:Wow. Let's talk about some of the things that are in the Protective Breast Formula, which you formulated. I notice it contains not only some vitamins, but also more importantly some anticancer herbs and superfood elements. Horner:Women can do many highly protective things. I always give the bad news first, and then everyone wants to know what you can do to stop this from happening. Actually, what the research shows is there is a tremendous amount of natural things that you can do. Some of them are specific foods that you can consume like spices, herbs and supplements that have tremendous effect at either slowing down the growth of breast cancer or preventing it in the first place. This is actually good for people who have breast cancer and are undergoing treatment. Turmeric, which is a bright yellow orange colored spice, is another helpful herb. It's a cousin of ginger and is found in curry. It has tremendous anticancer properties to it, and you can add one-quarter of a tablespoon at the end of cooking to almost any food. Of course, it's tough if you look at things like green tea. You have to drink six to ten cups of green tea a day to help. I had a girlfriend in Santa Fe that was I was talking to about all these different ingredients. She said, "Christine, if you would just put these all into one pill, I'd take it." I thought, "You know this is not a bad idea." There's this Wortle Statistic that states 90 percent of heart attack victims go back to their original diet and lifestyle within one year. Strangely, death is not a motivator for human beings on a daily basis. I'm really committed to ending the breast cancer epidemic, so I had to make it as easy as possible. What I did was I work with enzymatic therapy to create the Protective Breast Formula. First I had to find out how many supplements we could get into one pill and have them all be compatible. We were able to actually get seven different supplements into one pill. It gives a very broad spectrum of action. It contains turmeric, the anticancer spice I spoke about. Turmeric is something that has these tremendous properties in it that help to combat environmental estrogens on many different levels. When I go through the list of all the different things that stimulate the growth of breast cancer, the one thing you can't do anything about are these environmental estrogens. They come in the form of pesticides, herbicides and a couple of different chemicals. When some of these chemicals get into your body, turmeric makes them behave less like estrogen. It blocks them from attaching to the estrogen receptor in the breast tissue. ...2
Je viens de voir que Stéphane, de Vegan Québec, ne nous a pas mis en lien sur son site, alors qu'il l'a fait pour la mârge et la râge, et que nous lui avons donné un lien sur le nôtre... http://www.veganquebec.net/spip.php?rubrique7 =========================== Je viens de lui envoyer ce mot: Je viens de remarquer que nous ne sommes pas en lien sur ton site Vegan-Québec... Serait-il possible de nous ajouter s.t.p.? Aequo Animo http://www.aequoanimo.com/ Merci beaucoup à l'avance, Do Aequo Animo
Dear Ambassador and Citizens of Belgium: As a Canadian, and a wildlife preservationist, I am deeply grateful to your country for seriously considering the importation ban of Canadian seal products. In fact, as a Canadian, I am writing to ask your country to further consider banning all products from my country until the heinous commercial seal massacre has been terminated. Some may consider this an act of treason on the part of a Canadian citizen to make such a request upon a foreign government, but many who have heard my speeches at home and abroad understand that this is a plea from a concerned and informed Canadian for Belgium to help save the reputation of my country worldwide, since our own politicians would not take such a necessary step. Please pay no attention to the shameful and shameless manipulations of fisheries minister Loyola Hearn, who is broadly reviled by most Canadians outside of his home province of Newfoundland, which I will dissect by the following three points: 1. Mr. Hearn is blaming the seals for the incompetence of his own ministry in the decimation of the Atlantic cod fishery. The seals, in fact are the benefactors of cod, serving as a population control of the twenty or so other species of cod-predators. Were the seals destroyed, these predatory fish would destroy what remains of the cod almost overnight. 2. Mr. Hearn's assertion that killing baby seals is the sealers' livelihood is blatantly false. The sealing season lasts for only two weeks per year. Killing seals is nothing more than a part-time job. Many sealers do it because they love to kill, not because they need to. A U.S. citizen, Ms. Cathy Kangas of Connecticut, has offered the sealers U.S.$16 million to stop the hunt, and they have flatly declined, proving that it is not an economic issue. 3. Mr. Hearn's worst manipulation of all is to try to "guilt trip" Belgium into submission. Historical and universal wisdom has it that when one does another a favor, it is a gift, not a bargain, not a trade. When a gift is given, one should NEVER expect, nor even hope for, a return. Hearn's mouthing of his very despicable words has dishonored all Canadians, and cheapened the sacrifices of those Canadian who have given their lives to a noble cause. In closing, I would like to say one thing in which I do agree with Mr. Hearn, and that is to invite EU members to observe the seal massacre, which will prove even more convincing than our video, which, by the way, is less than one year old, not 20 years old as in Mr. Hearn's deceitful claim. Most sincerely yours, Anthony Marr Vancouver, BC, Canada --------------------------------------------------------------------- Hearn invites EU members to observe seal hunt Fri. Sep. 1 2006 12:59 PM ET Canadian Press ST. JOHN'S, N.L. -- Canada's fisheries minister has chosen a novel way to persuade politicians in Belgium to reconsider a plan to ban imports of Newfoundland seal products. Loyola Hearn, in Brussels this week to meet with the European Union's fisheries commissioner to discuss foreign overfishing, said he reminded the Belgians of the many Canadian soldiers who lost their lives in Belgium during the First World War. The Newfoundland MP said an import ban would amount to "taking the livelihood away from a number of Canadians whose family members left their blood on the fields here in Belgium, Flanders fields and other places. "That got their attention,'' he told St. John's radio station VOCM. "But the thing is they are looking much more seriously at what we're saying and have agreed to look for the facts.'' Hearn said he extended an invitation to members of the European Parliament to visit Canada and learn more about the seal hunt. "I've sort of challenged them to look for the truth, for the facts, and to visit Canada to make up their own minds. Don't base their decisions on ... what they heard and seen from lobby groups who are using 20-year-old videos.'' Quel salaud ! Quel menteur !!!!!! Hearn said he raised the issue of the seal hunt after he learned that members of the Belgian Parliament were in the process of introducing legislation to ban the importation of seal products. Anthony Marr, founder Heal Our Planet Earth (HOPE) Compassion for Animals Road Expeditions (CARE) www.HOPE-CARE.org
Suite à cette nouvelle dans le forum animaux Amérique du Nord- Points importants concernant la visite du ministre Hearn en Belgique pour promouvoir les produits du phoque du Canada... -------------------------------- - Loyola Hearn invited members of the Belgian government to come to see the seal hunt for themselves, indicating if they could just see it, they would find it acceptable. But the fact is, they already have. A Belgian MP and Belgian Senator came out to the seal hunt in 2004, and this is one of the reasons the Belgian government is banning seal products. - A large number of Belgian journalists, including Belgium's leading newspapers and television stations, also witnessed the seal hunt firsthand in 2004. Those journalists interviewed DFO spokespeople and sealers during their stay in Canada and heard both sides of the argument. - Loyola Hearn's visit is nothing new - the Canadian government has spent a great deal of taxpayers' money sending DFO and Foreign Affairs representatives (people far more eloquent and convincing than Hearn) to Belgium to lobby against the pending ban. Nothing has swayed Belgium's resolve to ban seal products. - Belgium is a sovereign nation, and has the right to ban seal products if the majority of Belgians find seal products unacceptable. Canada should not be interfering with their intent to take action for seals.
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Contre la fête du Toro de la Vega
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Contre la fête du Toro de la Vega
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